Thuja As Alternative Medicine
Thuja is an alternative medicine that can be used internally and externally. It is used as a treatment for many medical conditions. It is often used in combination with antibiotics for the treatment of herpes sores.
- It is used as a remedy for glandular disorders and blood changes.
- It is a treatment for respiratory tract infections.
- It is an effective treatment for skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, corns, itchy skin and brown spots.
- It is a remedy for polyps and warts.
- It is a treatment for smallpox vaccination related side effects.
- It is used as a treatment for nail, skin, ear and foot fungus.
Thuja is available as capsules, oil, tincture and extract. Standard dosage is 36 mg a day. This herb is safe when the recommended dosages are adhered to. Pregnant or nursing women are to refrain from using this herb. Thuja is just as effective an alternative medicine for external health problems such as bedsores, burns and gangrene.