Saturday, May 31, 2008

Couchgrass As Alternative Medicine

Couchgrass As Alternative Medicine

Since the first century couchgrass has been used as an alternative medicine. It is also known as dog grass and couch or bermudagrass in Australia.

  1. It is a treatment for urinary tract, prostate and bladder infections such as urethritis and cystitis.
  2. It is a remedy for gastrointestinal complaints.
  3. It is a recommended treatment for gout.
  4. It is effective in treating liver and kidney infections.
  5. It is often combined with other herbs to treat rheumatism.

Couchgrass is available either hulled or unhulled. It is a non-toxic herb with no side effects. Even dogs recognize it for its medicinal properties. Dogs eat it when they are sick. Couchgrass is one of the very few herbs that can be safely taken as an alternative medicine in large doses on a regular basis.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cornsilk As Alternative Medicine

Cornsilk As Alternative Medicine

Cornsilk is an alternative medicine derived from the common vegetable, corn. It has been used for over a century for a variety of health problems.

  1. It is a treatment for edema.
  2. It is an effective treatment for bed wetting.
  3. It is used to lower blood pressure.
  4. It is a remedy for water retention.
  5. It can prevent frequent urination.
  6. It can help with weight loss and obesity.
  7. It is a treatment for urinary tract, kidney and bladder infections such as cystitis and kidney stones.

Cornsilk is available as capsules, tea, powder or extract. It is generally taken as a tea. An infusion can be made by steeping 2 teaspoonfuls of fresh or dried silk in 240 ml of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. Cornsilk is often combined with other herbs such as yarrow, bearberry, buchu and couchgrass to treat cystitis. For bed wetting it is used together with horsetail or agrimony.

This herb is safe to be used over long term. There are zero side effects when the standard dosages are taken. It is effective either in fresh or dried form. Pregnant or nursing women and young children must not take cornsilk. People who have kidney or liver diseases must also avoid this herb. Today cornsilk is an alternative medicine used mostly as a diuretic.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bayberry As Alternative Medicine

Bayberry As Alternative Medicine

Bayberry is one of the most useful herbs in alternative medicine. It is also called candleberry, wax myrtle and waxberry. In China the leaves are made into an infusion to ease stomach complaints.

  1. Its tea is an effective douche to treat excessive vaginal bleeding.
  2. It stimulates blood circulation.
  3. In poultice form it is used to treat skin disorders such as cuts, ulcers, wounds, bruises and insect bites.
  4. Snuffing bayberry powder can clear sinuses.
  5. It is a treatment for canker sore in the bowel, mouth, stomach and throat.
  6. It fights infection by inhibiting bacteria.
  7. It is a remedy for hemorrhages.
  8. It is effective in treating diarrhea, fever, coughs, colds and jaundice.
  9. It is a powerful decongestant and expectorant.

Bayberry is available as tea, capsules, liquid extract and powder. It is often used in combination with other herbs. To treat cholera it is mixed with ginger. For colds and fevers it is usually taken with capsicum. It is sometimes combined with peppermint, yarrow, sage or catnip to treat colds and flu. Its tea is also used as a wash for bleeding gums.

A tea can be made by steeping one teaspoonful of bayberry bark powder in 250ml of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. This herb must be used under an herbal practitioner’s instructions. Excess consumption can cause liver and kidney damage. However, bayberry is rarely used as an alternative medicine today.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Perilla As Alternative Medicine

Perilla As Alternative Medicine

Perilla is an alternative medicine used commonly in Chinese medicine. It belongs to the mint family and the Chinese used it to boost the immune system.

  1. It is used to treat lung complaints such as cough.
  2. It is a remedy for asthma and some allergies.
  3. It is a treatment for sunstroke, fever and nausea.
  4. It eases the symptoms of flu and cold.
  5. It is a remedy for morning sickness.

Perilla is available as seeds, powder, stems whole or dried. This herb is also often blended with other ingredients in herbal formulas. A tea or decoction can be made from the stem. The stem is used by pregnant women for morning sickness. Perilla stem is safe and have no side effects even in larges doses. The stem does not shown any interactions with drugs.

Standard dosage for perilla seeds is 5 to 10 grams a day. However, for anyone with breathing problems or coughs, avoid taking the seeds. The seeds are also not recommended for those with spleen deficiency related loose stools.

Most of the time medicinal herb is not recommended for use by expectant women. In this rare instance, Perilla is one alternative medicine that can be safely taken by women when pregnant.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Soapwort As Alternative Medicine

Soapwort As Alternative Medicine

Soapwort is an alternative medicine that has been used by mankind for more than 3000 years to the time of the Assyrians. Both its root and leaves are used for medicinal purposes. They are usually boiled in hot water and then strained.

  1. It is excellent treatment for skin disorders such as acne, eczema, boils and psoriasis.
  2. It is a remedy for gout, joint pain and rheumatic pain.
  3. It is effective for respiratory complaints such as bronchitis, coughs, flu and cold.
  4. It is an excellent expectorant.
  5. It is also a laxative and diuretic.

Soapwort is safe for external use. However, it must not be taken orally unless under the guidance and instructions by a trained practitioner. When taken in large doses it can be toxic and purgative. Some side effects are tremor, tongue paralysis and dry mouth. Expectant or nursing women must avoid this herb.

Soapwort as a medicinal plant has a long history. Soapwort is not an alternative medicine used much by modern herbalists because of its purgative properties.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ephedra As Alternative Medicine

Ephedra As Alternative Medicine

Ephedra is a well known alternative medicine used by the Chinese. It also goes by the names Squaw tea, Ma Huang and Mormon tea. This herb is used mainly to treat allergy conditions such as hay fever, asthma, sinusitis and nasal congestion. It is also excellent for cold and bronchitis.

Ephedra is not recommended for long term use. It must not be taken by anyone with fever or taken together with caffeine. Side effects for over use include high blood pressure, anxiety, weight loss, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, chest tightness, stroke, nervousness and even death. Ephedra is an alternative medicine that has to be used under strict professional instructions.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Pinkroot As Alternative Medicine

Pinkroot As Alternative Medicine

Pinkroot is an alternative medicine first introduced by the North American Indians. Other names for this plant are worm grass, Caroline pink and Maryland pinkroot. It was used as a laxative, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-diarrheic.

Today it is used solely to eliminate intestinal worms especially roundworms and tapeworms. It is generally used in combination with herbs such as fennel or senna to ensure the expulsion of pinkroot and the parasites from the intestines. This herb is toxic when taken in large doses. Side effects include dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations, convulsions, muscular spasms and even death. To use pinkroot as an alternative medicine effectively the proper dosage must be administered under professional instructions.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pokeweed As Alternative Medicine

Pokeweed As Alternative Medicine

Pokeweed is an alternative medicine that has been used for thousands of years. The North American Indians used it to treat ailments such as syphilis, cancer, itching, rheumatism and heart disorders. Other names for this herb are pigeon berry, inkberry and pokeberry.

  1. It is used to treat tonsillitis, swollen glands and sore throat.
  2. It is used to prevent pregnancy in women.
  3. It is a treatment for upper respiratory infections.
  4. It is an effective laxative.
  5. It alleviates arthritis and rheumatism related pain.
  6. It is a treatment for infections of the ovaries and testes.
  7. It is used to treat fungal and skin infections such as scabies and acne
  8. Many herbalists used it to treat an under active thyroid and goiter.

Pokeweed is available as powder, tincture, liquid extract and poultice. It is not safe when taken in high doses. Pregnant or nursing women should avoid using this herb. All parts of the pokeweed the berries, leaves and root can be used as alternative medicine.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Blackberry As Alternative Medicine

Blackberry As Alternative Medicine

Blackberry is an alternative medicine used by man since the times of ancient Greeks. It is also called goutberry and the Greeks used it to treat gout. During the Middle ages, its leaves were used to treat scalds and burns.

  1. It is used as a treatment for diabetes.
  2. It is effective in treating diarrhea and dysentery.
  3. Its leaves are a treatment for bleeding gums.
  4. It is a remedy for urinary and kidney stones.
  5. It is a preventative for heart disease.

Both the root and leaves are used for medicinal purposes. For bleeding gums the leaves are chewed. To treat skin disorders such as insect bites and wounds a poultice made from the leaves is applied to the affected area. For diarrhea and sore throat a tea from the leaves is recommended. The tea can be taken up to 3 times a day. To treat dysentery the normal remedy is blackberry syrup. Syrup can be made by blending a cup of water, 2 tbsp lemon juice, half cup of honey and 8 cups of the berries. Blackberry is another ancient alternative medicine that is still being used today.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Platycodon As Alternative Medicine

Platycodon As Alternative Medicine

Platycodon is an alternative medicine mainly used by the Chinese and Korean cultures. The Koreans used it to treat hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes. This herb is used in Chinese medicine to treat lung disorders, sinuses, ear, and eye and throat inflammation.

  1. It is a remedy for respiratory complaints such as asthma and bronchitis.
  2. It is a treatment for cough, cold and flu.
  3. It is effective in treating skin, lung and intestinal abscesses.
  4. It is a remedy for hepatitis in China.

Platycodon is available as root either cut or whole or powdered. Standard dosage is about 3 to 9 grams a day. Most herbalists recommend 6 grams of root powder a day. This herb is often used together with licorice in cough formulas. This herb can cause nausea in some individuals. Platycodon is an alternative medicine that is also used to treat sports injury.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Cleavers As Alternative Medicine

Cleavers As Alternative Medicine

Cleavers is an alternative medicine that has been used for centuries by the natives in many countries. It is also known as clivers, goose grass or bedstraw. In ancient times it was used mainly as a diuretic.

  1. It is a remedy for insomnia.
  2. It is effective in treating skin disorders such as psoriasis, burns, ulcers, sores, eczema, rashes, acne and wounds.
  3. It is a treatment for urinary disorders such as urinary tract infection.
  4. It is used to treat bladder and kidney complaints such as kidney stones, bladder infection and prostatitis.
  5. It is an effective treatment for swollen lymph glands and festering glands.
  6. It cleans the body of toxic wastes through sweating.
  7. It purifies the blood and keeps the blood vessels healthy.
  8. It is a topical treatment for fibrocystic breasts.
  9. It is a natural deodorant.
  10. It can control dandruff.

Cleavers is available as tea and tinctures. It is an herb that can be taken over a long period without adverse effect. It can also be used as a facial wash. For skin infections, bleeding and inflammation fresh leaves are applied onto the affected areas. People who are on diuretic medication must not take this herb at the same time. Cleavers is still used widely today as an alternative medicine by herbalists.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Bloodroot As Alternative Medicine

Bloodroot As Alternative Medicine

Bloodroot is an alternative medicine that has been used extensively by the North American Indians to treat rheumatism, fever and all kinds of skin infections. It is also known as coon root, red root and terrorwort.

  1. It is a remedy for bronchitis and asthma.
  2. It is an effective treatment for gingivitis, cough and throat infections.
  3. It is used to treat skin disorders such as warts, ringworm and fungal tumors.
  4. It is a treatment for venereal infections.

Bloodroot is available as dried root, tincture and mouthwash. It is often used in very small doses as large doses can be toxic. Standard dosage is less than one ml. An infusion is made by steeping one teaspoonful of powdered root in 250 ml of boiling water for 10 to 15 minutes. This tea can be taken 2 to 3 times a day.

This herb is not recommended for children, pregnant and nursing women. Vomiting, dizziness, nausea and vertigo are some of the possible side effects. The North American Indians used the juice from this plant to treat sore throat and cancer. However, bloodroot remains a less popular alternative medicine than many other herbs.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Jewelweed As Alternative Medicine

Jewelweed As Alternative Medicine

Jewelweed is an alternative medicine best known for treating poison ivy.

  1. It is also a remedy for stinging nettle.
  2. It is an effective treatment for skin disorders such as ringworm, heat rash, acne and bug bites.
  3. It is a treatment for razor burn.

To treat poison ivy use juice from its stem or squash some leaves and apply onto the affected area. Alternatively a poultice can be used to the same effect. Jewelweed is an alternative medicine for topical use only.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Chickweed As Alternative Medicine

Chickweed As Alternative Medicine

Chickweed is a plant that has been used as an alternative medicine in many folk remedies to treat various ailments. It is also known as starweed. The leaves, stems and flowers of the plant are used for medicine.

It is a treatment for chest infections, rheumatism, asthma, fever and cough.

  1. It is used to treat digestive problems such as constipation.
  2. It is used to treat eye complaints such as sties, sore eyes and pinkeye.
  3. It is an effective external treatment for skin disorders such as nappy rash, sores, wounds, cuts, ulcers, bites and bruises.
  4. It improves thyroid function.
  5. It balances the body’s metabolism.

Eating chickweed raw is the best way to use this herb. Recommended dosage is one or two handfuls a day. It is not recommended for use by expectant or nursing women. If it is taken in excess it could cause vomiting and diarrhea. This herb does not appear to have any interactions with prescription medicine or other herbal products. Chickweed is an alternative medicine with a long history and a folk remedy for obesity.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Calamus As Alternative Medicine

Calamus As Alternative Medicine

Calamus has been used as an alternative medicine since the time of the ancient Greeks. It was also used by the North American natives such as the Dakotas and early settlers as a treatment for different ailments ranging from diseases of the eye to diabetes.

  1. It is a remedy for digestive complaints such as colic, upset stomach, dysentery and indigestion.
  2. It is a remedy for mental problems such as anxiety.
  3. It is an effective treatment for asthma and bronchitis.
  4. It is a painkiller for headache, chest pain and rheumatism.
  5. It stimulates the nervous system and increases memory.
  6. It is used externally to treat gum disease and other mouth disorders.
  7. It is a remedy for epilepsy and muscle spasms.

The root of this plant is the part used for medicinal purposes. It can be used as a tea or with other herbs as kolanut and guarana. For laryngitis it is used together with platycodon. To treat deafness this herb is combined with turmeric. Magnolia is generally used in combination with calamus to treat congestion of the chest. Calamus is one alternative medicine herb that is used extensively in both Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Vacha As Alternative Medicine

Vacha As Alternative Medicine

Vacha is an alternative medicine used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is an herb well-known for the nervous system.

  1. It is a treatment for amnesia.
  2. It is a remedy for spleen disorders.
  3. It is a sedative to calm the nervous system and to promote good sleep.
  4. It is used to treat mouth diseases.
  5. It is effective in treating fever, headache and vomiting.
  6. It is a treatment for dyspepsia and habitual constipation.
  7. It is used to treat difficulty in passing urine.

A standard dosage is 125 to 500 mg of vacha in powder form. It is a very effective herb that shows result very quickly. Vacha is an alternative medicine that is also used to treat hysteria and insanity.