Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Healthy eating - asparagus

The culture of asparagus has a long history dating back 2000 years, when the Egyptians grows for its medicinal properties and health. It also has connections to ancient Rome and the Greece. Asparagus is the kind of asparagus and species a. officinalis. Asparagus is a unique plant of plants in the family Asparagaceae.

Asparagus is generally green in color, but has a purple cultivar. Purple cultivar will remain purple if steamed or stir fried but can return to the green when boiled or baked too long. White asparagus comes from the same plant as the green. All asparagus is to start with the white and green changes when in the light of the Sun. White asparagus is allowed to grow underground. When councils begin showing through the mounds of soil pile it is harvested by digging autour of the base of the Crown and cut.

In the ancient Greece and Rome, the name asparagus was invented by the old-Persian word asparag. Asparag means "shoot". Over the years, it is known by several names, including Sperage, Sparagus and Sparrow grass.

Young shoots of asparagus are eaten.

Asparagus has no cholesterol, is very low in calories and very little salt. It is rich in vitamins A, C, E and k. It is a rich source of thiamine, rutin, riboflavin, niacin, iron, manganese acid, phosphorus, copper, folic acid, selenium and potassium.

Asparagus crowns are planted about 30 cm (1 ft) in a lightweight rich sandy soil. Given ideal conditions, an asparagus spear can grow up to almost a foot within 24 hours. The growth period is relatively short, however, lived with a plant to around 6 to 8 weeks of the year. If not collected at harvest is completed on spears left will increase in ferns and can produce berries.

Asparagus newly planted are generally left for about 3 years before harvest. The plants will survive usually of 10 to 15 years of harvesting time.

They are a very versatile vegetable, found in stir fries and other Asian dishes, such as an entry in salads and grilled. Asparagus can be purchased in cans that makes them an ideal food for camping, hiking or to keep as spare parts in the closet for a rainy day.

Asparagus in food health and supplements can also be found. Its high nutritional value makes it an ideal ingredient in super foods and vitamin supplements. As a victim of arthritis, I found that my symptoms are milder, when I have asparagus in my diet.

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