Thursday, August 23, 2012

Herbs For Weight Loss - Important Information

Herbs have been used for thousands of years, and herbs for weight loss are becoming more popular these days as people are looking for a more natural approach to getting healthy and losing weight. They can also be dangerous if not used correctly, so please, always consult your physician before taking them.

Green Tea

You can find these herbs for weight loss just about everywhere, but one thing you need to know is a lot are copycat products and do not contain enough green tea to do any good. Just because it says contains green tea on the label does not mean it will benefit you. The best way to get enough green tea is by drinking one hundred percent green tea two to three times per day. Replacing coffee with this tea is very beneficial.

Citrus Aurantium

Used by the Chinese, it is a thermogenic which increases the body temperature and decreases the appetite. There are cautions with this herbal supplement. Do not take if you are being treated for any heart condition or blood pressure. They recommend taking this supplement alone for the first couple days to see how you react to it.


Said to decrease appetite and increase the metabolism, this herb is popular among herbs for weight loss. It can be found in a lot of herbal diet pills. A word of caution. Do not drink coffee when taking this product. It is in itself a caffeine factory.


This is said to enhance the thyroid which will boost the metabolism. Before taking any thyroid enhancers, consult with your physician. This cannot be stressed enough. If you have a low thyroid your doctor can perform tests. Then you may decide for yourself whether to take synthetic thyroid or go with the natural herbs for weight loss.

Hoodia Gordonii

This herb is becoming popular for weight loss. Grown in Africa, it has been used by the bushmen for hundreds of years. If you are diabetic you should avoid taking Hoodia as it will trick the brain into thinking it has adequate blood sugar levels.


By getting enough fiber in the diet you will feel full without adding calories. You can get fiber by eating apples, oatmeal, pears and beans. Be sure to drink enough water to avoid constipation and other digestive problems.

There are many other herbs for weight loss, and finding the right ones for you will take some time. They can be helpful if taken as directed and with advise of a physician.

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