Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pau D'Arco As Alternative Medicine

Pau D'Arco As Alternative Medicine

Pau D'Arco is a tree in South America with a long history as an alternative medicine. The inhabitants throughout the Amazon used this plant for a wide range of health problems.

  1. It is an herbal medicine for cancer.
  2. It is an antiviral used to treat flu, herpes, hepatitis and colds.
  3. It is an antibacterial for the treatment of vaginitis, sexually transmitted diseases, fungal and yeast infection.
  4. It is an immune system enhancer.
  5. With its blood purifying properties it is effective in treating skin diseases such as psoriasis, ulcers, wounds, boils, eczema and dermatitis.
  6. It is also an effective treatment for arthritis, parasites, diabetes, allergies, toothache, backache, fever, malaria, anemia and respiratory problems.
  7. It has the ability to lessen the side effects caused by antibiotics.

Pau D'Arco is a safe and non toxic herb. It is available as tablets, powdered bark, dried bark, capsules, tinctures and extracts. Pau D'Arco is generally consumed as a tea. It is a great blood detoxifier and cleanser. Because of the abilities of Pau D'Arco to ease pain caused by cancer the Argentina government gives this herb freely to cancer patients. Pau D'Arco is indeed a most valuable alternative medicine to keep at home.

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