Monday, May 19, 2008

Pinkroot As Alternative Medicine

Pinkroot As Alternative Medicine

Pinkroot is an alternative medicine first introduced by the North American Indians. Other names for this plant are worm grass, Caroline pink and Maryland pinkroot. It was used as a laxative, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-diarrheic.

Today it is used solely to eliminate intestinal worms especially roundworms and tapeworms. It is generally used in combination with herbs such as fennel or senna to ensure the expulsion of pinkroot and the parasites from the intestines. This herb is toxic when taken in large doses. Side effects include dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations, convulsions, muscular spasms and even death. To use pinkroot as an alternative medicine effectively the proper dosage must be administered under professional instructions.

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