Mullein As Alternative Medicine
Mullein has been a valued alternative medicine since ancient times. It is also called great mullein, common mullein, velvet dock, mullein dock and Aaron's-rod. This herb is well known for treating childhood ailments such as chickenpox, tonsillitis and mumps.
- Mullein oil is an effective remedy for earache.
- It is a treatment for sore throat, dry coughs and hoarseness.
- It is used to treat glandular swellings and sprains.
- It is a remedy for bronchitis, pneumonia, colds and flu.
- It is excellent for sore joints and aching muscles.
- It is used to treat asthma and allergies.
- It is a relaxant to treat stress.
Mullein is commonly taken as a tea or infusion. The leaves can be made into a poultice to treat sprains and swellings. It is often used in combination with other herbs such as thyme, lobelia, sage, chamomile, marjoram, elder, red clover, white horehound and coltsfoot. To treat mumps, chickenpox and measles it is blended with catnip. This herb is used with licorice and uva ursi to give relief to coughs. For earaches soak some mullein flowers in olive oil.
This herb is non toxic even pregnant or nursing women can use it. Side effects are very rare. The only known side effect reported is skin irritation. It is not recommended for people that are on diabetic drugs as this herb will inhibit the effectiveness of the medications. Today mullein remains the best known alternative medicine used by herbalists to treat coughs, colds and sore throat.