Alternative medicine has gotten a lot of bad press over the years from the medical profession, but it has been proven to work. It is now growing fast, with thousands of options out there, but how on earth do you choose just one treatment?
The causes of your hair loss
If you have trouble keeping your hair on your head rather than in your hair brush, your enzymes might be out of whack. In your body, you have specific enzymes that sometimes go out of your body's control, this leads to your locks leaving your head. I
f they are out of control, they could cause the hormone DHT, and several others, to be present in excess. Not a good thing at all- DHT binds itself to your hair follicles, and eventually causes them to experience an untimely death.
Choosing the right treatment
The key to finding the best alternative medical treatment for your hair loss worries, is understanding how they actually work. Their basis comes down to the ingredients and authenticity.
The problem with the alternative health market, as with the conventional health market, is that there are many products out there that are very low in quality, and will do nothing at all to prevent your lusciously lovely locks from falling out of your head.
Your best bet to combat your hair loss problems, is to find an alternative medicine that encompasses ingredients of the highest quality that have been proven to combat the problem.
I would recommend any of the following:
Vitamin B
Saw Plametto
Horsetail Silica
Each of these ingredients on their own have been proven to help remedy hair loss. If however, you decide to take one or two of them in conjunction with one another, or even all of them at the same time, you will probably have a cocktail of success in your hands. Your hair worries will vastly improve it seems, not bad for adding a few extra supplement to your diet.
The ingredients that you want could be gender specific, depending on the cause of your condition. That means you have the responsibility of educating yourself, on the specific cause, and then of course remedy for your condition. You want to make sure that you are making your problems better rather than worse.
I myself have discovered that alternative medicine for hair loss works well for both men and women with hair loss problems. Particularly a product called Provillus. It has helped me and could help you too.
I am not disputing the helpfulness of traditional remedies by any stretch of the imagination, I am only recommending to you, what has surely helped me with my problems.
Why not look into it and see for yourself?
In searching for more information on the causes of sudden hair loss I found a great website called I found this invaluable in finding a solution to my problem and if you or someone close to you suffers from this then you should check it out now.