Posted on Aug 05, 2010 | 0 Comments
Auricolotherapy is also known as ear acupuncture and is an alternative therapy based on the understanding that the ear is a type of micro-system of the entire body and the body suffer with some manipulation of the ear can be healed.
While the roots of the Auricolotherapy are acupuncture in the ancient Chinese art, it was a French neurologist Paul Nogier developed this system of healing in the 1950s and it is considered an offshoot of the phrenology. Many ancient civilizations have the belief that the ears with associated other body and their suggestion or piercing health benefit can.
For example pierce many communities in India routinely earlobe of male and female babies soon after birth as this is beneficial for health and it is today.
Some experts also claim that references to the use of ear stimulation medical reasons in ancient texts from Rome, Egypt and Greece.
While Auricolotherapy is like acupuncture in some ways it differs in others.
In Auricolotherapy, the auricle or other ear is treated with Acupuncture needles or with electrical stimulation of external ear reflex points or other forms of stimulation such as ear pellets, magnets, laser, and so on.
A complete organization of Ear reflex points , promoted to alleviate a range of different body complaints is Auricolotherapy practitioners.
Although there are dispute his effectiveness of which the scientific community, there is some evidence to show that people are using and so draw from Auricolotherapy, in the same way as biofeedback, reflexology, acupressure, chiropractic manipulation.
The conditions that Auricolotherapy most commonly for the treatment of used are:
Some types of chronic pain will help you be relieved by narrowing in the tissues to muscles in spasm reliving.Control and lowering blood pressure is one of the advantages. nausea relief can also be obtained.This treatment can be used as part of a process-detoxification treatment or rehabilitation for those who want to recover from drug abuse.Depression or mood errors can be resolved, to an extent with Auriculotherapy.Sciatic pain can also find relief using this alternative Therapie.Tinnitus can also be seen with the help of the Auriculotherapy.Many other applications of this therapy available and can for a number of other diseases as well as be used. Top 3 benefits of acupuncture of TreatmentThe benefits of using Su Jok TherapyThe uses and benefits of complementary TherapyThe ancient art of Chinese massage and its BenefitsTop 5 benefits of Yoga-relaxation-top 10 benefits of Reiki massageposted in: acupuncture View the original article here
Resource box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd - freelance writer and Web consultant for, in collaboration with - educational resources for natural healing schools, alternative medicine schoolsand other natural healing schools.
I am shocked by reducing the use of medicinal herbs for skin and overall health. There are many excellent herbal skin care products out there, but our conventional medicine has moved us far away from the use of herbs which seems the only thing that we think about cooking now-a-days.
What a pity. Herbs have healing gift of nature for many thousands of years. More supplies, including our own, have used them for medicine by modern medical discoveries and research diverted our attention from them. Medicinal herbs of the skin is one of the few areas that might which is still open discussed.
Ironically, medical research projects often study herbs and healthy properties. But the findings are often disguised in scientific words and packaged in appearance of synthetic modern medicine-like, so you don't always see that what we're using is as a herbal remedy from a mythical jungle vine by an Indian in one-frame cloth up to Amazon. Medicinal herbs for skin is an exception, as I said earlier.
Our relationship with nature have also been reduced by moving from the countryside into cities began to convert the West since the industrial revolution 150 years ago, and is now a huge numbers of poor in the slums of gigantic cities in the Middle East and Asia.
Something important has been lost. We have an illness-approach to our health. When we are hit with a disease we go to a doctor. Not before. Instead to receive medical assistance in maintaining our health, we expect something that seems to us, and then try to prevent this.
What is back to front, and completely the opposite of what our forefathers did when they had a slower and healthier life and simple, useful exercise in daily procedures above pre-industrial Europe eat unprocessed foods. Medicinal herbs used for skin and health, and while they could not cure cancer, or to us.
Herbal medicine from total health holistically. This is certainly true with herbal skin care products. Uses the natural herbs to live as healthy, in order to prevent diseases.
Of course, just because something is not found in nature automatically useful. Here in New Zealand, where I live, there are native plants that grow along the edges of forests and streams that have such a strong poison that die strong cattle, eating the shiny green leaves.
But when herbs are collected carefully have a natural ability to heal and prevent illness and disease with strengthening and maintaining the body's own healing powers. And for something as visible as the skin, this is wonderful. Fortunately, medicinal herbs for skin is well documented and well known and can be found is quality creams and lotions that care for our skin.
Watch the tags, though. Read the comments. Sometimes vegetable products that claim to contain medicinal herbs for the care of the skin do not bear the active ingredients that claim. Or include them in small quantities (as a speculative strategy) is ineffective.
Alarmingly, toxic chemicals are often cheaper, mass personal care products as a way to make them smell beautiful and last longer than storage shelves.
For example, blue No. 1 is a widely used artificial colours that have proven to be carcinogenic in animal studies.
DMDM hydantoin is another example. The preservative formaldehyde often drops that can cause skin reactions, allergies, headaches, chronic fatigue and sleep loss.
In conclusion, medicinal herbs and herbal supplements will benefit your health. Nor does it replace a balanced diet of good food, of course. But carefully selected and blended herbs promote your body's immune system and help you maintain good health. I recommend you find a good herbal skin care products and begin to use them to maintain and strengthen the overall level of skin health.
William Leonard writing expertise for skin care and skin care products from www.elegant-skincare.comweb site. To read more about skin care and see our recommendations for care products medicinal herbs for skin running, click now.
The use of grapes and its oil can be traced back to the early Egyptian civilisation. The sap from the grapevine was used for various medicinal benefits including treatments for small pox and cancer. The grape seed oil has been in use since several decades. The oil is actually the by- product that is left after the wine-making process.
The grape seed oil is mainly produced in Italy though it is also manufactured in other parts of the country such as Argentina, Spain and France. It is identified as light colored oil which is thin in consistency. It has a nutty flavour and a sweet smell. The early European folk healers used the seed oil to cure diseases such as cholera, cancer, sore eyes, constipation, liver and kidney diseases. Medicinal Benefits of Grape seed Oil
Grape seed oil has a number of medicinal values in addition to being an excellent ingredient in many of the tasty dishes. Let us discuss the vital benefits of consuming this unique product of grapes. Antioxidant: It is an excellent source of antioxidants which protects the body from various free radicals. The free radicals in the body can cause many types of diseases such as heart attacks, cancer, premature aging and so forth. The seeds of the grapes contain an antioxidant known as Resveratrol, which helps to elevate the antioxidant level in the body. Cholesterol levels: The consumption of grape seed oil is proven to reduce LDL or bad cholesterol and helps to increase HDL which is known as good cholesterol required to prevent heart diseases. Grapes contain Flavonoids which prevent heart diseases by reducing the oxidation levels. Cancer: Grape extracts are believed to prevent the growth of cancer cells and can be used as an effective treatment against various types of cancer. It prevents the spread and growth of cancer in the colon, lungs and stomach. It also reduces the harmful effects of chemotherapy by controlling liver damages. Anti- histamine and anti inflammatory: Grape seed oil is known to prevent asthma attacks and allergies as it suppresses histamine which is produced by the body during allergic reactions. It can also be used to treat cuts and burns. The consumption of this oil reduces the severity of abdominal cramps and pains associated with pancreatitis. Skin problems: Grape seed oil contains linoleic acid which promotes skin nourishments and repair. It helps to tighten the skin and reduces the effect of aging process. It acts as an excellent moisturiser and protects the skin from the harmful effects of the sun. It is therefore used in sun screen lotions, lip balms and creams. Common skin problems such as acne and pimples can be treated effectively with the use of this natural oil.
Grape seed oil is also used for cooking as it has a sweet nutty aroma which is quiet pleasing. It can be used for frying and baking dishes. As it has the lowest fat content, it can be used in all dishes due to its neutral flavour. As it is available in different forms, it can be consumed as a natural supplement to boost overall health.
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Constipation is a common problem especially among western cultures. Usually it consists of incomplete, infrequent or difficult bowel movements. For some people, constipation is a constant problem and for some people constipation is a temporary problem. Causes of constipation are different for different people and their effect on different people is also different. Causes of constipation are not related with single factor.
After knowing the cause of the constipation, it is necessary to find remedy for constipation. If you know the exact cause of the constipation then it becomes easier to get rid off from it. Before applying the remedy for constipation it is necessary to find out the source of the constipation.
It is a very simple process to eliminate or control constipation. If you are eating improper or wrong type of food then you may suffer from irritable bowel movement with hypothyroidism and constipation.
Some life style habits are also responsible for the cause of constipation like -
1. Ignoring the urge to go for a bowel movement
2. Consuming low-fiber diet
3. Insufficient drinking of liquids
4. Taking supplements of iron and calcium
5. Feeling a lot of stress
6. Intake of medicines like painkillers
Some of the medical conditions which are also responsible for constipation like pregnancy, diabetes, hypothyroidism, irritable bowel syndrome and the problems related with muscles, nerves in the rectum, anus.
Some of the remedies you must follow to get rid from constipation -
1. Grapeseed oil is one of the remedy for constipation. Intake of lemon water and a table spoon of grapeseed oil are very effective for treatment for constipation.
2. Consumption of more and more fibers is responsible to cure constipation. Fibers help to form bulky and soft stools which are found in many vegetables, grains and fruits. Make a habit to add some fiber in your diet regularly. Foods which have very low fiber or no fiber like ice cream, cheese, pizza, snacks like chips and processed foods like frozen dinners and mashed potato are responsible for constipation.
3. Doing regular exercises helps our digestive system to stay healthy and active. Make a habit to exercise minimum for 20-30 minutes.
4. Intake of plenty of water also contributes to cure constipation. Drinking lots of water at least 8-10 glasses of water result into soft and heavy stool.
5. If you feel urge for bowel movement then immediately visit the rest room.
6. Some medicines are also responsible for constipation. So ask your doctor before taking such type of medicines.
Essential oils are oils from plants and flowers. Essential oils, that have E.O.O.B.D. on their bottles, are Board Certified Oils. This means that they are pure and have not been cut with other oils or perfumes.
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years. In years past these oils were used much like we would use our medicines and antibiotics today. They were potent then and they are potent now, as great anti bacterial, anti fungal, and anti viral alternative remedies.
Some of these oils can be used as seasonings in food; special care being taken to assure one does not over season the food, due to it's potency. Usually just a drop at a time is all one should add and then follow up with the taste test before adding more.
These oils are very potent. As a matter of fact, doctors in Europe prescribe these oils for patients instead of antibiotics, right now as we speak. The Pharmaseutical companies cast a blind eye to these wondrous oils; preferring to line their pockets with the monies from antibiotics. What is so wonderful about these oils is they are derived directly from Nature and have no harmful side effects. Because they are natural, people do not build up an immunity to them, like they do with antibiotics. The Aromatherapy Oils are cut severely with other oil and have perfume added, making them less healing and more aromatic.
The oils can be a little costly, but they last and last, because of their potency and the fact that you would only use a drop or two at a time. They have no shelf life as long as they are kept in dark bottles and kept in moderate temperatures out of the sun. Since only drops are used they last a very long time.
I became interested out of sheer panic, as I am allergic to many of the antibiotics. My mind wondered what I would do, should I ever really get something that required antibiotics I could not have. Well, sure enough, the inevitable happened and I ended up with a 'Staph' infection. What I needed for my staph infection was very strong and needed to be cut with a Carrier Oil; in this case the carrier oil was Grapeseed. This is to make sure that our delicate skin is not burned by the potency of the oils. This was really scary for me because this staph is the same kind of bacteria tha gangrene is composed of, so this infection was nothing to laugh about.
Because I feel for those who are like me...allergic to so many of the drugs that our doctors prescribe for us, I have found these oils and wanted to bring them to your attention, for you to check out. These days it is always nice to have an alternative health remedy on hand. You can go to this site: to check out what they have, and what they do. The owner of this company is also the founder of these oils and is always happy to talk with you about their benefits. He is always willing and excited to assist.
I am so grateful that there still people available who genuinely want to help people with their health issues, by using alternative methods versus antibiotics. The antibiotics only treat symptoms and not the cause. These oils get at the cause of the malady.
I hope this article has made you more aware that there are alternative ways to address health issues that may be coming our way. They have been here forever, but we have just set them aside in favor of antibiotics...but sometimes those antibiotics are more harm than good, with all the side effects.
Submitted by: Ruth Ota
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The genera of Aloes has over 250 varieties, but only four have significant healing or medicinal properties. The most commonly grown for its high potency is the Aloe barbadensis miller genus and in common parlance called the Aloe vera plant. Alloeh, an Arabic word for "Shining bitter substance" may be the root word for Aloe, while the Latin word vera meaning "true" is the source of the word itself as is used. Thus in essence it can be called the true shining bitter plant which is so appropriate to those who know it and use it. Aloes are tropical plants and even though resembles the cactus family actually belong to the Liliacae family which includes onions, garlic, lily, tulip and asparagus.
The Aloe vera plant is made up of brush like roots which are underground while the thick leaves grow straight out of the ground in a rosette pattern which is wide at the base and tapers to the tip forming the lancelot leaf shape. The leaves have thorn like barbs all along the edges and as new leaves spring out from the center the outer ones spread out giving it a clump like look. At full maturity the Aloe leaf is known to get to 2-3feet(60-90cm) in length and could weigh 3-4Ibs(1-2Kg) especially for the commercially grown plants. The Aloe vera plant can be grown both indoors and outdoors.
The goodness of the Aloe vera plant is in the leaves. The outer green skin is bitter and usually peeled off to harvest the gel like opaque pulp. The green skin contains a substance called aloin which gives it the bitter taste and if used in small quantities is a powerful purgative. In the pulp or gel lies the miracle of all times.
Long before the advent of modern medicine and the development of pharmaceutical drugs, the ancient civilization for centuries used Aloe vera plant for successful treatment of a host of internal and external ailments. After centuries of pushing natural remedies to the background in favor of pharmaceutical medicine in these modern era, the escalation of side effects caused by these chemically based medications got the medical world concerned enough to go back to the basics. Nowadays the medical profession is introducing the general public to a more holistic approach to healing with greater emphasis on the use of natural products and remedies. The awareness of the role good nutrition plays in maintaining a healthier lifestyle is creating a huge shift from orthodox medicine to alternative therapies, mostly natural remedies.
One of these natural remedies making great waves is the gel from the Aloe vera plant which contains a compendium of health promoting substances such as the essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes and phytochemicals. Over a hundred and still counting of these nutritional compounds have been discovered by scientists and these work synergistically to provide the diverse beneficial effects making it an all round tonic or better still a treasure chest of good nutrients, hence the name given to it, the miracle plant.
Do you know that every single cell in your body is made from the food you eat. For this obvious reason nutrition is considered the cornerstone of health. Good nutritional therapy is the medicine of the future. If doctors of today do not become nutritionist, the nutritionist will become the doctors of tomorrow. Is it not a shame that we only take notice of our bodies when things start going wrong and then rush off to the doctors expecting a miracle prescription? If we only realize that it is not our last meal that makes us sick, but our last thousand upon thousand meals which if not nutritionally nourishing and toxic free that has gradually built up and disorganized the cell compositions, we will watch carefully what we ingest. It is almost like a feature found in the computer called wysiwyg an acronym for what you see is what you get. In the human system, same applies. what you take becomes you. Lots of junk foods overtime makes the body behave like junk. Conversely, if you watch your diet and eat nutritionally balanced meals, you will certainly reap the benefits.
The medicine of tomorrow will be from natures pharmacy of nutrients found in living foods, to correct the body's chemistry and restore wellness. The Aloe vera plant is one of these living foods. I have known and read extensively as well as used this plant for over thirty years. I now want to share and propagate the wonders of what Mother nature has given us through this appropriately called miracle plant.
Lets get back to the basics. There is so much to know about this plant. Join me in the journey.
You will agree with me that change is difficult especially when a habit has been cultivated over a long period of time. This change is for the best. Right from a tender age I have been intrigued with the beauty of nature all around me, the breathtaking sceneries, the cloud formations in the sky, the trees and plants with their different looks and shapes. I have watched so many dogs go sniffing around in the lawn until they find the appropriate plant and nibble at it when they do not feel good and wondered how they know which to eat to take care of their ailment. I believe Mother Nature has provided all we need for food and medicine in the world and all is left for us to do is harness it. Follow me Anne Egwele on this life changing journey by learning more of the Aloe vera plant on my blog, This is an exercise you will never regret. Jump on board with me.
Are you looking for some natural remedies for your skin problems or other health issues like lack of energy or Irritable Bowel Syndrome or something else? Then probably Aloe Vera is the best natural resource for all sorts of troubles that need medication.
Aloe vera plant is popular in treating the different types of injuries including scald and surgical wounds with tremendous efficiency in a shorter span of time. This natural remedy also works miraculously on various skin troubles like rashes, inflammations, athlete's foot, fungal infections, urticaria, sores, blisters and insect bites etc. Aloe Vera is quite effective when it is used to treat more complicated problems like vaginal infection or conjunctivitis.
There are medicines containing Aloe Vera that facilitates the recovery from allergic eruptions on skin and also nourishing the dry and lifeless skin. Nowadays you will find many Aloe Vera medicines which cure Sun burns, acne, frost bite, psoriasis, eczema etc. If the wrinkles on the face are upsetting you then Aloe creams and lotions are best medicines to combat them.
In fact Aloe Vera is a promising ingredient in the AIDS medicines as they have certain properties that improve the immunity power in human body which is widely affected by AIDS virus. They are also being tried in treating Cancer. Some researches say that they are quite good in fighting obesity and diabetes. Arthritis, heart-burn and acute asthma patients can also expect faster recovery with Aloe Vera.
Some people who suffering from hepatitis or other urinary system disorders have been benefited from this plant. The general forms of Aloe Vera medicines are lotions, ointments, sprays, tablets and capsules. But be sure about the composition and authenticity of the product before using it.
For more information about Aloe Vera, Kenny, the author invites you to visit Learn what exactly is this plant and the 10 great reasons for taking Aloe Vera.
Ulcers are actually referred to as open gashes that crop up in the digestive tract tissues. Ulcers have become a universal problem today and the most common kind of ulcers are peptic ulcers that develop in the stomach and duodenal ulcers that crop up in the small intestine. Ulcers can create holes in the tummy and one of the best solutions for ulcers is Aloe Vera.
Aloe Vera is medicinal plant that has its roots in South Africa. It is green in color and has long and thick leaves just like a cactus. It belongs to the lily family and is actually called the lily of the desert. It consists of eighteen amino acids and is famous for its healing ability.
Aloe has both anti- inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties which help to lower the pain and uneasiness that occurs from an ulcer as well as combats the alien invaders that become a menace to the digestive tract. Aloe-Vera is extremely important for the healthy functioning of the digestive system. Aloe has been discovered to be very good for the liver also which in turn helps to make the digestive system strong and prevent the development of ulcers. Hence it is just like a miracle cure for the treatment of dreaded ulcers.
So one of the best ways to combat ulcers is to consume a glassful of Aloe Vera juice before food. Suppose you cannot get attuned to its taste, you can use Aloeride that is a pharmaceutical grade, 100% pure Aloe Vera tablet that has been found to be very effective. Aloeride can either be purchased through the net or with a doctor's prescription.
So if you are a victim of ulcers and have not tried Aloe Vera yet, ask your doctor about it and try using it. Aloe is sure to help you combat your problem of ulcers.
Aloe Vera products have great medicinal value and can be used to cure skin diseases, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease etc. You can find out more about it at
The word Aloe is a genus of plant family among which Aloe Barbadensis Miller is the most well known plant. The plant is found in warm, dry climates, including southern US and Australia. The human race for thousands of years has gotten a lot of benefits from this plant; with benefits know both internally and externally. It has been used by both man and animals alike. Aloe Vera grows up to a length of maximum four feet and is tough having fleshly and spear like leaves which can grow up to a length of about 36 inches.
The Aloe Vera plant is largely used for its medicinal properties, and has over 200 active constituents, such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids. It is highly beneficial due to its usage in making different types of medicines and salves which are used to help various types of ailments. Aloe Vera benefits a large and wide group of the cosmetics industry which in terms uses its medicinal value for helping various skin ailments.
The benefits of this plant are widely known throughout the world because of its multi utility purpose and specifically the juice which is extracted from the leaves of the plants. The juice from the leaves is made up of 99 percent water along with other substances specially known as glycoprotein and poly saccharine. Aloe Vera benefits in the speeding up of the healing process by stopping pain and inflammation due to its content of glycoprotein where as poly saccharine helps in skin growth and repair by stimulating it. It also helps by stimulating the immune system of human beings.
The benefits of this plant are specifically seen in its juice which is especially available in raw form by breaking up the leaves of the plant or in commercial forms available in ointments, creams and lotions readily available in the market. The gel is also available on the market in the form of juice, tablets, capsules, creams, ointments etc. The Aloe gel has a lot of medicinal properties and can be used both for internal and external use by the human body.
While taken internally Aloe Vera benefits in helping certain complicated stomach and alimentary canal ailments where as when applied externally Aloe juice benefits by helping certain types of skin diseases like sun burns, dark spots, and any type of injuries. Not only it helps in aiding in healing for skin problems, but also helps in healing and repairing the skin of that area. In a most recent study it reveals that Aloe Vera can be used to help heat ailments and also heart burn along with skin disorders and wounds. The properties found in the gel helps to soothe the skin in a burn, like sunburn, and in a wound it helps to speed the body's natural rebuilding capabilities.
The Aloe plant has been in continuous use from a very long period of time particularly due to its medicinal properties. This article mainly aims to give the readers a brief idea of different kinds of Aloe Vera benefits and how these ailments are helped by the use of the Aloe juice. Always consult a physician if you have medical conditions, either internal or external.
Jeffrey Drudge is the owner of This website is designed to give you information about the benefits of Aloe Vera juice, and of this wonderful plant's many uses. Learn more about Aloe Vera Benefits for Constipation and how this amazing plant can help you.
Most of us are aware of the medicinal uses of aloe vera as it packs quite a history. Native to Africa, aloe vera is also known as the medicine plant with mysterious abilities to heal wounds. For centuries, this miracle plant has been recognized for its healing properties of aloe vera for treating various skin conditions such as cuts, burns and eczema.
The aloe vera plant is quite versatile. To this day, it is used by African hunters to reduce perspiration and lessen their scent. While this may not be a prerequisite for most of us, there are more than 200 types of the aloe vera plant available and most of them are considered nutritious and effective.
Medicinal Uses of Aloe Vera as a Home Remedy Medicine
If you already use an all natural aloe vera facial moisturizer cream or an aloe vera body cream, you probably have noticed they are different. If you are not familiar with aloe vera creams, this is an excellent alternative, especially for those looking for anti-aging or anti-wrinkle benefits. From my own experience, I love this stuff because it dries fast, it's not sticky and it does not have an overpowering scent. Plus, it's inexpensive. The healing properties of aloe vera are immense and should be something you look for in any skin care moisturizer cream.
Aloe Plant for Burns
An amazing gift of nature, every household should have aloe vera in the medicine cabinet of their home to be used as a home remedy medicine. The most frequent medicinal use of the aloe plant is as a topical gel. The benefits of aloe vera gel to treat burns and minor wounds range from diminishing inflammation and swelling, relieving pain and lessening the chance of possible infection. Studies show that frequent use of an aloe vera based gel will actually speed the healing process.
Some people keep an aloe vera plant in their kitchen to treat cooking burns when they happen. An aloe plant is quite easy to grow--all it needs is a little bit of water, some natural light and a warm place to live.
Uses of Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe vera juice can be found in topical lotions, shampoos and creams which contribute to skin softening. You can also drink aloe vera juice directly or added to other liquid. People who ingest aloe vera find relief from many digestive problems, such as peptic ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's Disease and heartburn and reflux. When taken internally, aloe vera juice can sooth stomach irritation by restoring and maintaining balance of stomach acids. This results in improved digestive functions and absorption of proper nutrients.
By rinsing your mouth with aloe vera juice, or rubbing your gums with aloe vera gel or even using aloe vera toothpaste, the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera have shown to be very effective in actually healing gums and eliminating gum disease. Even severe cases of gum disease have been known to be completely cured by using aloe vera gel.
The medicinal uses of Aloe Vera are never-ending: healthier, more beautiful skin; relief from digestive problems; a boost to your immune system; or simply an overall feeling of wellbeing. You, too, can enjoy the benefits of this all natural ingredient that was discovered thousands of years ago and that is still being used today.
Read more on how the purest, most potent, aloe vera [] will have a noticeable effect on your skin.
Using aloe vera to cope with problem of digestion [].
Aloe Vera is a medicinal herb that has been cultivated by humans for centuries. The earliest record of it being used as such was in the 16th century, B.C. I am going to share with you three very valuable medicinal uses of Aloe Vera that you can use for years to come and/or pass the knowledge on to others. Aloe Vera is a succulent, soft plant that has many pointy leaves that are thickest at the bottom, then work their way up to a very sharp point. There are also many little white teeth on both sides of the leaf almost like a serrated blade.
The first of the medicinal uses of Aloe Vera that I am going to share with you is the most commonly known, burn/wound/sunburn application. If you ever have a sunburn, a regular burn or a minor wound...applying the sap from the inside of the aloe vera leaf can be very soothing indeed and also provide healing and rejuvenating results.
Other medicinal uses of Aloe Vera include one study that showed Aloe Vera traces were responsible for lowering the blood glucose of diabetics. People can eat Aloe Vera yogurt or drink it in special herbal teas.
Finally, the last of the medicinal uses of Aloe Vera that I will share with you today. Aloe Vera extracts have been used to treat ulcerative colitis and it has successfully reduced the inflammation.
There are many other medicinal uses of Aloe Vera that I could go on about for pages...from creams, ointments, soaps, yogurts, sunscreen, sunburn relief and healing, etc. No wonder people have been cultivating this very beneficial herb for thousands of years.
Which one of the medicinal uses of aloe vera would you benefit most from? It could never hurt to have one around!
Are you taking aloe vera? If so, are you taking the best and most effective form of aloe vera? Read about how aloe vera can help you achieve better health as well as how to determine if you are taking the best form of aloe vera at [].
The healing benefits of aloe vera have been recorded throughout the world's history for thousands of years, but only recently has modern medicine placed the "miracle plant" under laboratory investigation and began to unlock the deep secrets of aloe's amazing chemical composition.
Aloe has such unique healing abilities, proven scientifically, like no other plant. There have been many studies on aloe. The key ingredient in aloe vera is mucopolysaccharides [MPS] (long-chain sugars) that have very strong antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-tumor and immunomodulatory properties proven scientifically. Many articles on aloe's remarkable healing abilities were published in the most prestigious medicinal magazines.
Even if you think it is easier just to buy a commercial aloe product, like gel or juice, it is still not going to be the same as aloe gel squeezed from a fresh aloe leaf because many aloe products on the market are either diluted or improperly processed. While traditional medicine has been using aloe as part of some drugs or cosmetic products for decades, folk medicine has been using aloe for a few thousand years and has built up an impressive collection of home remedies for many ailments.
There are two ways to prepare aloe gel at home: a regular method and a biogenic stimulation method. The biogenic stimulation method is very easy to do at home. It is a powerful weapon against tumors and serious illnesses, like stomach cancer, tuberculosis, radiation burns and mastopathy. This method was proven scientifically in 1930s and has already been successfully used by traditional and folk medicines in treating various diseases in the last 70 years.
Aloe vera can be used externally and internally.
Aloe vera gel used externally helps with acne, sunburns, thermal and radiation burns, boils, dandruff, gum sores, dermatitis, edemas, hemorrhoids, inflammation in the eyes, insect bites and stings, psoriasis, skin rashes and irritations, ulcers, varicose veins, warts, wounds and wrinkles. When you apply freshly squeezed aloe vera gel on the affected area of the skin, it creates a protective coating which speeds up the healing process, decreases swelling and redness, reduces inflammation, relieves pain, promotes synthesis of collagen in tissue and prevents blisters in case of burns.
Taken internally, it reduces inflammation which is involved in such diseases as ulcerative colitis, arthritis, and gastritis, helps with the reduction of blood sugar with both type I and II diabetes and has a powerful healing effect on AIDS, cancer, tumors and many different immune system disorders. Mucopolysaccharides found in aloe vera are very effective intracellular antioxidants which is very important in preventing and treating arteriosclerosis, heart disorders and Parkinson's disease.
Today home remedies have become more and more popular because people have become aware of the harmful side effects of synthetic drugs.
If you are interested in treating your health problems naturally, with home remedies that cost just pennies, download today the report Aloe - Your Miracle Doctor, which is filled with over 150 tested home remedies.
Yulia Berry is a professional makeup artist. It has been her passion to collect the most interesting natural home remedies, healthy diet plans, and beauty and makeup tips from different countries. She spent a few years researching alternative cures and healthy dieting. A part of her huge collection has been published on the website Great Home Remedies. In September 2007 she released her ebook Aloe - Your Miracle Doctor where over 150 unique and tested home remedies based on an aloe vera plant were published for the first time.
A Long-familiar medicinal herb, the aloe vera plant is encountered in numerous homes around the globe. Contrary to some kinds of plants, the plant is no longer found in the wild. It is presently known to live exclusively in captivity or cultivated by people for domestic use. This exclusively makes the aloe plant very unusual in comparison to numerous household plants that are found in the wild.
This plant is thought to have several attributes, ranging from the comforting of burns, the advancement of quicker healing to the treatment of diabetes. Because of the special compounds in this plant, including acetylated mannans, polymannans, anthraquinone C-glycosides, anthrones and anthraquinones and lectins, companies are inclined to add aloe to their products as extra enticement.
This plant is a lush plant, growing in zones 8-10. It is desirable as an decorative plant for low-water gardens, also for indoors. Although sturdy, the plant has very little tolerance for cold, dying out under such circumstances. For those desiring to grow aloe vera plants in freezing conditions, it has to be kept indoors or in a greenhouse to avoid frost from killing it. Being a succulent, this plant resembles cacti and other familiar desert plants. Because it is suited for warmer climates, the exposure to too much water will kill this plant. Excessive water is the basic killer of this plant. This plant shouldn't be watered until its soil has dried out. This makes it among the easiest plants to maintain, so long as you pay attention to the soil. The soil utilized for potted aloe plant ought to be compatible with effective drainage, because too much sitting water will induce root rot.
Nearly all uses of the aloe vera plant center on the treatment of burns and cuts. There are conflicting fields of study on how aloe affects the rate of mending. A few indicators depict that the rate of curing could be contingent on the type and depth of the cut, and how it is bound. Some information points out that the healing rate is slowed down because of aloe. Aloe vera could also be digested as a all-purpose remedy.
In spite of the lack of information on the enhanced healing and other attributes of aloe, it experiences a favorable reputation with the ordinary individual, affording the plant a place in shampoos, lotions, soaps and a wide array of cosmetics. Nevertheless, the gains gathered from the presence of aloe in these products is founded on belief, and not on factual validation.
The aloe vera plant is thought to have started in Africa, with cousins even existing to this date. There are acknowledgments to aloe in the Holy Scripture, which makes it among the oldest attested kinds of plants known.
G.R. Rajotte writes articles on different topics. For more information and articles on Gardening please visit
Aloe vera gel has for centuries been used for medicinal purposes as well as for a variety of other reasons however over the years the many common uses for aloe vera gel have been overlooked to a degree.
Most of us will have heard about aloe vera and one association the general public would be aware of is its use for healing burns and in after sun cream. The cooling aloe gel has a cooling and soothing effect on sunburned skin and most of us will have seen bottles of after sun touting aloe vera on the shelves in our local shops.
While this is one fantastic use of the gel from this amazing plant - there are so many other ways in which using aloe vera can help our general health and well-being but are often not considered.
The aloe gel itself is packed with a variety of ingredients, at least 75 which are known and all of which provide some benefit to the body and the smooth running of the different internal systems.
We've mentioned its use in burns but for any skin irritation issues, the gel can help to reduce swelling, relieve stinging or itching and soothe the skin. Use it for insect bites, hives and rashes, bruises and blisters. Apart from its anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera gel can penetrate the skin right to the base layer or basal layer and provides nutrition to these cells right from the start.
As the skin renews itself approximately every 28 days, you will soon start to see how your skin can look so much brighter and healthier. Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and acne can all improve with the use of aloe gel applied topically. It can also delay the signs of aging and the onset of wrinkles in two ways - helps with production of collagen and elastin and contains anti-oxidants, essential for cell protection.
Drinking aloe vera gel is very beneficial in a number of ways. The digestive system can cause many complaints if it is not functioning fully. Aloe vera gel ensures the complete digestive tract stays healthy and when the nutrients from the food we eat finally get to the bowel, the result from drinking the gel allows better absorbsion into the bloodstream.
Waste material will also be processed more efficiently and will be eliminated from the body without difficulty. The benefits on the digestive system alone, can help anyone who has hemorrhoids, stomach problems or ulcers, heartburn as well as bloating and is particularly useful for those suffering with irritable bowel.
This amazing plant has so many benefits - some of which we are probably not even aware of yet. Packed full of nutrients, the power of this plant might surprise you! If you want to take control of your own health and well-being - click here to read more...
Botanical and herbal remedies have been widely used to treat and relieve all types of skin injuries and irritations throughout recorded history. The ancient Greeks, Romans and Chinese made note of treating acne with a variety of different naturally occurring compounds.
In arid areas of the world, a plant called aloe vera or medicinal aloe was used to treat a variety of ailments before the introduction of prescription drugs. It is a staple of Ayurvedic or traditional Indian medicine, which is still widely practiced today.
The juice is consumed to relieve digestive complaints, such as heartburn and irritable bowel. It is applied topically to help heal burns and soothe irritations of all kinds. Modern day studies concerning the benefit of aloe vera in the treatment of acne have returned conflicting results. Some practitioners believe that conflicting results are seen because the wrong part of the plant is used.
Aloe is a succulent, similar to cacti. The leaves are thick and filled with juice, even though the plant grows in the driest soil.
If you have your own plant and you wanted to use the juice to soothe blemishes or reduce bacterial growth on your skin, you would choose the inner leaves that are less green in color. The juice from the inner leaves is soothing and has mild anti-inflammatory activity. The green outer leaves secrete an irritating compound called aloin.
If you purchase a ready-made product, you will need to rely on the manufacturers' knowledge of the plant. Assuming the right parts of the plant are used, an aloe vera gel may reduce inflammation, which would help heal current blemishes and the slight antibacterial activity could help prevent additional blemishes from forming.
Other plants that have proven benefits in treating acne include tea tree oil and turmeric. These are available in over-the-counter ointments. They are valued for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity. Modern research supports the use of both turmeric and tea tree oil.
One of the positive benefits of using botanicals and other natural ingredients is that they do no harm to the skin, which is something that cannot be said of synthetic ointments popular today.
Retinoids, for example, are commonly prescribed for the treatment of acne. They are a synthetic form of vitamin A. While they seem to be beneficial for reducing outbreaks, they often cause redness, itching, flaking and burning that worsen the condition.
The best advice is to start with the most natural approaches that you can find, whether they be dietary changes, special cleansers or antibacterial ointments. The effectiveness of these natural remedies vary, but they won't make your problem worse.
Aloe vera is a very useful plant. It is very often used as a medicine to treat skin conditions such as burns and eczema, where it can help to stop the pain and reduce swelling. It is also very pleasant and soothing in its smell, which is likely why you will have heard of it: it is very often used in soaps, shampoos, and similar products.
This is not the only way to buy aloe vera, however. It is also available in capsule and gel form, as well as in juices and drinks, creams and lotions.
However, scientists are not altogether in agreement on the effectiveness of aloe vera as a medicine. It is difficult to research the effects of aloe vera properly, because it is such a complicated herb. Aloe vera contains 75 different nutrients, including enzymes, vitamins, minerals, sugars and acids. Supposedly, it can help with muscle growth, be anti-bacterial, aid digestion, heal wounds, and much more - but then alternative medicine always tends to claim too much when it comes to its remedies. It is widely believed that aloe vera is effective against the common cold, although no medicine has ever been proved to cure it.
You should also be aware that aloe vera, although it is a traditional remedy, can have side effects. Reported side effects include liver dysfunction, burning sensations, allergic reactions, nausea, strangely-coloured urine, and dermatitis, although all of them are rare. Some studies have shown that, while the aloe vera does relieve pain, wounds treated with aloe vera can take longer to heal than usual, making it an undesirable treatment in many situations.
There are also many conditions you can have which mean that you shouldn't take aloe vera. If you're pregnant or breast-feeding, allergic to garlic or onions, or have kidney or heart disease, you should avoid aloe vera. It should never be given to children or animals, as it can be poisonous to them.
John Gibb is the owner of aloe vera sources [], For more information on aloe vera please check out []
Aloe plant and its derivative products have played a role in medicine and health care. Aloe is a genus of plants belonging to the Asphodelaceae family, and is related to onions and asparagus. Aloe is a lily-like, green, and sometimes spiny shrub with very little, if any, stem. The Aloe genus appears naturally in Africa, although many members of the genus are popular houseplants and can be found around the world. The most famous member of the genus is Aloe Vera, known for its medicinal uses and applications. Aloe Vera can be used to heal both internally and externally. It greatly speeds the healing of many skin injuries, including ulcerations, burns, hives and poison ivy and also acts as a laxative. The juice from aloe can be dried into a dark powder composed of yellowish granules that are quite bitter to taste. Internal use of Aloe is marketed as a treatment for coughs, ulcers, muscle pain, headaches, and even cancer and HIV. The only proven Aloe Vera benefit in internal use is the relief of constipation. Additionally, even in this use, internal use of the plant has a number of side effects, can cause nausea, and should not be taken by women who may be pregnant. Aloe Vera is a cellular regenerator and has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects.
Aloe Vera leaves are smooth and rubbery in touching from interior and exterior. The more used part of the aloe plants are their leaves and in particular their internal transparent gel. Aloe vera is a plant that has wonderful healing and softening properties. Aloe vera contains numerous vitamins and minerals, enzymes, amino acids, natural sugars and agents which may be anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. The combination and balance of the plant's ingredients are what purportedly gives it its healing properties. Aloe vera is a source of energy containing over 200 nutrients, including 18 amino acids and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Aloe vera gel consists primarily of water and polysaccharides (pectins, hemicelluloses, glucomannan, acemannan, and mannose derivatives). Polysaccharides are a type of carbohydrate that stimulates skin growth and repair. It also contains amino acids, lipids, sterols (lupeol, campesterol, and beta-sitosterol), tannins, enzymes. Mannose 6-phosphate is a major sugar component. Aloe latex contains compounds known as anthraquinones that stimulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The anthraquinones include the hydroxyanthracene derivatives, aloins A and B, barbaloin, isobarbaloin, aloectic acid, and emodin.
Aloe vera is one of the most widely used substances in the world for the treatment of bruises and burns. Aloe Vera has been used medicinally for over 6,000 years. Aloe gel is available commercially in a stabilized gel form, incorporated into ointments, creams, and lotions. Aloe latex is available in a powdered form or in 500 mg capsules for use as a laxative. Aloe gel speeds the healing of burns (from fire, sun or radiation) and insect bites, and relieves itching and dandruff. Aloe vera heals third degree burns up to six times faster than traditional medical treatments. The aloe vera plant is intentionally a natural herb which is used for both internal and external problems like ulcers, skin rashes, burns etc.One can also have kidney problems or severe diarrhea in case of overdose of aloe vera. Aloe vera contains burn healing effects, anti-inflammatory properties, scar reducing properties and woundsOne can experience irregular heart beats because of reduction of potassium in the blood. Other side effects of aloe vera include its internal usage turns the urine pink or red. One should take the advice of a health care professional before drinking the juice of aloe vera. Overdose of aloe vera can result into dehydration, stomach cramps or intestinal spasms, so one should follow the instructions for dosage while purchasing the product.
Juliet Cohen writes articles on herbal medicines and skin care. She also writes articles on beauty tips [].
Herbs have been used as medicines for thousands of years. Till recently people relied on traditional systems of medicine that were based on observational analysis, It is only now that scientific methods have evolved enough to allow experimental research. However, this does not denigrate the observations made over centuries. Plants used in folk medicine are still the main source of drug discovery and development. Modern medicine may have the tools but nature still has all the compounds.
One promising herb that is often unrecognized for all its medicinal properties is Aloe Vera. This herb seems to be the complete package for a good life. Its active ingredients can not only detoxify the body of harmful toxins but also rid the body of excess adipose tissue in a harmonious way. Aloe Vera is an excellent choice for a clean and healthy life. The herb also has appreciable beneficial effects that protect the skin from the elements.
Aloe Vera draws the heat out of burns, soothes and softens the skin just minutes after being applied. Sunburnt, dry or cracked skin and scrapes can all benefit from a slathering of Aloe Vera gel. It is said to maintain beauty, smoothen wrinkles, and brighten the face. Nature packs Aloe Vera in ready-to use leaves, (just break off a leaf and squeeze the gel onto a burn or bruise) but its effectiveness and quick action is greatly facilitated by processing its active principle.
Aloe Vera has a long history as a multipurpose folk remedy. It has been exceptionally recognized for its healing properties for over eighteen centuries. Being a desert plant it needs very little water and is an ideal houseplant. While it grows wild in the dry mountains of Yemen, commercial cultivation of Aloe Vera is done in the high deserts of Texas and Mexico. Worldwide, there exist hundreds of species of this succulent, yucca-like plant, but those most often used are Aloe Perryi Baker, Aloe Ferox and the most effective species Aloe Vera barbandensis, simply known today as Aloe Vera.
Components of Aloe Vera:
The plant can be separated into two basic products - The Gel and the Latex.
Aloe Vera gel is the leaf pulp, or mucilage, a thin clear jelly-like substance obtained from the tissues that make up the inner portion of its leaves. The gel contains carbohydrate polymers, such as gluco-mannans or pectic acid, plus various other organic and inorganic compounds. It relieves pain, speeds-up healing, protects from frostbite and is used to control eczema and psoriasis. It is widely used in a variety of forms such as lotions, moisturizers, cosmetics, and shampoos.
Aloe Vera latex, commonly referred to as "Aloe juice," is a bitter yellow exudate from the pericyclic tubules just beneath the outer skin of the leaves. For pharmaceutical use as a laxative (to promote bowel movement), the juice is often dried to produce "Aloe Vera" granules that are dark brown from exposure to air. In the past, exclusive use of the Aloe latex led to the widespread belief that Aloe Vera was no more than a laxative.
The terms "gel" and "juice" are not always clearly defined by manufacturers and often are confused by consumers. The juice of the Aloe Vera leaves has efficacious cleansing agents that help in detoxifying and excretion of toxins. It is only now that we are beginning to realize its potential to effectively control weight loss on a long-term basis.
Aloe Vera in Weight Loss:
Obesity has become an epidemic in our times. Up till now weight loss remedies had numerous problems. Weight loss diets used to involve distressing diets and workouts that involved a major disruption of daily living. A greater problem was to maintain the ideal body weight for any length of time. An increasing appreciation of nature's potential and relentless research into age-old wisdom has finally found an ideal weight loss supplement: Aloe Vera.
Aloe Vera is increasingly being recognized as one of the best agents to promote weight loss. The Aloe Vera gel is an effective agent not only to reduce but also to stabilize the body mass index. The Aloe Vera gel action on body weight is multi-pronged, making it suitable for varied population groups and individuals. Aloe Vera has something to offer to everyone.
Aloe Vera stimulates the metabolic rate in the liver cells helping us to burn more energy. The activity of each cell rises and more heat is generated. The increasing amount of fuel required for this task is derived from fat and carbohydrate stores of the body. This has a direct effect on the body mass index. Thus taking Aloe Vera supplements is akin to doing multiple workouts over a week.
Aloe Vera also has a high content of "Collagen Protein". Supplementing Aloe Vera in the diet increases protein intake. Proteins are difficult to digest and the body spends more energy assimilating them into the system. This additional expenditure of energy is well suited for someone who wants to exchange flab for brawn. Imagine a supplement that builds you up while burning your fat stores at the same time.
As mentioned above, Aloe Vera decreases the transit time that food spends in the intestine. The faster food moves the less is absorbed, enhancing the above actions of Aloe Vera on the body mass index. Little wonder then that some of the names ascribed to this medicinal herb over the years include "The Dietary Plant" and "The Harmony Remedy"!
Coming soon, Aloe Vera as a Detoxifying Agent and how Aloe Vera helps combat baldness.
For more related information on Aloe Vera visit - a tremendous online resource chock full of information on the benefits of Aloe Vera - The Natural Healer! Yeye Onwugbufo
The highly effective properties of Aloe Vera have given this plant an almost perfect reputation. Considered as the world's most medicinal magical wonder plant, Aloe Vera can be regarded as the all in one supreme natural product ranked in a classification of its own. And the varying composition within each plant cannot compare to the composition within any man-made juices, antiseptics or healing remedies inclusive with skin care. The plant itself produces antiseptic agents such salicylic acid, urea nitrogen acid, lupeol, cinnamonic acid, sulphur and phenols, all which are recognized as such because they control or kill fungus, bacteria, mold and viruses.
These highly effective agents are the reason why the Aloe Vera plant has extreme potential to eradicate many infections inside the body and out. The Aloe Vera juice itself contains salicylic and Lupeol acids which confirms its effectiveness for relieving pain. Ironically though, most resort to the modern man-made synthetic counter remedies and pay a small fortune for them unaware and uninformed in regards to what the Aloe Vera plant actually is and its self possessed components. And it's not surprising that the information that is widely available now has only surfaced since the Internet. And advertisements in any form prior to the internet were commonly focused on these counter remedies for alleviating pain, burns, cuts, arthritis, ulcers, digestion etc, the list goes on. How the Body can Benefit from Aloe Vera
Well with 200 nutrients in the gel fillet (parenchyma) how can one not benefit from what this earthly wonder has to offer. Containing B-sitosterol (plant sterols), cholesterol, and campersterol, these anti-inflammatory fatty acids are a tremendous aid for the treatment of scrapes; abrasions; burns; rheumatoid arthritis; acid indigestion; allergic reactions; rheumatic fever; cuts and ulcers. Even cholesterol levels can be lowered from the potency of B-sitosterol which is also known as an anti-cholestromatic. Provoking conditions of internal organs inclusive with the pancreas, liver, small intestine, colon and the stomach can also be treated from the fatty acids of the Aloe Vera plant.
Aloe juice, an additional remedy aids in the control of immune system diseases and aliments because Aloe itself also contains immune stimulators called polypeptids. And as it is stated there is a total of 23 polypeptids in Aloe Vera gel. Thus patients with HIV and AIDS can also benefit from these immune stimulators. And to add to the advantages of polypeptids, anti-tumour agents like Aloe lectins and Aloe emodins have the ability to control cancer. It's amazing how one plant can produce such a vast array of functional elements and although the 75 known ingredients in the Aloe Vera plant have little relativity to each other, it's the synergistic connection between them that has given this plant its renowned title "Medicine Plant".
Whole Leaf or Inner Gel
It's become a common process for companies in their production of Aloe Vera products to use the entire leaf inclusive with the outer green rind. And many promote the use of it claiming the additional benefits from their "whole leaf" Aloe Vera products. However, the filtration methods used to filter out impurities once the whole leaf is liquidized are believed to have some effect on the more valuable ingredients.
Bacteria and cellulose are present in the green rind either on its surface or just beneath it. And during processing these two components are most likely to destroy the poly-saccharides which provide Aloe its famous properties. The inner leaf fillet or gel constitutes for the majority of beneficial ingredients in the plant itself. And the world's largest growers who process Forever Living Aloe Products actually hand fillet the leaf using only the inner gel. There is a variety of Aloe plant species however, research has proven the most effective to be Aloe Barbadensis Miller and because Aloe Vera is a natural plant product each plants composition will vary slightly depending on its age and size. And the ideal maturity level in a plant is two to three years.
Properties of Aloe Barbadensis (leaf and gel)
Amino Acids: 7 of the 8 essential amino acids which the body doesn't produce. And 20 others the body produces and requires. Aids in the building of proteins for the creation of muscle tissues, skin renewal etc.
Enzymes: Lipase, Peroxidase; Carboxypeptidase; Alijase; Alkaline Phosphatase; Catalase; Amylase and Cellulase. Enzymes aid in the breakdown of sugars and fats for proper digestion and nutrient absorption.
Hormones: Gibberellins and Auxins which are excellent for anti-inflammatory and the healing of wounds.
Vitamins: Antioxidants A, C, and E for neutralising free radicals. Vitamins B, B12, Folic Acid and Choline-Folic acid needed for the growth of blood cells. B12 is needed for the growth of red blood cells and B's and Choline for amino acid metabolism.
Minerals: Potassium; Zinc; Calcium; Manganese; Iron; Copper; Chromium; Sodium and Magnesium. Work in conjunction with each other, vitamins and other elements for over all good health.
Anthraquinones: Known as laxatives, these are found in the sap and in reasonably small concentrations along with the Gel portion they supply anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, analgesic and anti-viral properties. However, used in high concentration levels on their own they can be toxic. These are contained in the green rind just below its surface and are one reason why the sap is not used in filleted products. Antranol; Aloin; Aloe emodin; Aloetic Acid; Anthracine; Chrysophanic Acid; Emodin; Barbaloin; Ethereal Oil; Isobarbaloin; Ester of Cinnamonic Acid; and Resistannol.
Lignin: Lignin is excellent for the allowance of penetration in Aloe Vera skin products and is a Cellulose based substance. When the gel itself is used on the skin, absorption is almost immediate and the skin's texture is smoother.
Sugars: Gluco-mannans/polymannose (Polysaccarides) and Glucose and fructose (Monosaccharides. Their role: anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and immune control.
Salicylic Acid: For pain relieve Salicylic acid is an aspirin like complex.
Sterols: B Sitosterol, Lupeol, Cholesterol and Campesterol are plant sterioids and are supporting anti-inflammatory properties. Lupeol also consists of analegisic and antiseptic agents.
Saponins: Consistent with a soapy like material Saponins are Clycosides and are good for antiseptic and cleansing.
With the over all comparison of the pros and cons within the beneficial properties of this remarkable little wonder, Aloe Vera can be the all in one, all you need plant. The juice is widely available and people are making homemade juices mixing it with orange or lemon juices. It provides an excellent source of the above ingredients and the gel straight from the plant is a perfect anti-aging skin treatment aiding in cell renewal. And for the cost of a single mature plant, the savings alone cannot be ignored.
Nature's silent healer Aloe Vera, the "Medicine Plant" is indeed a remarkable wonder.
Kellie Hastings copyright 2007
Writer of articles pertaining to health, anti-aging, internet security, pollution, science, public awareness. To view Why We Age And How-The Mystery-parts 1 and 2, The Cherry Fruit Compounds and Free Homemade Masks That Work []
Known as the 'Miracle Plant', 'Natural Healer' or the 'Burn Plant' Aloe Vera because of its immense medicinal properties, has been used around the world for the last 4000 years.
Aloe vera contains numerous vitamins and minerals, enzymes, amino acids, natural sugars and agents which may be anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. The combination and balance of the plant's ingredients are what purportedly gives it its healing properties.
The following are some health benefits of Aloe-vera:
a) One of the best health benefits of aloe vera is the effect on your digestive tract. Digestion is a vital function of organisms. If it happens properly, it represents no trouble for anyone and actually most of that process remains hidden to our awareness. The only moments that require our active participation are, so to say, the beginning and the end of it, which means ingesting, or eating and egesting, or excretion. But problems sometimes do occur, and when they do, they don't just cause pain or discomfort, by they alter the quality of our life.
b) Aloe Vera is a cellular regenerator and has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal effects. These properties alone contribute to Aloe's place as one of nature's healthiest products. Magnesium lactate, an itch inhibitor, in the minerals contained in the plants can bring relief to insect bites, acne, sunburns, rashes.
c) Aloe Vera moisturize and soften the skin - Aloe Vera has become so popular among consumers is that it possesses incredible moisturizing properties. Aloe Vera is currently one of the most important ingredients in the cosmetics industry, being utilized in over about 95% of the dermatologically valuable extracts manufactured worldwide.
d) The anti aging properties included in aloe vera benefits also have a big impact on your health and looks. Aloe Vera is naturally healing and regenerating on a cellular level. Anti aging products are enhanced when you have the added support of aloe vera working from inside. This comprehensive approach to skincare yields excellent results.
e) Aloe plants, have also found medicinal uses internally. Used in this way primarily as a laxative, the juice from aloe can be dried into a dark powder composed of yellowish granules that are quite bitter to taste. Internal use of Aloe is marketed as a treatment for coughs, ulcers, muscle pain, headaches, and even cancer and HIV. The only proven Aloe Vera benefit in internal use is the relief of constipation. Additionally, even in this use, internal use of the plant has a number of side effects, can cause nausea, and should not be taken by women who may be pregnant.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
Aloe vera is a plant that has become widely popular over the last few years, both in terms of traditional medicine and with those who practice homeopathic medicine. The truth of the matter is that aloe vera has been used to treat a variety of ills for thousands of years, and this semi-succulent plant as a great deal to recommend it. While it is not, as so many people believe, completely non toxic, it has many many benefits that we are just now beginning to realize.
In the first place, it is important to realize that aloe vera has been a part of medicine for about 1500 years. It was widely used all over the world, but it has been used most widely in the medicinal practices of China, India and Japan. Aloe is known to a powerful herb that can be used eto treat a variety of ills. In a traditional setting, aloe is most often used as a topical applicant to burns and wounds, though there is conflicting knowledge about how aloe might affect injuries like these.
In a more modern context, there are many different uses that aloe vera has been put to. For instance, one type of illness that has been helped by this powerful plant is diabetes. It has been shown than oral use of aloe vera can lead to better blood glucos level in diabetics, and similarly that compounds that have been extracted from this plant have also been used to fight cancers that appear in dogs and cats.
It is also worth noting that aloe vera has been used to keep help inhibit the growth of fungi that will cause the condition known as tinea, and that use of the inner-leaf gel from the aloe vera plant has been seen to help keep Shigella and Streptococus restrained.
For many people, aloe vera is something of a miracle plant, but they may be unaware of everything that it can do for them. If you are someone who is interested in what aloe vera can do for you and your health, you should take a look at Aloeride. Aloeride is the only aloe vera product that has been manufactured to pharmaceutical standards, so take a look and see benefits you can reap from this powerful plant!
Aloe Vera Gel - although this term is gaining popularity, not many know what it is. This Ezine Article will revisit the basics and give you an idea of what exactly Aloe Vera Gel is.
Aloe Vera Gel is produced by the Aloe Vera Plant within its fleshy toothed leaves. This plant requires subtropical and drier areas for its growth and hence it is considered to be a native of South Africa - one of the best suited climates for its growth.
It looks like a cactus plant and mistakenly considered to be a member of the same family, but in reality it is a member of the "Lily and Onion Family". Over the centuries it has gained popularity and is known by many names like:
Burn Plant
Medicine Plant
Potted Physician
Plant of Life
First Aid Plant
Wand of Heaven
Silent Healer
The structures of most aloe plants are similar. Aloe grows to maturity in approximately 3-4 years, at which time the red or yellow flowers begin to sprout.
There are about 300 different varieties of Aloe Vera out of which only 5 are known to have medicinal properties and benefits.
The 5 varieties are Aloe Barbedensis Miller, Aloe Perryi Baker, Aloe Ferox, Aloe Arborescens and Aloe Saponaria. Of those five the most potent is aloe barbedensis miller
The Aloe Vera Gel within the leaf contains over 75 nutritional components and 200 other compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins.
For centuries, Aloe Vera has been used by different cultures. The ancient Greeks, the Romans, the Babylonians, Indians and Chinese have all used Aloe Vera as a medicinal plant.
The virtues of Aloe Vera date back to many ancient civilizations, including those of Persia, Egypt, Greece, Africa - just to name a few although the earliest documented use of Aloe Vera comes from the ancient Egyptians.
Even Alexander - the Great, conquered the island of Socotra (in Yemen) in order to have the Aloe for his "fighting" army.
From the times of Cleopatra to the more recent Mahatma Gandhi, have all sampled the goodness of this Aloe Vera, also known as "nature's silent healer".
Today, Aloe Vera has come a long way, from what it was centuries ago in terms of people understanding it and its limited reach. People are now more aware of its uses and benefits. They have realized the potential of this potent ALOE in day-to-day life.
Let us now take a look at how Aloe Vera Gel works. Not many are aware that Aloe can be taken internally along with its external application.
How Aloe Works Externally
The molecular structure of the Aloe is so small, that it can penetrate through the top layers of the skin all the way up to the last layer. Epidermis is the top layer followed by dermis and the bottom layer is called hypodermis.
Aloe has an element called "Lignin" which helps it to penetrate right down to the cellular level. It also has another element called "Saponin" which works as a natural cleansing agent.
Both these elements working in conjunction reach the cellular level of the skin and eliminate the toxins from the skin layers to the surface and eventually out of the system.
In addition to this, it also nourishes the skin and replenishes it with the much needed nutrition that it requires. Aloe is said to work from the "inside -out"- it means that it penetrates internally and removes or cleanses all the toxins and eliminates them from the system
How Aloe Works Internally
Researchers now believe that 90% of all diseases begin in the digestive tract. Therefore, proper digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients are necessary for optimum and good health.
Toxins block the lining, reducing the effectiveness of absorbing nutrients and vitamins, so they pass straight through your system without getting absorbed.
Toxins - are those substances that accumulate in the body and causes harm to the body.
When your body does not get the nutrition from your food, your body suffers deficiencies thus resulting in diseases.
Aloe Vera, when consumed helps to remove the toxins from the digestive tract as it has the ability to loosen and gently dispose off these toxins clearing the lining and enabling the body to absorb full benefits of the nutrients from the foods we eat.
The very fact that our body has not been absorbing nutrition from the various sources of food intake for all these years, due to the toxins lodged in our digestive lining, an additional supplementation of potent nutrients and Aloe Vera gel would benefit you in setting the right balance into your system.
To Learn How You can Benefit from this Amazing Natural Healer and Receive Our eBook "Good health The Aloe Way" for Free Visit Aloe Vera Gel Information
Aloe vera, a medicinal plant found in dry and parched lands all over the world is an excellent cure for quite a number of diseases. It looks more or less like a cactus plant. It is best known for its surprising power of healing skin irritations and inflammations. It is used in preventing acne and also for removing pimples and pimple-marks. It retains skin's necessary moistness and helps from getting the skin too dry.
The extract from the leaf has a cooling effect that gives a very comfortable cure to the user. It is available in all types. Lotions, creams, make-up articles, sun-screens, moisturizers, perfumes, shampoos, conditioners etc are some of the products that are manufactured using aloe vera extracts. Aloe vera can decrease pain. Wounds and scars that hurt can be reduced by the application of the gel form of this extract.
It is used as an anti-fungal as well. It is used in fish aquariums to be used to prevent fungal growth. The growth of yeasts and other fungi are all controlled using products of aloe vera.
Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharide is the molecule that is extracted from the aloe leaves. It is known for its stress relaxation and immune increase. It can visibly decrease swellings caused due to Crohn's disease. It can help blood clotting and intestinal difficulties. Tissues become strong with the application of the topical forms of this extract. It is also used in the treatment of intestine related difficulties like over production of stomach-acids, constipation, excessive bowel movements etc. Basically, it is effective for all digestive related diseases.
It is also an anti-oxidant. It works on all cells in the body and cleans out toxic substances. Using aloe vera products give extra energy to the user with almost no side effects at all.
Aloe Vera products have great medicinal value and can be used to cure skin diseases, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease etc. You can find out more about it at
constipation, and other digestive tract infection such as colitis,
When taking Aloe Vera as a supplement, always choose the supplement with the
highest quality. The label should say that it is 80 to 100 percent Aloe
Vera. This is true to lotions that claim it contains Aloe Vera when in fact
it contains very little amount of aloe and have no health benefits.
Aloe Vera dietary supplement is now rising in our market. Aloe Vera contains
a large amount of medicinal substances used as purgative. The medicinal
substance id produced from various species of aloe, such as Aloe Vera, Aloe
vulgaris, Aloe socotrina, Aloe chinensis, and Aloe perryi.
Several kinds of aloe are commercially available such as the Barbados,
Socotrine, Hepatic, Indian, and Cape aloes. Barbados and Socotrine are the
varieties most commonly used for curative purposes.
Aloes is the expressed juice of the leaves of the plant. When the leaves are
cut, the juice that flows out are collected and evaporated. After removing
the juice, you need to boil the leaves for sometime to avoid yielding an
inferior kind of aloe. However, some leaves of other Aloe Vera species are
poisonous such as Aloe venenosa.
Aloe has been marketed for having a large number of benefits when taken
internally. Aloe have formula that are known remedy for coughs, wounds,
ulcers, gastritis, diabetes, cancer, headaches, arthritis, immune system
deficiencies and many health conditions. However, these uses are still not
yet proven.
The only proven use of aloe when taken internally is as laxative. However,
there is evidence of significant adverse side effects. Therefore, you must
consult your doctor if you plan to take Aloe Vera. Pregnant women should not
take this, because it contains anthraquinone glycosides, which is highly
purgative. High dose of the leaves in fact can cause vomiting.
Aloe's benefits to our health include, helping to lower the blood sugar
levels in diabetes patients. Aloe is a strong laxative that may have some
anti-cancer effects to humans. It is now being studied as a treatment for
If Aloe is taken internally, it increases the actual amount of our bile. It
affects the small intestines and stimulates the muscular coat of the large
intestine thus causing purging in about fifteen hours.
Aloes also help increase the menstrual flow, since it belongs to the group
of emmenagogues. Aloes have Aloin present used for therapeutic purposes.
This causes less pain. It is a preferable drug for many forms of
constipation. Continuous use of it does not lead to enlarging the dose to
There are many well-known medicines that primarily consist of Aloes.
Joyce Dietzel writes articles for [] a website dedicated to all your vitamin and supplement needs [].
Aloe vera has some important medicinal qualities that are very effective in the treatment of acne. Aloe Vera has been used in a wide variety of medicinal ways both historically and in modern time. It is used to treat burns, wounds and infections to regenerate skin and provide the building blocks needed to rebuild scarred or damaged skin areas. In addition it aids in treating acne by acting as an anti-inflammatory agent and an immune booster.
Aloe Vera Solutions
Acne can be treated by either soaps containing aloe vera or aloe vera gel. Soaps should be used at least twice a day and the skin should be patted dry following the wash. A topical gel or cream application of aloe vera can then be applied to the inflamed or infected areas. Acne is not cured by aloe vera but the symptoms of redness, flaky skin, and swelling will be rapidly decreased with consistent use.
Aloe vera, in liquid form, can be applied to the facial area to remove excess oil. The face should then be washed with a soap containing aloe vera and then a commercially prepared aloe vera cream can be applied. This treatment uses all the medicinal components of the aloe vera to help keep skin looking soft and breakout free. The mild astringent qualities of the allow vera will prevent future acne outbreaks and help reduce redness and swelling.
Medical Findings
As far back as 1750 B.C clay tablets were written addressing the medicinal properties of aloe vera. A Greek physician wrote in 74 B.C about using aloe vera to cure infections of the skin, burns and to decrease hair loss.
In 1935 the first medical report was published describing the medical use of aloe vera in burn patients. It has since been the focus of many studies addressing the healing properties of aloe vera for all skin conditions, including acne. As with all herbal and medical treatments individual responses will vary with most users indicating a decrease in the redness and flaky skin around the acne blemishes.
There are no known side effects to using aloe vera externally. If any irritation occurs simply discontinue use.
Aloe vera is not a drug and it is not a medicine. Aloe vera juice benefits are many and encompass external as well as internal uses. It is a non toxic, alcohol -free, nonoily soothing healing balm.
Aloe vera produces a soft sensation as it is rub into the skin while moisturizing and healing the skin. Aloe is used in many cosmetic products and is a great source of vitamins and minerals. Aloe is a great house plant that doesn't need much tending,and the plant has excellent medicinal uses.
There are over 200 varieties of aloe vera plants that grown outside year-round in the semi-tropical climates of the world. The most common kind of aloe vera plant grows in Aruba . The rest of the varieties are grown all over the world from Africa to Central and Southern United States. There is a big demand for aloe vera products so this plant is grown commercially and is sold around the world.
Lily of the Desert is a common term used for the aloe vera plant. It is a succulent plant that looks like a cactus. This plant is part of the lily family of succulents plants commonly known as aloe. The plant is 90 % water and when the stalk is cut it bleeds a sappy liquid that is used in countless cosmetics, balms, lotions and burn ointments as well as using the gel straight from the plant.
Aloe vera juice benefitsare many when the plant is used as a herbal remedy. When used externally it speeds up the healing process of the skin. The gel from this plant has an anti-inflammatory chemical that works well on insects bite,and plant rashes. If you have a burn,sunburn or a rash and you have an aloe plant in the house you can just break of a piece and rub it on your injury for quick relief of your pain.
Aloe speeds up the healing of injuries and acne and will minimizes scarring and may reverse scars that are less than five years old. Aloe vera fights infections like fungus, bacteria and staph with its antibacterial properties. Aloe is really good for tightening the skin with its astringent properties and it moisturizes the skin by minerals and vitamins that soften the skin going down deep into the tissues of the skin.
Aloe vera is a fantastic "general tonic" that will increase your energy levels and your over all health.
Aloe will ease symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort. Peptic ulcers, upset stomachs,and constipation will all benefit from drinking aloe juice. Aloe increases the oxygen to the cells and increases the general overall healing of the skin. Two to four ounces a day of this juice can give your immune system the needed nutrients to allow the body to clean out the digestive tract.
There are minerals and vitamin galore in aloe juice supplying the body with copper, potassium and many more minerals as well as vitamin A,some B'S,C and E, and lets not forget niacin and folic acid. The juice has 12 substances that stops any inflammation the body, and does it all without any side effects. If you want to detox your body aloe vera juice is one of the best ways to do it. If you are taking chemotherapy or radiation therapy and find you get nauseated drinking this juice will help you get past the sick feeling.
Here is how you can make your own juice from the plants around the house. What you need is a few plants,a blender, some orange juice, container and a couple of things to remember. First off you are going to need quite a few plants just to make enough juice to last for one month. I think yo will find that besides being a messy job, making your own juice, you are going to run out of plants pretty quickly,unless of course you live on a aloe farm where the plant is grown for commercial use.
Take the leaf of the plant and cut the leaf down the center and pry it open and remove the rind and the yellow layer just under the rind. You need to work quickly because the gel oxidizes very quickly and breaks down the nutrients and beneficial compounds.
Take the gel and throw it into the blender with orange juice or grapefruit juice. Doing this will help to stabilize the exposed gel and keep it from oxidizing. Blend this mixture for two minutes and put it in a airtight container and put it in the refrigerator. It will last for a week but it is best if used in a couple of days. Use two tablespoons of this aloe blend with water and drink this a couple times a day
Making your own juice is a novel idea but the facts are it takes a lot of plants to make a month worth of juice.You would be better off using your plants for external uses such as for rubbing on your acne pimples, cuts and burns for example. Just snap off the leaves and open them up and rub the gel directly on your pimples,cuts or burns.
Side effects are very rare but sometimes there is someone who will have and reaction to the aloe plant.They may develop a rash or become congested. the fact are most of the time caused mainly by using the wrong part of the plant. the skin and yellow part just under the skin is used in laxative products and this can causes burning sensation or welts.
You can test for allergy's by rubbing a small amount of aloe on your inner arm,if you have no reaction you are good to go, however if you do have an reaction you may still be good to go.What you say...... A lot of times when this test is preformed and there is an reaction it is not because of the gel but because the body is very toxic and you are having a detox reaction. Rinse it off and try it again.
The bottom line is it looks like aloe vera is very beneficial for the body. the plant helps to heal most external injuries including acne pimples and blemish, working well even on more severe acne like cystic acne. the gel helps to clear up mild scar tissue even older scar look better after being treated with the gel.
Aloe vera juice benefits are many when you drink the juice helping out the body by supplying the body with the minerals and vitamins that the body needs. the juice fixes a lot of problem and even work at treating acne by taking care of problems in the body. I recommend trying aloe vera juice for your acne or as a general drink just for better health.Give it a try,curing acne is not just treating the visible symptoms to truly cure acne you need to treat the complete body.
I'll get straight to the point,the aloe vera juice benefits you get when drinking or applying it to your skin is good,maybe even one of the best treatments you could ask for. The problem is it will only work up to a point. If you want your acne gone for good than you need to get serious about taking steps to get rid of it. Taking medicines and treating the pimples and blemishes is only part of the equation.
Get real and understand if you want to take harmful medicine and hope that the acne will go away than that is your business, however if you are tired of empty promises of getting rid of acne overnight and you are ready to change a couple of things than click this link and learn about getting totally free of acne. Understand that Acne No More will show you what you want and that is for your acne to be gone.