Saturday, January 21, 2012

Take double dandelion - an abundance of nutrients, medicine and more

Only in the 20th century we have marked the dandelion a weed. Before the invention of lawns, dandelion has been more likely to be leased and evaluated as a dense food nutrients. The yellow flowers and toothed lion leaves were classified as medicinal. They have so many uses that they seem almost magical. Gardeners used to exclude the grass to dandelion! In my work, I learn more about natural life approaches. I begin to systematically ask myself, "Why God do that?", and "is there a way to do so without the use of chemicals. Today the trip lead me to, of all things, dandelions. It is time for a double take dandelion! Dandelions are cropping in the alleys of high-end organic products, specialty grocery stores and even liquor stores. They are among the most expensive elements, costs more rib, swordfish or lobster. Then, how we are re-learning the use these plants dandy?
The roots are dried and sold as substitute coffee non-caféine-$ 31.75 pound.
You can enjoy a full meal of salad of dandelion dandelions and the wine of dandelion quiche and soup of dandelion. This may be followed by cream dandelion ice! If you over indulge, a cup of dandelion tea is the perfect remedy, since dandelion help liver flush inducing a hangover of toxins from the body.

When it comes to traditional herbal medicine, roots and leaves can be used to treat:
liver disease
bad digestion
regulate the blood sugar

It must be said that one should always consult a health care provider before using any other supplement. the dandelion is generally recognized as safe to eat. However, it can cause mouth sores in some individuals and interact with other herbs and drugs.

Now let's talk vitamins!

Vitamin A - dandelions have more vitamin a spinach or the amount equivalent of carrots.
Vitamin C - dandelions have more vitamin C (19 mg / Cup) than tomatoes.
Acid folic acid, B6, and trace amounts of B1, B2, B3 and B5
Vitamin e and vitamin K - these notable fat soluble vitamins are found in the dandelions.

What minerals?
Calcium - a cut of the leaves of dandelions contains 103 mg calcium (very important for bone health).
Magnesium - a cut of the leaves of dandelions contains 20 mg of magnesium (very important for bone health).
Potassium - another mineral in dandelion, is necessary for the kidneys in good health.
Traces of copper, zinc and selenium are also present in dandelion.

The history of dandelions

Dandelions have deep roots in history. They were well known to ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and were used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than a thousand years. Dandelions probably made their way in America of the North by way of the Mayflower. The unknown of the new world, gay, familiar dandelion face would have been a sweet reminder of home. In all practical aspects, they were probably brought as well as for their medicinal virtues. Historically, dandelions were world famous for their beauty. They were a common and much loved the floral garden in Europe, and the subject of many poems. To the Japan, horticultural societies together form to enjoy the beauty of dandelions and develop exciting new varieties for gardeners. Dandelions are back in the 21st century. If you don't believe me check at your local grocery store high range! Discovery News reported an interesting bit of dandelions news. It seems that this yellow flower and its saw toothed leaves were studied in the field of rubber. According to new research is done in the SAP of dandelion root Ohio can be made in a rubber of equal in quality to traditional rubber trees, at a lower price! We must all take another look at these yellow plants!

In my work with EveVenture, I learned a lot more natural to life approaches. For 7 years, it has become my passion to share this information with others.
Come along for the ride!

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