Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Dandelions are a weed medicinal plant not only herbal plant and
There are long, doctors treating patients under the Doctrine of Signatures. They believed that the herbs were signed by God to indicate their medicinal use by color. Therefore, they treaties jaundice with a tonic dandelion because of its yellow hue. Days Victorian cooks increased dandelions in their gardens, kitchen for their recipes and, of course, the addition to make dandelion wine.
The French call the dimethylbutanoyl or dent de lion. They believe that the petals reminded them of the teeth of the lion. She has acquired many names of nick along the years, ball shot or ball bouffée, say the - time and clockflower. The puff ball nickname refers to the days after flowering, when a globe of feathers of seed appears to be blown by the wind to a new destination. It is said that dandelion can predict the weather. If the day should be fine the flower opens fully. If the closed flower ball, is a sign of rain.
Dandelion grows across the United States and the Canada. It has a long growth period which lasts from spring to autumn. Early spring is the best time to harvest the green of the leaves before the dandelion flowers. Once the dandelion flowered the leaves will be very bitter. The leaves of dandelions have more iron than spinach and carotene than carrots.
Common dandelion weed is filled with minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and selenium. He added that supplies of vitamins B1, B2, B3, C and e. Who knew?
The dandelion uses as a herbal plant a lot. You can use the flowers to make dandelion wine. Grind to a cutting flowers in 4 cups of white wine, put in an airtight container and let steep for 4 weeks. Of course, the strain on the flowers before drinking. The leaves are a tea or can be used chopped in a salad, soups and dishes simmered. Roots can be performed in a caffeine free coffee after roasting or dry dyes. The entire dandelion can be used as a plant based on plants or of a medicinal plant. Make sure only to dig deep when harvesting dandelion, as he has a very long tap root.
Another useful use the dandelion herb is to a large bowl of it with an Apple juice ½. You will find a way very simple to supplement your diet with beneficial properties of the dandelion plant.
Dandelion as a medicinal plant can be used in a variety of ways. In the spring, select young leaves to be eaten in salads take advantage of all the vitamins and minerals. Pick mature leaves, before the flowers of dandelion, for their qualities diuretics to clean the bladder and urinary tract. The tea leaves will allow PMS associated ease water retention. The Milky SAP that oozes stem is said to remove warts.
Therefore the dandelion is not only a weed, it can be used as a herbal and medicinal herb plant. Or seen as a fun childhood memory. How many of us can remember braiding "necklaces" dandelions as young children. Or, don't forget the pleasure of blowing on the ball of the puff to disperse its seeds. It is time to reconnect with Dandelion and all it is.
Copyright © 2006 Mary Hanna, all rights reserved.
This article may be distributed freely on your Web site and in your magazines online, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.
Mary Hanna is a midshipman herbalist who lives in Central Florida. This allows it to grow indoor and outdoor gardens throughout the year. She has published articles on the cruise, gardening and cooking. Visit its websites http://www.ContainerGardeningSecrets.com http://www.GardeningHerb.com and http://www.CruiseTravelDirectory.com
Monday, January 30, 2012
Herbal Medicine Chest dans votre arrière-cour
What could be easier than growing an herb garden with no effort? Of course, you'll have to harvest your weeds, but you would do that anyhow: it's called weeding.
Spring is an especially fertile time for harvesting your weeds - roots and all - and turning them into medicines. Here then are some tips on how to find, harvest, prepare, and use a baker's dozen (13) of common weeds that probably already grow around you.
To make your medicines you'll need glass jars of various sizes with tight-fitting lids. And at least a pint each of apple cider vinegar (pasteurized), vodka (100 proof is best, but 80 proof will do), and pure olive oil (not extra virgin) or good quality animal fat such as lanolin, lard, or belly fat from a lamb or kid. You will also want a knife, a cutting board, and some rags to mop up spills.
In general, you will fill a jar (of any size) with coarsely-chopped fresh, but dry, plant material. (Do not wash any part of the plant except roots, if you are using them, and be sure to dry those well with a towel before putting them in your jar.) Then you will fill the jar with your menstruum, that is the vinegar, the oil, or the alcohol. Label well and allow to stand at room temperature, out of the sunlight for at least six weeks before decanting and using. (See my book Healing Wise for more specific information on making preparations.)
A field guide is helpful for positively identifying your weeds. The one I like best is: A Guide to the Identification of New Zealand Common Weeds in Colour, complied by E. A. Upritchard. (Available from the New Zealand Weed And Pest Control Society, P.O. Box 1654, Palmerston North) This book even shows you how the weeds look when they are emerging.
Ready? OK! Let's go outside with a plant id guide or experienced herbalist and see what we can find.
Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa pastoris) is an annual in the mustard family. Cut the top half of the plant when it has formed its little heart-shaped "purses" (seed pods) and make a tincture (with alcohol), which you can use to stop bleeding. Midwives and women who bleed heavily during their period praise its prompt effectiveness. Gypsies claim it works on the stomach and lungs as well. A dose is 1 dropperful (1ml); which may be repeated up to four times a day.
Cleavers (Gallium aparine) is a persistent, sticky plant which grows profusely in abandoned lots and the edges of cultivated land. The entire plant is used to strengthen lymphatic activity. I cut the top two-thirds of each plant while it is in flower (or setting seeds) and use alcohol to make a tincture which relieves tender, swollen breasts, PMS symptoms, and allergic reactions. A dose is 15-25 drops (.5 - 1 ml); repeated as needed.
Chickweed (Stellaria media) has many uses, including delicious salad greens. I cut the entire top of the plant and eat it or use alcohol to make a tincture, which dissolves cysts, tonifies the thyroid, and aids in weight loss. A dose is a dropperful (1 ml), up to three times a day.
Daisy (Bellis perennis) is a common perennial weed of lawns and open areas. Quite different from the native daisy (Lagenifera petiolata), the little English daisy is related to feverfew and has similar abilities. I use the leaves and flowers to make a tincture (with alcohol) or a medicinal vinegar which relieves headaches, muscle pain, and allergy symptoms. A dose is a dropperful of the tincture (1 ml), up to twice a day; or a tablespoon of the vinegar in the morning.
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis) is a persistent perennial of lawns and gardens and one of the best known medicinal herbs in the world. (The native dandelion of New Zealand - Taraxacum magellanicum - is medicinal too.) Those who love a pure green lawn curse the sunny yellow flowers of common dandelion. But those who are willing to see beauty anywhere (such as children and herbalists) treasure this weed. You can use any part of the dandelion - the root, the leaves, the flowers, even the flower stalk - to make a tincture or medicinal vinegar which strengthens the liver. A dose of 10-20 drops of the tincture (.5-1 ml) relieves gas, heartburn, and indigestion, as well as promoting healthy bowel movements. A tablespoon of the vinegar works well, too. More importantly, taken before meals, dandelion increases the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, thus increasing bio-availability of many nutrients, especially calcium. The fresh or cooked green leaves are loaded with carotenes, those anti-cancer, anti-heart disease helpers. And the oil of the flowers is an important massage balm for maintaining healthy breasts. (There's lots more information on dandelions in Healing Wise.)
Dock, also called yellow dock, curly dock, and broad dock is a perennial plant, which my Native American grandmothers use for "all women's problems." The Maori call it paewhenua or runa. It is another plant that disagrees with sheep, especially when the land is overgrazed. I dig the yellow roots of Rumex crispus or R. obtusifolius and tincture them in alcohol to use as an ally when the immune system or the liver needs help. A dose is 15-25 drops (.5-1 ml). I also harvest the leaves and/or seeds throughout the growing season and make a medicinal vinegar, taken a tablespoon at a time, which is used to increase blood-levels of iron, reduce menstrual flooding and cramping, and balance hormone levels. If the chopped roots are soaked in oil for six weeks, the resulting ointment is beneficial for keeping the breasts healthy.
Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) and Ragwort (Senecio jacobea) are hardy perennials that have a reputation for poisoning livestock, like their cousin tansy. Although not good for sheep, these two Senecios are some of the world's most ancient healing plants, having been found in a grave 60,000 years old. You can use the flowering tops and leaves with your alcohol to make a tincture which acts slowly to tonify the reproductive organs, ease PMS, and stop severe menstrual pain. A dose is 5-10 drops (.2-.5 ml) per day, used only once a day, but for at least 3 months. (A larger dose is used to speed up labor.)
Mallows (Malva neglecta, M. parviflora, M. sylvestres) grow well in neglected gardens and are surprisingly deep-rooted. The flowers, leaves, stalks, seeds, and roots are rich in sticky mucilage which is best extracted by soaking the fresh plant in cold water overnight or longer or by making a medicinal vinegar. The starch is extraordinarily soothing internally (easing sore throats, upset tummies, heart burn, irritable bowel, colic, constipation, and food poisoning) and externally (relieving bug bites, burns, sprains, and sore eyes). The leaves, flowers, and bark (especially) of the native Hohere (Hoheria populnea) are used in exactly the same way by Maori herbalists.
Plantain, also called ribwort, pig's ear, and the bandaid plant is a common weed of lawns, driveways, parks, and playgrounds. Identify it by the five parallel veins running the length of each leaf. You may find broad leaf plantain (Plantago major) with wide leaves, or narrow leaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata) with lance-thin leaves. Either can be used to make a healing poultice or a soothing oil widely regarded as one of the best wound healers around. Not only does plantain increase the speed of healing, it also relieves pain, stops bleeding, draws out foreign matter, stops itching, prevents and stops allergic reactions from bee stings, kills bacteria, and reduces swelling.
Try a poultice or a generous application of plantain oil or ointment (made by thickening the oil with beeswax) on sprains, cuts, insect bites, rashes, chafed skin, boils, bruises, chapped and cracked lips, rough or sore hands, baby's diaper area, and burns.
To make a fresh plantain poultice: Pick a leaf, chew it well and put it on the boo-boo. "Like magic" the pain, itching, and swelling disappear, fast! (Yes, you can dry plantain leaves and carry them in your first aid kit. Chew like you would fresh leaves.)
To make plantain ointment: Pick large fresh plantain leaves. Chop coarsely. Fill a clean, dry, glass jar with the chopped leaves. Pour pure olive oil into the leaves, poking about with a chopstick until the jar is completely full of oil and all air bubbles are released. Cap well. Place jar in a small bowl to collect any overflow. Wait six weeks. Then strain oil out of the plant material, squeezing well. Measure the oil. Heat it gently, adding one tablespoon of grated beeswax for every liquid ounce of oil. Pour into jars and allow to cool.
St. Joan's/John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) This beautiful perennial wildflower may be hated by sheep farmers but herbalists adore it. The flowering tops are harvested after they begin to bloom (traditionally on Solstice, June 21) and prepared with alcohol, and with oil, to make two of the most useful remedies in my first aid kit. Tincture of St. Joan's wort not only lends one a sunny disposition, it reliably relieves muscle aches, is a powerful anti-viral, and is my first-choice treatment for those with shingles, sciatica, backpain, neuralgia, and headaches including migraines. The usual dose is 1 dropperful (1 ml) as frequently as needed. In extreme pain from a muscle spasm in my thigh, I used a dropperful every twenty minutes for two hours, or until the pain totally subsided. St. Joan's wort oil stops cold sores in their tracks and can even relieve genital herpes symptoms. I use it as a sunscreen. Contrary to popular belief, St. Joan's wort does not cause sun sensitivity; it prevents it. It even prevents burns from radiation therapy. Eases sore muscles, too.
Self heal (Prunella vulgaris) This scentless perennial mint is one of the great unsung healers of the world. The leaves and flowers contain more antioxidants - which prevent cancer and heart disease, among other healthy traits - than any other plant tested. And as part of the mint family, self heal is imbued with lots of minerals, especially calcium, making it an especially important ally for pregnant, nursing, menopausal, and post-menopausal women. I put self heal leaves in salads in the spring and fall, make a medicinal vinegar with the flowers during the summer, and cook the flowering tops (fresh or dried) in winter soups.
Usnea (Usnea barbata) is that many-stranded grey lichen hanging out of the branches of your apple trees or the Monterey pines planted in the plantation over there or in almost any native tree in areas of the South Island Alps, where it is known as angiangi to the Maori. If in doubt of your identification: Pull a strand gently apart with your hands, looking for a white fiber inside the fuzzy grey-green outer coat. To prepare usnea, harvest at any time of the year, being careful not to take too much. Usnea grows slowly. Put your harvest in a cooking pan and just cover it with cold water. Boil for about 15-25 minutes, or until the water is orange and reduced by at least half. Pour usnea and water into a jar, filling it to the top with plant material. (Water should be no more than half of the jar.) Add the highest proof alcohol you can buy. After 6 weeks this tincture is ready to work for you as a superb antibacterial, countering infection anywhere in the body. A dose is a dropperful (1 ml) as frequently as every two hours in acute situations.
Yarrow (Achellia millefolium) This lovely perennial weed is grown in many herb gardens for it has a multitude of uses. Cut the flowering tops (use only white-flowering yarrow) and use your alcohol to make a strongly-scented tincture that you can take internally to prevent colds and the flu. (A dose is 10-20 drops, or up to 1 ml). I carry a little spray bottle of yarrow tincture with me when I'm outside and wet my skin every hour or so. A United States Army study showed yarrow tincture to be more effective than DEET at repelling ticks, mosquitoes, and sand flies. You can also make a healing ointment with yarrow flower tops and your oil or fat. Yarrow oil is antibacterial, pain-relieving, and incredibly helpful in healing all types of wounds.
Susun Weed, Copyright @ 2009
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Herbal Medicine For Hemorrhoid Patients
Aloe Vera
This is one of the most famous herbal regimens for hemorrhoids. Aloe vera is known for its pain relieving effects for hemorrhoids. It is usually applied topically on the affected area. hemorrhoid patients who tried this herbal medicine verbalized the fast-acting relief they had after using it. It also serves as an anti-inflammatory treatment due to its cooling effects. It is widely used not only for hemorrhoids but also for burns, cuts and abrasions. It is said that continuous usage of aloe vera can help hasten up the healing process of hemorrhoids.
Aloe vera contains gibberlin, a hormone that is known to speed up the skin regeneration by stimulating the skin cells to replicate at a desirable rate. Another use of Aloe vera for hemorrhoid patients would be its laxative property, known to facilitate the easy passage of stools during constipation. This on hand should be done with high fiber diet.
This has been long used for treating bleeding hemorrhoids. This plant is rich in collagen, a substance known for its healing capabilities. Horsetail can be used to stop bleeding as it is also use for heavy menstruation, anthrosis, dengue and renal colics.
Dandelion is usually taken as a tea. It usually aids in softening the stools to avoid constipation. It is advisable to include Dandelion tea to your daily diet. Aside from its stool softening benefits, it also contains vitamins which could help in catalyzing bodily processes.
You can also treat your hemorrhoids by making a dandelion tonic. This is done by soaking a cup of dandelion flowers in white wine for 2 to 3 weeks in a sealed container. After which, you can try to adjust the taste of the wine by putting in sugar or honey.
Butcher's Broom
This can be taken internally and externally to treat hemorrhoids. Commonly, Butcher's broom is being made into a tonic or a tea. It is widely known to aid in problems related to venous insufficiency and other venous problems such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It serves as a vascular strengthener that has the ability to rebuild damage walls of veins in cases of hemorrhoids.
However, it should be taken into consideration that Butcher's broom should not be taken if the patient has high blood pressure, pregnant and/or taking MAO inhibitors.
Psyllium Seeds
Psyllium seeds are known to aid in constipation. It is rich in fiber that could make the stools softer and make them easier pass. Psyllium seeds help avoid hemorrhoids and makes bowel movement less painful. It is recommended to include Psyllium seeds in daily diet. It is commonly used due to its availability in stores.
There are times that the things we need to cure a certain ailment can be found in our very own garden. We need not to rely on synthetic drugs too much, if there is an abundance of organic medicines.
If you're interested in learning more about how to get rid of hemorrhoids visit my website and discover powerful simple, proven ways to eliminate hemorrhoids forever.
Lana Paris is a passionate researcher of how to heal hemorrhoids in both teenagers and adults, to learn more how you can get rid of hemorrhoids, visit her website at http://www.hemmroidsblog.com
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Traditional Chinese Medicine Treats Acne
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been around for more than 2000 years and is effective at treating several skin conditions including acne. Acne is a skin condition that affects approximately 60% of the American population. Although the cause of acne is unknown, genetic predisposition and hormonal changes are believed to be related to the cause of acne skin conditions. Acne is more prevalent in males and can be aggravated by sweating, oral contraceptives, poor skin hygiene, cosmetics, face creams, exercise, and lack of sunlight. Traditional Chinese philosophy believes that an imbalance in the body, mind or spirit can cause physical symptoms of disease. The TCM believes that an excess of internal heat and dampness causes acne and the symptoms of acne. To alleviate acne you must clear the heat and drain the dampness from the body.
Heat can be caused by different sources such as our over consumption of stimulating foods, hormonal changes, physical activity, inability for blood to clean toxins, agitated thoughts, hot weather, or imbalance of qi. Heat can appear as inflammation, over stimulation, and hyperactivity and is reflected on the skin through rashes, pimples, infections, and redness. Dampness is excess water in the tissues of the body. Dampness can be caused by water accumulation in the digestive tract, excess oil, fatty, cold or raw foods, irregular eating habits, insufficient sweating, damp environment, and insufficient heat. Bacteria, fungus and viruses thrive in excessively damp environments even in the body. Dampness can be reflected through the skin as swelling, cysts, pimples, pus, and fluid discharge.
A traditional Chinese herbalist should be consulted when determining which Chinese herbal supplements to take to clear up your acne. Although there are minimal side effects, you will not see the results you want by indulging in every Chinese herb on the market. Specific concoctions of herbs will work for certain people. An herbalist will determine which concoction of herbs is right for each individual person and their specific symptoms. TCM can use leaves, flowers, fruit, bark, minerals and roots from plants in their acne treatments. There are several different ways to take herbs in decoctions or teas, powders, tinctures, pills, syrups, and plasters. Here are some specific herbs that have been used in TCM for thousands of years to treat acne. If you experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or a skin rash after taking herbal supplements, stop taking them immediately and consult your herbalist.
Cai Feng Zhen Zhu an Chuang Wan/ Margarite Acne Pills: This is an excellent remedy to clear up acne. This product comes ina pill form and is used to clear heat, expel toxins, cool the blood, and regenerate skin cells. Some of its ingredients include Pearl, Honeysuckle Flower, Dandelion Herb, Glehniz Root, Chinese Foxglove Root, Ningpo Figwort Root, Chinese Rhubarb Root and Lucid Gannoderma Sclerotium.
Jin Yin Hua/ Honeysuckle- Can be used in conjunction with chrysanthemum and dandelion to clear excess heat in the blood and stomach. It is a great detoxifier and increases perspiration. It can be consumed as an infusion or applied externally to the skin.
Dandelion Root- Is a blood cleanser which stimulates liver function to cleanse the body. Dandelion root should be drunk in a tea by mixing 2-3 teaspoons of dried dandelion to 1 cup of water. Dandelion leaves can also be eaten in a salad, which aid in digestion but only 2 leaves should be eaten daily.
Dahurian Angelica- Reduces swelling and expels dampness from the body. Should be drunk in a tea by mixing 1 ounce of dried root into 1 pint of water or can be consumed as 1/2 teaspoon diluted in 1 cup water. This root can also be combined with Chrysanthemum and drank.
Skullcap- Clears heat as well as damp heat. Drank as a tea. Combine 1 ounce dried root to 1 pint of water.
Burdock Root- Cleans the blood by detoxifying the body. Acts as an anti-inflammatory. Should be applied topically.
Spica Prunellae/ Prunella Spike- Common herb found in TCM. Boil 1 ounce of dried herb in 1 pint of water. Add honey and drink daily.
Other herbs used in TCM to treat acne include neem, chaste tree berry, chamomile, sarsaparilla, milk thistle, yellow dock, Echinacea root, loquat leaf, rehmania root, moutan bark, forsythia fruit, peach kernel, safflower, Stellaria Root, Purslane, and peppermint.
Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website! http://www.universalhealthinfo.com/TCM_Treats_Acne.html
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Boost Liver Health With Dandelion
When people think of dandelion, they usually think of a persistent weed that has yellow flowers and fluffy white seeds that children like to play with. The truth is that folk healers and herbalists alike have used dandelion for centuries to treat liver and digestive problems. This herb is grown commercially in Europe and both the roots and the leaves are used in herbal medicine.
Bile production and flow from the liver and the gallbladder is increased by this herbal remedy and this helps to treat conditions such as jaundice, gallstones and hepatitis. Dandelion also has a high content of the B vitamin choline, which is used in supplements that boost liver function. These supplements are known as lipotropic or fat metabolizing supplements and often contain a mixture of dandelion and milk thistle.
Taking dandelion supplements along with an iron supplement will help your liver to absorb the minerals needed to combat anaemia.
Drinking a cup of tea brewed from the dried roots or leaves of this herbal medicine is a healthy alternative to conventional laxatives and diuretics as dandelion leaves are high in potassium and will stop your potassium levels from being depleted whilst relieving water retention and bloating.
If you are on a diet and looking for a safe and natural way to detox, drinking this herbal tea is a very good option.
Women who suffer from endometriosis will find relief using dandelion supplements as this herb assists the liver to remove excess estrogen from your body, thereby helping to maintain healthy hormone levels.
Please consult your medical practitioner prior to using any herbal medications should you be under their care.
Find out more about Herbal Medicines and learn about the healing power of alternative remedies, by visiting our website http://www.herbal-meds-online.com
Friday, January 27, 2012
New Herbal Remedy Favorites and Dandelion
Dandelion is considered to be one of the newest additions to the herbal repertoire. Historians have noted that there is no mention of the dandelion plant in Western history until its first appearance in the Ortus Sanitatis of 1485. In traditional Chinese medicine, dandelion was also not mentioned until later times. The dandelion did not become a popular Chinese herbal plant until the 7the century. The name of the dandelion has always invoked curiosity. How did this herb get its funny name? The story goes that the dandelion got its name from a surgeon in the 15th century, who thought that the shape of the dandelion leaves resembled a lion's teeth. Dandelion is also interesting because it is used differently in different parts of the world. In the West, for instance, it is customary to separate the leaves and the root of the tree. However, in traditional Chinese medicine, it is customary to keep the plant intact when preparing herbal remedies.
The taste of dandelion has been described as cool, sweet, and sometimes bitter. The leaves are known to contain bitter glycosides, vitamins A, B, C, D, several minerals, including salt, iron, and potassium. The leaves of the dandelion plant also contain carotenoids, terpenoids, choline, and potassium salts. The root of the dandelion plant contains tannins, volatile oils, triterpenes, sterols, bitter glycosides, asparagus, and inulin. The leaves of the dandelion plant are thought to be diuretic in nature. They are also believed to have the ability to treat liver problems, and to serve as a strong digestive tonic. The root of the dandelion plant is also used. The root is mostly thought of as a liver tonic, antirheumatic, and diuretic. It is also believed to promote the flow of bile.
The root of the dandelion plant is also often used. It is a favorite liver stimulant of traditional herbalists. The root is often used as a gentle, nourishing cleansing tonic. IT is used to treat a range of products, ranging from jaundice to gallstones. The root of the dandelion plant can also be used to treat chronic toxic conditions including skin problems (acne, eczema, etc.) and joint inflammations. It is also considered a powerful tool for treating chronic constipation.
The dandelion plant can be found in a number of herbal remedies. Dandelion leaves can be consumed raw by adding a few springs to a spring salad as a cleansing herb. A juice can also be created from the dandelion leaves. Simply puree the leaves and take the juice whenever a diuretic action is sought. Dandelion leaves are often infused to create a hot tea that helps treat toxic conditions such as eczema, acne and even gout. It also serves as a very gentle liver and digestive stimulant that has a gentle cleansing action. The dandelion can also be made into a tincture that can be taken for a variety of reasons, including as a herb to help heal a failing heart. The root can also be turned into at tincture to great gout, acne, and eczema.
The Herbal Remedy | Alternative Healing
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Go For a Natural Remedy - Go For Dandelion
Herbal remedies are 100% natural and they are less likely to result in side effects as compared to modern drugs. In addition to that, they are also proven to be effective even if it takes time. Taking a single herb will just relieve the illness or ailment that you have but also it will have other benefits for your body. Let's take Dandelion as an example.
Dandelion is a plant with flat leaves and a bright, yellow flower. It turns into a dandelion clock when it matures. Dandelion clock spreads the Dandelion spores on the wind. At around 1373, it has been used as an herbal remedy and its use was first documented. Dandelion is high in Vitamin C and it has made a vital food for settlers, ship crews, armies worried to avoid Scurvy, an illness brought by a deficiency in Vitamin C.
It is an unusual multiplier and it has become popular because of its medicinal value. It has become the most common, convenient and beneficial herbal medicine. It has been used for many centuries by customary Chinese medication. It is for liver detoxification and natural diuretic for reduction of inflammation. It contains potassium and it may normalize blood sugar. Unlike any other commercial diuretics, dandelion does not result in potassium deficiency because it is very rich in potassium. It is considered safe diuretic suitable for many especially children.
Dandelion is a mild herb that can be used regularly. It will attack irritating free radicals floating around your bloodstream because it is an antioxidant and a source of first class Vitamin C. It will also make your skin healthy by making you look younger. It is best known for its diuretic properties because of its ability to increase waste products in urine. People who have able to take this as their supplement testified that it has stimulated their digestive system and increased their appetite. It is also an effective liver cleanser. It is a source of nutrients and a mild stimulant for your colon and urinary tract.
As a matter of fact, it contains more nutrients than Spinach. It appears commonly in salads and soups of European cuisine. Dandelion & Burdock, a popular drink in UK is still available in supermarkets. Dandelion can be made into a soft drink. It has the addition of some Citrus flavoring.
Aside from taking Dandelions in drinking wine or soft drink or in a salad, you can also find it in a variety of forms like pills and capsules.
Dandelion is considered safe but it may also trigger some side effects. Some people may develop allergic reactions and some may have mouth sores. You should avoid dandelions if you have an allergy in chrysanthemums, ragweed, chamomile, marigold, daisies or iodine. If you apply topically, it may irritate your skin. Consult your doctor for more information.
Visit http://www.goodherbalremedies.com/ to learn about more natural and perhaps healthier remedies!
Robin O. enjoys writing about many fascinating topics.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Dandelion: Gift of Miracle of mother earth
Called the "King of weeds" by veterans, the Chinese have known on the antibacterial properties of the juice of dandelion since the 7th century. In fact, it is one of 6 top plants in Chinese medicine chest. In Chinese medicine, it is considered a cleansing tonic, digestion of blood, and used in the treatment of diabetes. It is ground and applied as a poultice for snake bites. The Canada, are considered as the leaves of dandelions be consumed without danger and dandelion root is already marketed as a diuretic drug registered by Health Canada. Canada imports most of its dandelion of the United States although it can be easily grown in the Canada.
The plant is valuable as a general tonic, as a general stimulant of the system, particularly the urinary organs. Can be considered an infusion of the sheet, extraction of juice, a root decoction, fluid or dye. Fresh leaves can be added to salads. The extraction of the juice is the most powerful for medicinal purposes. The Milky latex of dandelion can be used as a mosquito repellent.
Dr. Peter a. Gail, in his book, "The dandelion celebration - the Guide to unexpected Cuisine" written that dandelion eaten as part of your daily food prevents or cures the liver disease; helps weight reduction; cleans the skin and prevents acne; Removes or drastically reduces acid indigestion and the accumulation of gas by cutting the heaviness of fatty food; lowers serum cholesterol by as much as half; prevents or lessens the blood pressure; prevents or cures the various forms of cancer; and prevent or control diabetes mellitus, then that at the same time have no negative effect aside and acting selectively on only headaches than you.
Dandelion leaves is a good natural source of potassium and reconstruct the entire potassium which may be lost because the diuretic action of the grass on the kidneys. The leaves are the source of the richest in beta-carotene green vegetables, contain more iron and calcium than spinach, are rich in fibres, sodium, magnesium, vitamin B-1, B - 2, 5-B, B - 6, 12-B, C, E, P and D, iron, phosphorus, a good source of protein and rich in micronutrients such as copper, cobaltzinc and molybdenum. You can buy the dandelion sections of specialty-products of most grocery stores; the leaves, dyes and organic products grocery stores and food stores, or develop your own.
WARNING if you are harvesting dandelions, to ensure that plants have not been sprayed herbicides, pesticides or as they will contain poisons. Get rid of lawn dandelions with pesticides may jeopardize health for adults, children and animals.
Gwen Nyhus Stewart, Blenis, M.G., H.T., is an educator, freelance, Garden consultant and author of The Garden of healing: a place of peace ? gardening soil, gardening for the soul and non-toxic Alternatives booklet for daily cleaning and gardening chores. She is the owner of the Web site of the garden of healing of Gwen?s where you will find lots of free information on gardening for the soil and gardening for the soul. To learn more about the book and subscribe to his free newsletter, visit [http://www.gwenshealinggarden.ca] Gwen Nyhus Stewart © 2004 ? 2006. All rights reserved.
The truth about dandelions!
Dandelions are not weed! They are wild vegetables. Greek mythology, Hecate fed dandelions Theseus for 30 days so that he would
become powerful enough to defeat the Minotaur. Even if it is just the stuff of legend, this story gives us a glimpse as to the powerful properties of the humble dandelion.
In fact, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said that the dandelions are more nutritious than broccoli and spinach. Attractive to birds and deer, these wild vegetables are excellent food for gerbils, pigs, cows, horses and poultry.
Do you know that in Pueblo, Colorado, it is illegal to grow dandelions? These people are certainly much. Dandelions may taste bitter, but if harvested and cooked to the right, they can be delicious while they are downright nutritious.
And here are a few more little known facts. Dandelions have a medicinal value as a diuretic. fats and cholesterol cutter; analgesic gas; treatment of renal calculi; Hunter of cancer and diabetes; cleaning of blood; reducing weight; Sharpener vision; treatment of skin and acne. regulator of intestinal functions; blood pressure controller; and the solution of the problem of anaemia.
Dandelions may season beverages and juices; and can be used in recipes for salads, omelettes, gelatins, quiche, soup, pasta dishes, breads, pizza, sauce, dips, spreads, pies, cookies, jellies, waffles, Donuts, and pudding. And did we mention the ice cream?
All parts of the dandelion are useful. The leaves can be cooked as vegetables table; flowers transformed into wine and jelly; and last but not least, root can be transformed into coffee. Then the next time you pass by a field of dandelions, note just out how yellow the whole place looks - choose some along the way and try them for lunch!
Learn more about the other use [http://www.123-nutrition.com]
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
The advent of the plant of dandelion as a Chinese medicinal herb now recognized by Western medicine
Although Westerners view commonly dandelions as a type of weed, this plant has several beneficial effects on human health, which Western medicine has just begun exploring. Dandelion was used for centuries both internally and by Asian cultures as a drug used for appendicitis, digestive disorders and problems of the chest (such as inflammation or the absence of the flow of milk) externally. Now, we find this plant studied by Western science for its medicinal value.
The most recent study is a study of German, completed in 2009. This and other German studies dandelion root was approved in Germany, "... the anorexia, dyspepsia and biliary abnormalities," (Garner-Assistant 2009). In the jargon non-medical, dyspepsia is indigestion and biliary abnormalities are disorders of the bile ducts. Bile is essential for digestion. It is a liquid secreted by the liver and gallbladder to emulsify fats for digestion. The researchers found dandelion has increased the flow of bile from 3 to 4 times.
Dandelion root is also used as a diuretic. In addition, a case study on 24 patients found that dandelion can be used to significantly reduce the pain associated with chronic colitis, as well as to help standardize the stool. This plant was also found to have anti-cancer properties, and the ability to decrease, ""... high liver enzymes in patients with hepatitis b."Wow, powerful weed control, no single Western medicine does exist can make these claims in a single pill."
The active substances of the roots of dandelions (those which have medicinal effects) include: sesquiterpene lactones, Phenylpropanoid, polysaccherides, triterpenoid saponins and inulin. Sesquiterpene lactones are found many species of plants and have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. Phenylpropanoid appear to have properties of the modulation of inflammation, while triterpenoid Saponins are that act like adaptogen (combat stress), a property of many Chinese plants. The present polysaccherides in the dandelion may have positive effects on the immune system, as polysaccherides are in General, "... intermediate key immune interactions," (Garner-Assistant 2009). Inulin is a type of dietary fibre and we can all use in our food. If this was not enough to make your head spin, roots of dandelions have also been found for a property soothing indigestion. Current studies are underway by using of extract of dandelion for patients with diabetes-results have not yet been finalized, but hoped that the study of regulating the age or advanced finished gycation, harmful chemicals produced by those who have high blood sugar.
The dandelion plant extracts have been labeled as GRAS (generally recognized as safe) for use in the supplements and foods, and the root and the leaves can be eaten as food (up to 50 grams per dose). This plant is common in the world and is currently in no danger of overexploitation. However, many people spray with herbicides dandelions in urban areas. Therefore it is better to avoid the dandelions in these areas, which is the case of a plant-based product. So the next time you see this dandelion growth between sidewalk cracks, you know as one of the wonderful medicinal plants of nature, not only unpleasant weed control.
1 Garner-assistant Mr. Re: monograph of dandelion. Integrative. Med. April-May 2009. 8 (2): 34-38. http://cms.herbalgram.org/herbclip/378/review050496-378.html.
Cathy Margolin is an advocate for health licensed acupuncturist and consumer with a passion to teach people to improve their health through Chinese herbal formulas. She enjoys having an impact on the lives of readers from around the world that have not yet experienced phenomenal the ancient wisdom of Chinese herbal medicine health benefits. Currently, she maintains a practice of herbal medicine Acupuncture & Chinese, written formulas herbal for his patients and works in PACHerbs.com.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Dandy Dandelions
You have a choice. You can be a horticultural fascist, using toxic chemicals to botanically "cleanse" your yard of the lowly dandelion, or you can sink on your knees and thank the universe for this free and abundant harvest of nutritious food and medicine. You can go a step further and plant a crop. And think of the fun you'll have when you calmly announce to your neighbor that you're about to do just that.
Bury a dandelion in the northwest corner of your house and favorable winds will blow your way. Send a message to a distant loved one by blowing the seed head in his or her direction while visualizing the message. If you succeed in dispersing all the seeds at one blow, your message will be received. The root, when dried and roasted, makes a nutritious coffee substitute. This same beverage placed steaming beside your bed will summon the spirit world.
The word "dandelion" derives from the French dent-de-lion, or "lion's tooth" after the plant's serrated leaves. The French themselves call dandelion pissenlit, or "pee-in-bed", a reference to the diuretic properties of the herb. The botanical name, Taraxacum officinale, evolved via the Arabic tarakhshaqun from the Persian talkh chakok, meaning "bitter herb" or from the Persian, tark hashgun, or wild endive. Another theory derives the name from the Greek taraxos, meaning disorder and akos, meaning remedy.
The genus Taraxacum is native to the northern temperate and arctic zones and includes over 60 species of perennial or biennial herbs, all members of the aster family.
There is an engaging legend about the origin of the dandelion. Centuries ago, a miser found a pot of gold. He decided to bury it where no one else would find it. He took the gold home, placed it in a sack and went to bed. During the night a mouse gnawed a hole in the sack. The next morning the miser took the sack into the woods to bury it. He was unaware of the hole in the sack and the gold dropped out, coin by coin. When the miser realized this he retraced his steps, intending to pick up the gold coins. However, he found that the coins had been turned into beautiful yellow flowers and were rooted to the ground. The wood sprites had overheard his plan to bury the gold and to punish him for his selfishness they had turned the gold into dandelions for everyone to enjoy and share.
Dandelion leaves are more nutritious than spinach. James A. Duke, Ph.D., herbalist and botanist, has built a phytochemical database for the U.S. Agricultural Research Service. For the humble dandelion he lists the following compounds:
Sesquiterpene lactones, which stimulate digestion and relax the sympathetic nervous system; Triterpenes, which include phytosterols called stigmasterol and sitosterol. These compounds may inhibit the growth of tumors and help regulate blood lipids. Others are associated with the regulation of thyroid function; Polysaccharides, especially inulin, a polymer of fructose. Inulin helps stabilize blood sugar levels in hypoglycemia. It also has diuretic and immuno-stimulant properties.
Lecithin, which protects the liver; Phenolic acids, which are anti-inflammatory; Carotenoids such as lutein and violaxanthin, which are powerful antioxidants. Lutein in particular has been identified as a preserver and enhancer of good vision and may prevent macular degeneration; Coumarins, which enrich the blood; Vitamins A, B, C, and D and the minerals calcium, chromium (helps metabolize fat and reduces cholesterol and triglycerides), copper, iron, magnesium, potassium, selenium, sulfur and zinc.
In addition to its nutritional qualities, the dandelion leaf is a powerful diuretic and is used as a cleanser and to treat high blood pressure by reducing the volume of excess body fluids. Unlike pharmaceutical diuretics, which cause a loss of potassium, dandelion leaves contain high amounts of this important mineral and provide a net gain. The leaf is best harvested in spring or early summer and preferably before flowering. Later in the year the leaves become tough and bitter. Even young the leaves are bitter and some recommend blanching or soaking overnight in cold water to reduce the astringency. Cooked or served raw in salads, it is advisable to combine dandelion with other greens. Do not cut or tear dandelion leaves until you're ready to use them. When cut, the cells are damaged, releasing an ascorbic acid oxidase. This chemical destroys the herb's vitamin C.
Herbalists endorse dandelion root as one of the most effective detoxifying herbs. It works primarily on the liver and gall bladder to remove waste and toxins. German research, published in 1959, validated dandelion root as an effective liver cleanser and bile stimulator. Because of these qualities, the root has helped clear up many eczema-like skin problems. The roots are best harvested in the fall when the nutritional compounds are returning to the root. For example, autumn-harvested roots contain about 40% inulin compared to only 2% in spring-harvested roots. However, frost will diminish dandelion's nutritional content. Dandelion leaf and root are sanctioned by herbalists for the prevention of gallstones and may even help to dissolve already formed gallstones. The fresh latex from dandelion stems has also been used to banish warts if applied several times daily.
Dandelion flowers make a clear, rich, sherry-like herbal wine. The flowers can also be used as a nutritional garnish - when young they have a sweet, honey-like flavor - and to impart a beautiful yellow hue to herbal vinegars.
Only harvest dandelion leaves or roots well away from traffic and industrial areas and where you know they haven't been sprayed. Following are two recipes for dandelion: one culinary and one medicinal.
Dandelion Fritters
7 cups of fresh, young dandelion leaves, washed, lightly steamed and chopped;
2 cloves of garlic, minced;
1 small onion, finely chopped;
2 eggs, beaten;
2 tsp. extra virgin olive oil;
Salt and pepper to taste;
Oat flour, enough to bind the mixture into patties.
Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, mix well and form into patties. Fry in the oil until golden brown.
Diuretic Tea
2 tsp. fresh, washed dandelion root, finely chopped; ½ tsp. each of nettle leaf (fresh or dried), oat straw, fennel seed and corn silk; 1 liter of boiling water.
Pour boiling water over the herbs. Steep in a pot for 20 minutes. Strain the herbs and drink one or two cups as needed.
Bruce Burnett is an award-winning writer, a chartered herbalist and author of HerbWise: growing cooking wellbeing. Bruce and his wife Delaine own Olivias Fashion, Furnishings & Gifts ([http://www.olivias.ca/]) in Ladysmith, BC Canada. Read more published articles by Bruce Burnett on his websites: [http://www.bruceburnett.ca/] and http://www.herbalcuisine.com/
Dandelion Leaf Can Purify Your Blood and Body Organs
The first line of a little known song asks the question, "How many dandelions this year will grow?" Indeed, in some parts of the North America hills are yellow with dandelion flowers in the spring. Most are either ignored or poisoned as a nuisance. If we had known what this article will reveal, we might have gathered them instead of treating them as a curse.
The name dandelion comes from the French phrase 'dent de lion,' meaning 'lion's tooth.' This refers to the jagged-edged leaves of this weed. The fancier scientific name is Taraxacum officinale. Unlike calendula (marigold) which is not the same annual flower found in American gardens, dandelion the herb is exactly what you think of growing in your yard or on a hillside. What makes this common weed so great?
All the dandelion plant is useful. The roots can be eaten as vegetables or roasted and ground to make a type of root "coffee." A quick look through the internet reveals the flowers are used to make wine, in cooking (dandelion flower cookies?), a syrup, jam, and an oil to rub on sore joints. But the leaves have the most diverse list of uses.
First, dandelion leaf is an excellent source of sodium, iron, vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, and especially calcium. Dandelion might have been one of the "bitter herbs" mentioned in the Bible. The leaves add bitter flavoring to salads or can be cooked like spinach. The best leaves are those bright green ones that appear before the dandelion flowers in the spring.
One of dandelion leaf's greatest claims to fame is its ability to purify the blood and body organs. It is a wonderful liver cleaner and increases the output of the liver, the flow of bile into the intestines and the activity of the pancreas and spleen. This makes it a great treatment for hepatitis, yellow jaundice, and other liver related problems. By purifying the blood, it helps with some types of anemia. The acids in the blood that build up with weight loss are destroyed by dandelion. It also helps with low blood pressure, and builds energy and endurance.
Dandelion is good for female organs. It enriches breast milk in nursing mothers and this, in turn, benefits both mother and child. It is good for women both before, during, and after pregnancy. Women suffering from premenstrual syndrome may find that the diuretic action of dandelion helps relieve some of the symptoms. In short, dandelion is safe and healthy for men, woman, children, and even animals.
Dandelion flowers are an excellent source of lecithin, a nutrient that elevates the brain's acetylcholine. As a result, it may help retard or stop regression of mental ability caused by Alzheimer's disease. Lecithin also helps the body maintain good liver function as mentioned before. Dandelion also opens the urinary passages as part of its cleansing work.
Native Americans used it to treat kidney disease, indigestion, and heartburn. Traditional Chinese Medicine uses dandelion to treat upper respiratory tract infections, including bronchitis and pneumonia.
Dandelion leaves and flowers are best when freshly picked. If this is not possible, the leaves can be refrigerated up to five days when wrapped in a plastic bag. Be sure to wash the leaves thoroughly before using. Leaves may also be frozen for longer periods of time. You can also dry the flowers and leaves yourself and store them in a dark, dry, and cool place. Use them in the bath to treat yeast infections, or to make your own dandelion tea (steep about 1 tablespoon of dried leaves in 1 cup hot water). Dandelion may also be purchased in capsules, tinctures, and powdered form.
Dandelion is generally regarded as safe, but some people report allergic or asthmatic reaction to this herb, especially those with allergies to ragweed or daisies. Traditionally dandelion is not recommended for patients with liver or gallbladder disease but some feel this advice is erroneous.
There are more benefits of cut dandelion leaf to be discovered. Visit More Than Alive, an online store for bulk herbs and a trusted resource where you can get cut dandelion leaf and cut dandelion root and learn about the great advantages your body will receive from this and many other herbs.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Making a Good Dandelion Wine
For gardeners and landscapers alike, the dandelion represents a threat unparalleled by other pests. These little yellow flowers can invade a lawn or garden in a matter of days and spell ruin for a lovingly tended piece of your landscape. However, viewing them as an obstructive menace might be a little misguided. There are many, many uses for dandelions that far outweigh there negative reputation. In addition to a use as food, dandelions have many medicinal properties, and their roots can even be used to make a drink that is much like coffee.
For generations, though, dandelions have been harvested and used in one of our favorite beverages: Wine. May families possess a particular recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation. In recent history, though, dandelion wine has gone down in popularity. This is mainly due to the increased urbanization of people. More and more of the population is concentrated in urban centers, and going out to pick a basket or bucket full of dandelions is not as convenient as it once used to be.
Dandelion wine is a product of the yellow flower petals of the plant. Unfortunately, the greens of the plant, though they have many other beneficial properties, would lend a bitter, "green" flavor to the wine that has very little appeal. The wine produce from the petals has a sweet, refreshing taste that is just as, if not more, satisfying than many of the white wines on the market today. Like white wines, it is best served chilled on a hot day, and goes well with lighter foods.
Most recipes for dandelion wine are very similar to each other. The main ingredients are always dandelion petals, water, sugar and yeast. The amount of dandelions petals that is used varies from recipe to recipe, though it is generally between six and ten cups. When plucking flower petals off the flowers, this is a lot of dandelions! What determines the amount of petals used is generally the amount of sugar used. The sugar part of the recipe is usually just ordinary, granulated sugar, though there are recipes that use honey instead (this will be discussed in a moment). Sugar is the part of the wine that is fermented and turned into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Higher amounts of sugar result in higher levels of alcohol, which can overwhelm the flavor of the little flowers. This is probably why some recipes contain a much higher proportion of flowers. Finally, the yeast is the part of any wine making recipe that does the work of turning the mix into wine. Though any kind of yeast will do the desired work of turning sugar into alcohol, winemakers have been using specific varieties of yeast to ferment wine since the craft began thousands of years ago. In modern times, these varieties of yeast can be located in any wine making supply shop. Yeasts that are best used for dandelion wine are often the same yeasts that do well in making white wines.
Traditional dandelion wine recipes produce a clear, yellow wine that has much of the same characteristics as the popular white wines on the market today. They are best served chilled, white lighter foods that will not overwhelm the flavor of the wine. Dandelion wine also tends to be lower in alcohol content than most traditional wines as well.
Dandelion wine recipes have come a long way from just the basic recipe, though. You can find recipes for dandelion wine that contain a wide variety of ingredients from other flowers, fruits and even herbs and spices. Flowers that are commonly combined with dandelions to produce magnificent wines are roses, lavender and chamomile, just to name a few. Examples of fruit wines that benefit well from a pairing with dandelions are those made with melons, strawberries or any other fruits that have a lighter flavor and will not dominate the flavor profile of the wine.
Probably the most popular of ingredients to pair with dandelions in wine making, though, is honey. When combined with honey, dandelions make a wine that is commonly called a "metheglin." A metheglin is any mead (honey wine) that is made with one or more herbs (such as dandelions) as a main part of its flavoring component. Metheglins are incredibly versatile, and almost any herb or spice can be used to make a wine. In addition to just a drinking wine, metheglins are often made as wines that are used solely for cooking and as marinades. When used as part of a metheglin recipe, dandelions produce a wine that is both complex and flavorful and pairs well with a wide variety of foods and occasions.
One can easily see that even in the field of wine making, dandelions have vast amounts of potential. The beneficial use of this plant has been largely overlooked, and it has come to be viewed as a pest and an enemy. Perhaps the time has come that we reconsider our views of this little herb and begin to work with, rather than against it. If you would like to see two prime examples of how dandelions can be used to make wine, please visit the site Dandelion Wine Recipes .
Thanks for reading, and Blessed Be!
Dandelion Tea May Help Fight Acne by Detoxifying the Body
Dandelion tea's potential as an acne remedy has been gradually gaining recognition and awareness among many sectors. There has noticeably been an upsurge in the popularity of natural anti-acne treatments of late. Indeed, it might just be a matter of time before curiosity in this dainty drink's possible acne fighting abilities translates into more meaningful findings and outcomes.
The dandelion plant has long been considered as nothing more than an annoying and pesky weed that grows in lawns, gardens and in spaces between brick walls. But it may be better to think twice before destroying and cutting them down.
According to a 2009 research study done by the University of Maryland Medical Center, dandelion root is a natural detoxification agent for the liver and kidneys. This ability may thus be helpful in cleaning the blood and getting rid of toxins & impurities. So the previously anecdotal anti-acne properties of dandelion tea just might have some scientific basis after all.
Acne. Oftentimes the mere mention of that word causes many a teenager and adult to wince and cringe. For many individuals, this condition represents a lifelong burden, a heavy cross that must be borne.
Acne is an embarrassing, annoying, persistent and uncomfortable but altogether common skin condition that is marked by skin irregularities characterized by the presence of scaly red surface, blackheads and whiteheads, pinheads, pimples, nodules and even scarring.
Acne strikes mostly in skin areas with the densest population of sebaceous follicles. These are typically the face, the upper part of the chest, and the back. The surface cause of acne is clogged hair follicles and pores.
Acne affects almost everyone at some point in their lives. Conventional acne treatments are widespread although these can be quite expensive and may not always solve the problem. As such, many people are turning to natural acne remedies.
There are several causes of acne that have been identified. These include:
(a.) hormonal causes - overproduction of hormones;
(b.) genetic causes - certain families may be predisposed to acne;
(c.) psychological causes - heightened levels of stress may be significantly associated with acne;
(d.) bacterial causes - the propionibacterium acnes bacteria is widely considered to cause acne, and;
(e.) dietary causes - certain foods are believed to contribute to acne although more studies are required to establish this.
Dandelion tea acne remedy may not be appropriate for conditions brought on by the genetic or psychological factors as these might require solutions that tap into these root causes.
However, dandelion tea may be useful for acne that is caused by hormonal or bacterial factors. This herbal tea is said to fight acne by helping improving liver function. The liver is known to help clean the blood and remove toxins from the body. But when it is not functioning as well as it should, the liver may help worsen acne as it cannot break down and clear the excess hormones from the body.
Furthermore, some research on the inulin content of the dandelion plant offers some clues on how it may help fight acne. Inulin, a naturally-occurring polysaccharide in the plant, is said to help combat bad bacteria in the intestines. The removal of the bacteria in turn may help improve the quality of skin and clear out acne.
The roots and leaves of dandelion are believed to possess considerable amounts of vitamins A, B, C, and D as well as iron, potassium and zinc, all of which promote clear skin. In addition to the aforementioned inulin, the other active compounds in dandelion are taraxacin, taraxacoside, phenolic acids, sesquiterpene lactones, triterpenes, coumarins, and catortenoids. Some of these may have antioxidant abilities that further help in fighting aggravating factors for acne.
Dandelion tea may be enjoyed either as a leaf infusion or as a root decoction. To make the infusion, simply place 1 to 2 teaspoons of dried leaves into a mug of hot water and let it stand for about 5 to 7 minutes. For the decoction, place the dried roots into boiling water for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink.
While dandelions are generally considered safe, allergic reaction may be developed from coming in contact with it. Dandelion should be be avoided by individuals with known allergy to honey, chamomile, chrysanthemums, yarrow, feverfew, ragweed, sunflower or daisies. Dandelion may also cause increased stomach acid and heartburn in some individuals. It may also irritate the skin if applied topically. People with gallbladder problems and gallstones should consult a health care provider before taking dandelion tea.
While the world has been steadily rediscovering the ancient medicinal wisdom behind dandelion tea, it should be noted that health authorities in the United States and some countries have not authorized or approved the use of this herb for therapeutic and medical purposes.
So even as dandelion tea may not outrightly "cure" or defeat acne, its vaunted capability to cleanse the circulatory system may at least help ease or prevent the outbreak of acne. Keeping the body clean is always a sound proposition - and it is possible to do this with natural substances like dandelion tea.
Tea Health Benefits are discussed at TeaBenefits.com, your complete guide to the health benefits of tea.
Are you interested in a particular type of tea, we tell you its healing properties. Do you have an ailment? We'll tell you what tea may be used for its treatment.
Visit our Dandelion Tea Health Benefits page.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Herbal Medicine is People's Medicine
Herbal medicine is people's medicine. Herbal medicine is the primary medicine of most people on this planet, right now. It's not something old and dusty. It's not a bunch of doctors and chemists figuring out how to use herbs like drugs. Herbal medicine is a 3-year-old picking plantain and putting it on a skinned knee or an insect bite. Herbal medicine is the medicine of women and children. It is the medicine of the earth. It's medicine that's free. It's not something that must be studied before it can help you. Start with one plant. Approach herbal medicine directly, hands on, in the back yard with your children.
You can be your own herbalist, if you keep it simple. First, divide herbs into four categories: nourishing, tonifying, stimulating/sedating, and potentially poisonous. Use nourishing herbs daily, tonifying herbs regularly, stimulating/sedating rarely, and potentially poisonous herbs almost never.
Nourishing herbs are nutritive plants such as kale, garlic, dandelion greens, rolled oats, plantain seeds, blueberries, and edible weeds - the powerhouses of nutrition. Nourishing plants can be used in any quantity for any length of time.
Nutritive herbs are rich in minerals and vitamins. One hundred grams of dandelion (about ½ cup of greens) has 14,000 IU of vitamin A.
Tonifying herbs are like exercise; they include such plants as burdock, dandelion root, yellow dock, motherwort, ginseng, astragalus, chaste berry, schisandra. One of the benefits of exercise, of tonification, is that it helps us when we're stressed. You're not necessarily going to feel better if you exercise once for ten minutes. But, if you exercise for ten minutes every day, after several months, you will notice changes.
What's confusing is the difference between tonifying and stimulating herbs. When we take tonics, we feel better and have more energy. When we take stimulating herbs, we also feel better and have more energy, but only when we are stimulating ourselves. There are immediate uncomfortable effects when we lack our stimulant, but no decrease in health if we stop taking the tonic. Ginger and cinnamon certainly have their uses. But they don't build health.
Over the long run, stimulants erode our health. Nourishing ultimately gives us more energy, though it will take a few days to feel it, whereas the effects of stimulants are immediate. My apprentices drink two or more cups of nourishing herbal infusion daily. And after ten days, their skin is nicer, they have more energy and stamina, they stop craving sweets, and they feel a lot better over all.
With nourishing and tonifying herbs in our daily lives, we have solid energy that adds to health instead of subtracting from it. Instead of raiding my storehouse with stimulants, I build my reserves with nourishing herbal infusions.
I recommend that people drink nourishing herbal infusions on a daily basis. Everything will follow from there.
I consider dark chocolate an important health food.
Stimulating/sedating herbs are some of the most widely used of all herbs. They include coffee, tea, cinnamon, ginger, hops, kava kava, licorice, passion flower, skullcap, valerian, willow, and wintergreen. They are best used when there is a specific need: A pre-diabetic might choose to take a teaspoonful of cinnamon daily. Ginger compresses are great, and I enjoy it in my food, occasionally. The point with these herbs is to avoid daily use.
The last category is potentially poisonous herbs, ones we only in extreme situations, to ward off death. I include goldenseal, poke root, cayenne, rue, sweet clover, and wormwood in this category.
Goldenseal is a broad spectrum antibacterial. It kills more gut flora than antibiotics. It negatively impacts kidney, liver, and gut function. In forty years as an herbalist, I have used it only once: externally. It is overused, to the detriment of people's health, and to the near extinction of the plant itself.
we have three different medical traditions; The Wise Woman Tradition, the Heroic Tradition and the Scientific Tradition. They overlap, but, in general, the Heroic Tradition is called alternative medicine. It dates back to ancient Greece and the idea that there are four "humors." Disease occurs due to disruption of the humors. George Washington got the flu. The best healers of the day, who were heroic healers, puked him. He didn't get better, so they purged him. He got worse, so they bled him. He got worse. They puked, purged, and bled him again. He died.
That was the best medicine of the day. Today, we think of the humors as toxins, and people continue puke, purge, and poke, only now, we call it "cleansing." My experience has shown me that cleansing does no good and can cause great harm. The Heroic Tradition prefers stimulating, sedating, and potentially poisonous herbs; and they generally use complicated mixtures of herbs. They want to be the heroes. The problem with these very potent herbs, however, is that they must be given in very accurate doses. This is the beginning of the pharmaceutical industry. The active poisons were extracted from plants, and crude plant drugs became "safe" pharmaceutical drugs.
That is the Scientific Tradition, which tells us that our bodies are machines and they need to be fixed. In the Scientific Tradition, health is a measurement. We eat by the numbers. The advantage to treating bodies as machines is that it allows us to deal with intractable problems. My sweetheart's grandfather died of a heart attack at 57. His father had his first heart attack at 57, survived that one, and died of a second one at 59. My sweetheart, at 59, had a triple bypass, not a heart attack. Now, you might say, "Well, couldn't you have done something to prevent that, Susun?" No. Very, very high cholesterol runs in his family. But consider this: The surgeon said to him, afterwards, "Your heart was getting about a third of the blood it needed; it ought to have been damaged or even dead. But you have one of the healthiest hearts I've ever seen. What's up?" He's been drinking nourishing herbal infusions for 20 years. He doesn't eat any vegetable/seed oils, doesn't take supplements, does do yoga, and leads a vigorous, healthy life.
My friend, Ellen, was hit by a tractor trailer, which ran a red light. Her neck was broken in three places. She was picked up by a helicopter and taken to a major medical center, where they took a piece of her thigh bone and fused it into her neck. She can walk -not well, but she can walk. I couldn't have done that with comfrey, love, or my drum. But two weeks later, everybody in the hospital wanted to know what we were doing because Ellen was healing so rapidly. That's comfrey, love, and my drum. I'm one of the people who coined the term, "integrated medicine." I want all three traditions to be recognized for their strengths and weaknesses, so each person can have the health care that is best suited to them and their situation.
The third tradition is the oldest tradition of them all and the tradition that I speak for: the Wise Woman Tradition. In the Scientific Tradition (linear) we fix the broken machine; in the Heroic Tradition (circular) we cleanse the filthy temple. In the Wise Woman Tradition (spiralic), we nourish the unique wholeness of each individual. Nourishment certainly has to do with what we eat, but it is more. Everything we take in - sights, sounds, thoughts, stories, smells, everything - becomes part of us. Many people who eat well are on a diet of junk food when it comes to what they take in other than food. No, I don't watch television.
When you read about herbal medicine, for instance, or see a doctor or healer, you could ask yourself: "Which tradition is this writer or healer working with?". The Scientific Tradition says herbs are dangerous; they are crude drugs, drugs with green coats. Drugs have been made from herbs; but that doesn't mean all herbs are drug-like. The Heroic Tradition says herbs - like cayenne, goldenseal, and lobelia - cleanse. I teach my students that cleansing, in terms of a living body, really means damage and destroy. In the Wise Woman Tradition, we start from the understanding that we are created in perfection. We do not fall from that perfection, but we fall from our belief in that perfection. The Heroic Tradition encourages us to berate ourselves, to believe that any health problem is our own fault. There is power in those beliefs, but little healing, to my mind. To me, healing is wholing. To heal is to make someone more, not less. I strive not to take away, but to add, and let what isn't needed go as it will, and it will.
We recognize our wholeness/health/holiness when we accept ourselves exactly as we are, with love and compassion. In the Wise Woman Tradition, we nourish what we want to be, rather than rejecting what we don't want. We trust our bodies, we trust the earth, we trust our gut feelings.
Cholesterol's connection to heart attacks has never been proven. And we have virtually no idea what healthy cholesterol is in a post-menopausal woman. Remember, my sweetheart: incredibly high cholesterol but never had a heart attack. Inflammation has been shown, over and over, to lead to heart attacks. You may want to consider reducing inflammation instead of cholesterol. One of the best ways to do that is to stop eating oils pressed from seeds, and to start eating olive oil, organic butter, and the natural fats from organically-raised, pastured animals.
Canola oil, flax oil, hemp oil, evening primrose oil, soy oil, sesame oil, almond oil, corn oil - all considered healthy, but examples of the oils I avoid when I want to avoid inflammation. And inflammation underlies and supports heart attack, joint pain, dementia, cancer.
The Scientific Tradition, says "measure and fix." For optimal health follow an anti-inflammatory diet - the first step is to remove seed oils from your diet. Then, reduce and remove stimulants - coffee, black pepper, cayenne, ginger, cinnamon, soda pop. Third, reduce and remove all sources of high-fructose corn syrup. Meanwhile, introduce optimally nutritive foods: nourishing herbal infusions, plain yogurt, fermented vegetables, whole grains, miso, seaweed. Give yourself at least a year to make these changes. You are already perfect; and you can create a greater perfection as you nourish yourself.
Slippery elm is wonderful herbal ally. I make lozenges by mixing slippery elm bark powder with a little honey. I stir until it clumps up, adding more honey if needed. It's just right when it's like pie dough. Using my hands, I make balls the size of hazelnut or bigger, and roll them in more powdered slippery elm so they don't stick to each other. I store them in a small metal tin; and don't leave home without it. Slippery elm is so safe that you can dissolve a ball in your mouth as often as you want, any time you feel any distress. If you're working with an ongoing condition, at least two a day is good. Slippery elm restores the lining of the intestines, prevents any agents within the body from disturbing the intestines, and neutralizes any poisons that are present in or around the intestines.
A great ally that you could grow is comfrey. There is some controversy about the use of comfrey root, so I restrict myself to the leaf. Also, I'm careful to use garden comfrey, which is less problematic. To make a nourishing herbal infusion with comfrey, weigh out one ounce of dried leaves and put that in a quart canning jar. Fill it to the top with boiling water. Screw a tight lid on it and let it steep for at least 4 hours - or up to 9 hours at cool room temperature. Strain the herb out, squeezing it well. The liquid is what we drink; I put the spent herb in the compost. Comfrey leaf infusion can be drunk hot, with a spoonful of honey, or over ice. You can also heat it up and pour it over a mint tea bag. Comfrey gives the lining of the lungs and the intestines flexible strength and health.
Comfrey leaf infusion is good for people who have quit smoking, or even if they are still smoking. Comfrey leaf infusion is also a tremendous ally to bone flexibility and strength. It also heals and strengthens tendons and ligaments. Remember comfrey: it contains proteins that create short-term memory cells.
Teas and infusions are generally safe; tinctures are more concentrated and thus less safe, and capsules are the least safe of all. In fact, herbs in capsules are the most likely to create horrible side-effects. I tell my students to completely avoid herbs in capsules.
Let's go back to our four categories - nourishing herbs contain vitamins and minerals, proteins and nutritive factors that are easily soluble in water and vinegar, but not alcohol. Stimulating/sedating and potentially poisonous herbs contain active ingredients that are more soluble in alcohol than in water. Thus, infusions and vinegars are nutritive, while tinctures are more drug-like.
An infusion is a large amount of dried herb brewed for a long time. A tea is a small amount of fresh or dried herb brewed for a short time. To make an infusion: Buy dried herbs in bulk - my favorites for nourishing infusions are stinging nettle, oatstraw, red clover, linden, and comfrey leaf - and place one ounce of dried herb in a quart canning jar; fill with boiling water; screw on a tight lid; steep for at least 4 hours; strain; drink the liquid hot or cold; refrigerate what's left and consume it within 36 hours.
A quart of nettle infusion can have 2000mg of calcium; and we could easily consume that in a day. A dropperful of nettle tincture would contain, at the most, 3-5mg of calcium.
The definition of a tincture is an alcohol extract. The active principles in plants - alkaloids, glycosides, volatile oils, and resins - generally dissolve poorly in water. Tinctures can make a plant act more like a drug, and allow finer control over the dose.
Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material on this website/email is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion.
Susun Weed, Copyright @ 2009
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Saturday, January 21, 2012
(Taraxacum Officinale)
Medicinal Part: Plant
Description: The dandelion is a perennial plant found, to the dismay of many, almost everywhere.
Properties and Uses: Aperient, Cholagogue, diuretic, stomachic, tonic. Dandelion has two particularly important uses: to promote the formation of bile and to remove excess water from the body in edemous conditions resulting from liver problems. The root especially affects all forms of secretion and excretion from the body. By acting to remove poisons from the body, it acts as a tonic and stimulant as well.1
I was in my early teens before I discovered that most people considered the dandelion a weed. All I remember is being rousted out of bed extra early on Sunday mornings to collect dandelion leaves in the park, before the sun dried the dew from the leaves. "Only pick the leaves without flowers," my Godmother would remind us. Dandelion was invariably the main ingredient in the salad for Sunday night dinner.
Dandelion leaves have a wonderful, slightly bitter flavor, and when mixed with more traditional greens such as romaine or iceberg lettuce, add a more robust flavor to the salad. The leaves should be picked before the plant flowers for the best flavor.
Dandelion leaves also make an excellent tea. It is especially useful for flushing excess fluids from the body, but unlike conventional diuretics, dandelion does not leach potassium from the body. Its rich potassium content replaces that which the body looses.2
1. The Herb Book, by John Lust, Benedict Lust Pub., May 1974
2. The New Age Herbalist, Richard Mabey, Michael McIntyre, Pamela Michael, Gail Duff, John Stevens. Collier Books, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1988
M.K. Welty hosts an informational website on herbs, herbal remedies and herbal gardening. For more great tips on Using Herbs and Herbal Gardening visit, http://www.UsingHerbs.Com
Take double dandelion - an abundance of nutrients, medicine and more
Only in the 20th century we have marked the dandelion a weed. Before the invention of lawns, dandelion has been more likely to be leased and evaluated as a dense food nutrients. The yellow flowers and toothed lion leaves were classified as medicinal. They have so many uses that they seem almost magical. Gardeners used to exclude the grass to dandelion! In my work, I learn more about natural life approaches. I begin to systematically ask myself, "Why God do that?", and "is there a way to do so without the use of chemicals. Today the trip lead me to, of all things, dandelions. It is time for a double take dandelion! Dandelions are cropping in the alleys of high-end organic products, specialty grocery stores and even liquor stores. They are among the most expensive elements, costs more rib, swordfish or lobster. Then, how we are re-learning the use these plants dandy?
The roots are dried and sold as substitute coffee non-caféine-$ 31.75 pound.
You can enjoy a full meal of salad of dandelion dandelions and the wine of dandelion quiche and soup of dandelion. This may be followed by cream dandelion ice! If you over indulge, a cup of dandelion tea is the perfect remedy, since dandelion help liver flush inducing a hangover of toxins from the body.
When it comes to traditional herbal medicine, roots and leaves can be used to treat:
liver disease
bad digestion
regulate the blood sugar
It must be said that one should always consult a health care provider before using any other supplement. the dandelion is generally recognized as safe to eat. However, it can cause mouth sores in some individuals and interact with other herbs and drugs.
Now let's talk vitamins!
Vitamin A - dandelions have more vitamin a spinach or the amount equivalent of carrots.
Vitamin C - dandelions have more vitamin C (19 mg / Cup) than tomatoes.
Acid folic acid, B6, and trace amounts of B1, B2, B3 and B5
Vitamin e and vitamin K - these notable fat soluble vitamins are found in the dandelions.
What minerals?
Calcium - a cut of the leaves of dandelions contains 103 mg calcium (very important for bone health).
Magnesium - a cut of the leaves of dandelions contains 20 mg of magnesium (very important for bone health).
Potassium - another mineral in dandelion, is necessary for the kidneys in good health.
Traces of copper, zinc and selenium are also present in dandelion.
The history of dandelions
Dandelions have deep roots in history. They were well known to ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, and were used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than a thousand years. Dandelions probably made their way in America of the North by way of the Mayflower. The unknown of the new world, gay, familiar dandelion face would have been a sweet reminder of home. In all practical aspects, they were probably brought as well as for their medicinal virtues. Historically, dandelions were world famous for their beauty. They were a common and much loved the floral garden in Europe, and the subject of many poems. To the Japan, horticultural societies together form to enjoy the beauty of dandelions and develop exciting new varieties for gardeners. Dandelions are back in the 21st century. If you don't believe me check at your local grocery store high range! Discovery News reported an interesting bit of dandelions news. It seems that this yellow flower and its saw toothed leaves were studied in the field of rubber. According to new research is done in the SAP of dandelion root Ohio can be made in a rubber of equal in quality to traditional rubber trees, at a lower price! We must all take another look at these yellow plants!
In my work with EveVenture, I learned a lot more natural to life approaches. For 7 years, it has become my passion to share this information with others.
Come along for the ride!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Foods and Herbal Alternative Remedies Relieve Constipation
Did you know that there are more than three million people suffering from constipation each year in the United States alone, and that more than two million people have irritable bowel syndrome (IBD)? What many people do not realize is that constipation might just be the result of an unhealthy, poor diet and not drinking enough water. If you suffer from constipation, then you need to educate yourself about the foods and also herbal alternative remedies that can provide relief.
A healthier diet means reducing the number of dairy products, candy, or foods with too much fat. Start getting plenty of fiber such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains including bran, barley, wheat, or even psyllium which are bulk forming agents that help cleanse your colon. It is important to eat high quality fiber, which means you will need to start reading the package for whole grain, rather than whole wheat. Eating right can help relieve your constipation.
Adults need to get 25 grams of daily fiber per day, so pay attention to any food that you purchase that is in a bottle, can or box. Make sure to read the nutritional information, so you will know how much fiber you are consuming.
eat plenty of fruits and vegetables rich in fiber such as: turnip greens, green beans, broccoli, apples, blackberries, raspberries, and strawberries. Also eat plenty of nuts such as peanuts, almonds or walnuts and grains like rye, barley or whole wheat. These fiber-rich foods not only help reduce cholesterol, but they will help speed up the forming of fecal bulk, an important part of the elimination process that allows the feces to pass easily, thus eliminating constipation.
A number of Chinese herbal alternative remedies can be used to treat diseases in all its forms with a traditional view placing great importance on preventing disease. Oriental medicine, over thousands of years, has accumulated a wealth experience about different herbs that help fight constipation. Experience tells us some herbs have proven to be beneficial to different parts of the body including microsystems. This knowledge also includes the side effects that might be associated with using herbs.
When thinking about herbs for constipation, seek natural herbs with no senna or cascara which are safe. Herbal alternative remedies are a very effective way to improve the digestive system, which will help you relax and live a life that is free from the pain and discomfort of constipation.
Kristin Gabriel writes for Canfo Natural Products, http://www.canfo.com, a company that blends state-of-the-art science and manufacturing processes with nature and the collective wisdom of Chinese medicine. Canfo's herbal alternative remedies and products include: FlushMe, for detoxification; SoothMe, for constipation relief; OralEase, for canker soar relief; GumSoothe, for health gums; and Pancreton, to promote healthy blood glucose levels.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
The benefits of green tea for your skin.
Green tea would seem to be aid to the world the correction for all! It is more than a pill, a tea, an excerpt, a weight loss product, a supplement and a skin Enhancer. For almost 4000 years, it was something that the Chinese seated around a table and ritually bu in tiny cups to relax. No more! Today, green tea form liquid tea and in the form of pills and even in the form of topical cream skin is everywhere and does it all. Or, if it said. So said and so little evidence. But that is changing. And, regardless of what research colleges and laboratories and the FDA do, nothing means more results. With green tea products, the positive evidence is overwhelming, with so little negative being said do doubt you.
It would appear that the benefits of drinking green tea and takes as pills goes beyond what we suffer externally. Apparently, it has advantages assimilate within and beyond, to the benefit of the surfaces. It protects against damage of the skin to the Sun, blackheads and acne, is used as a topical mask, helps stop aging of the skin and produces a balance of oils, by drinking the tea, to swallow the pill and the use of creams on your skin green tea. It is blended with jojoba, jasmine, almond extract, honey, pearl barley and vitamin a and e most acid Alpha Lipoic, odour, feeding on the health of the skin and internal. It is good for the hands, the neck, shoulders, and any where, that a high exposure to the Sun or for people who work with their hands. The cream of the most popular perhaps is in Asia that is mixed with butter of Shea for its wealth and its ability to be absorbed by the skin and improve the clarity and rich in appearance.
The properties are derived from the same thing that makes the tea and the pill and other supplements so desired. Tips of tender of the Camellia Sinensis plant grown primarily in Asia are due for medicinal properties such as polyphenols (which produce radical free benefits anti - flavenoids) specifically epigallocatchin gallate (EGCG) protects the skin against sun damage and aging with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents.
As with the most benefits claimed by green tea in all its forms, most of the research is only performed on rats, and other mammals. Little has been tested on humans. But, the indication in green tea products are more than a myth. It may be around for centuries, but it has only been on the world market for a relatively short time. Until some negative begin to appear, some adverse effects begin to appear, or certain products manufactured without scruples and distributors begin something which proves detrimental marketing, skin creams are likely to receive the attention that most cosmetics receive.... and that is none. The FDA rarely, or never monitors these products. So, as they say... "the evidence is the pudding" meaning, try it and if you like and get the results you want, and then continue to use it. It sells because its positive reputation. This is not evil that celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey's high-profile used with Hoodia and talks positively on his show on this subject. Word of mouth has always been the best seller.
For more information about this Steve ten, visit his long article describing the benefits of the use of pills for skin [http://www.greenteapillsinfo.com/green-tea-benefits-for-skin-care] Green tea at his web site.
Go green for the health of it
Green juice is a mixture of green vegetables combined together in a delicious combination of juice. All you need is a juicer and some good quality Greens.
Juice helps absorption of nutrients, if your digestive system is less that optimal, it may be difficult to absorb all the nutrients when you eat Greens. Juice will break the cell walls of vegetables so that they are pre-digested for you. This means that all nutrients go directly in your system.
Juice means that you can eat more Greens. You are probably not going to eat a whole head of celery in a day... but you can easily drink a whole head of celery juice. Juice also allows you to consume a wide variety of both Greens. You would probably have kale, cucumber, celery and parsley for breakfast, but you will enjoy it as a juice.
Juice is a great way to get loads of chlorophyll, which is the cornerstone of our body. Chlorophyll is what makes the green plants, and this is perhaps the element more powerful that exists in the universe. It is the medicine for our body and why I am a big proponent of wheat grass juice. It increases the flow of oxygen to all parts of the body, which means that release us more carbon dioxide, toxins and stress. Many oxygen means that our bodies become an aerobic environment where disease can live. An anaerobic environment is where the disease develops.
Green vegetables contain almost all minerals of trace, that we need, as most people lack seriously in essential minerals, which means that our bodies are not equipped with the necessary resources to fight the disease and feel fantastic. Green juice is an excellent way to get all the essential minerals for vibrant health.
Juice makes great green taste. As mentioned above, juice may be more acceptable Greens. This is because they can be sweetened with an apple or carrot. It is essential of not on apples and carrots, because they can raise the level of sugar in the blood, but by adding a carrot or apple to a green juice transforms it into a delicious juice that can take advantage of most of the people.
Green juice provides Enzymes that we need to clean up, detoxify and renew at the cellular level. Enzymes are also needed to digest food. We can not have incredible health without enzymes. Kitchen and the treatment of any type destroys all enzymes, particularly the Greens, raw food, are absolutely essential to maintain the levels of the enzyme in good health. A green juice daily is a means to maintain the levels of the enzyme.
Juice may help people with arthritis. Spinach, broccoli and parsley cherry juice may help in the treatment of arthritis, since they contain beta-carotene, accompanied by carrots, apples and ginger, which contain copper.
Other juice that can help include the Blueberry, celery juice, green barley juice, juice of the aloe vera and boswellia extract. Birch cortisone can also help reduce the inflammation of the joints
People with arthritis should avoid nightshade vegetables, so named because they grow in the shadow of the night rather than during the day. Solanaceae contain an alkaloid called solanine, which seems to have a negative effect on the calcium balance, and may cause headaches.
If you have never juice on a regular basis, I highly recommend to make a test. The change is not always easy, but incorporating juices in your lifestyle is very.
Jonathan Bell is committed to provide information that promotes a lifestyle free of cancer, in good health. [http://www.curecancersource.com]
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Nutritional Supplements Are Important For Optimal Health
It's estimated we are receiving only 40 percent of the nutritional value of food nowadays. Some reports suggest this is untrue while many reports go even farther by saying this figure is actually lower. In any case, unless you are fortunate enough to have a garden close by with organic fresh food you can harvest and eat on a daily basis, I believe the food available in the supermarket does indeed lack in nutrition.
Many fresh foods travel great distances and many foods are processed to increase shelf life. To obtain the highest possible yield, producers are forced to rely on chemical fertilizers and pesticides for their crops, while other producers use growth hormones, antibiotics, and inhumane confinement for animal production. (By the way, from what I understand about antibiotics given to animals destined for the dinner table...they are not necessary if the animals are kept in clean, un-crowded environments where they are able to stretch their legs and get fresh air and sunshine daily. Another reason to shop organic.)
The availability of high-calorie, high-fat, high-sugar, and low-fibre foods has rapidly become commonplace, and growing concern with processed foods is they are becoming much less expensive than nutrient-dense foods such as fruits and vegetables. The availability and lower price of processed and energy-dense foods rich in sugar and fat makes them appealing to the pocket book as well as the taste buds, but not without consequences. Obesity, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes and other chronic conditions are gaining a stronghold in North America and researchers are now beginning to admit that diet plays a huge role in the prevention and treatment of disease.
Balance, variety, and moderation are the keys to a healthful diet. A balanced proportion of foods from the different food groups, a variety of foods from within the different food groups, and moderation in the consumption of any food should provide us with the nutrients we need to sustain life.
Although developments in the food industry over time have improved food quality and safety, there are still concerns over the nutritional content the food actually contains. Nutrients should come primarily from the foods we eat, but it's becoming increasingly difficult to find foods that have not been grown in nutritionally challenged soils. Decades of poor agricultural practices are depleting foods of the nutrients we need for optimal health and wellness.
This is why nutritional supplements are important.
Nutritional supplements are designed to provide nutrients, both essential and non-essential, that you may not be getting from your diet. Also known as dietary supplements, nutritional supplements are an important part of a balanced health regime and can offer significant health benefits. They can help to correct nutritional deficiencies and help boost the immune system, and there is growing scientific evidence supporting the benefits of nutritional supplements and their role in maintaining optimal health.
Nutritional and dietary supplements are big business. It's estimated that over twenty-five billions dollars a year is spent in the United States alone on natural health products. So which supplements should you look for and which are safe to take?
In the United States, the FDA regulates dietary supplements. According to their website, "dietary supplements (are regulated) under a different set of regulations than those covering "conventional" foods and drug products (prescription and Over-the-Counter). Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA), the dietary supplement manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that a dietary supplement is safe before it is marketed. FDA is responsible for taking action against any unsafe dietary supplement product after it reaches the market. Generally, manufacturers do not need to register their products with FDA nor get FDA approval before producing or selling dietary supplements. * Manufacturers must make sure that product label information is truthful and not misleading. *Domestic and foreign facilities that manufacture/process, pack, or hold food for human or animal consumption in the United States are required to register their facility with the FDA."
Although "the manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that its dietary supplement products are safe before they are marketed" and "there are no provisions in the law for FDA to "approve" dietary supplements for safety or effectiveness before they reach the consumer", it's important to purchase nutritional supplements from a reputable company who has been in busy for many years. You can also read more on FDA regulations with regards to dietary supplements on the FDA website.
In Canada, the laws are much more stringent. On January 1, 2004 The Natural Health Products Regulations came into effect and apply to all natural health products. Products defined in the Regulations as natural health products include vitamins, minerals, herbal remedies, probiotics, homeopathic medicines, traditional medicines (such as Traditional Chinese Medicines), amino acids and essential fatty acids.
Natural health products that fall under these regulations require an NPN (Natural Product Number). Once Health Canada has assessed the product, an eight digit product license number, preceded by the letters "NPN" will appear on the label informing consumers that Health Canada has reviewed the product for safety, quality, and health claims, and the product has been approved to be marketed under the Natural Health Products Regulations and has authorized the product for sale in Canada. The Natural Health Product Directorate (NHPD) is the regulating authority for health products for sale in Canada.
Nutritional supplements that are considered food products or whole-food concentrates come under the regulations of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and do not require NPNs. When purchasing nutritional supplements look for a Natural Product Number (NPN) on the label to ensure the product has met the requirements of Health Canada, and also make sure the company selling the product is a reputable company with a good track record.
Including nutritional supplements in your diet and daily health regime doesn't need to be hard or cost a lot of money. Many companies offer high quality supplements at reasonable prices and it only takes a few minutes to mix up a healthy "green drink" from a barley grass juice concentrate such as AIM BarleyLife® or include a supplement caplet such as Kyolic® Aged Garlic Extract? with your meal.
There are many health benefits nutritional supplements have to offer. In these modern times, with the convenience, cost and available of fast and processed foods, poor dietary habits and the questionable nutrition content of nutrient-dense foods, nutritional supplements are becoming increasingly popular as an addition to complement the diet. Simply put, nutritional supplements are important for optimal health.
AIM provides a variety of superior whole food concentrates and nutritional supplements to support a healthy lifestyle, strengthen the immune system, and nourish your cells, and AIM Members enjoy the benefits of wholesale pricing.
As Members of AIM Canada, we have a dedicated team of knowledgeable people keeping on top of all the legislation and regulations, ensuring AIM Canada is compliant, so we will continue to have the right to use and share natural health products to protect our health and the health of others who wish to use Natural Health Products.
To date AIM Canada has acquired eleven NPNs with nine other AIM products in the licensing process. Food products such as AIM BarleyLife®, LeafGreens®, Just Carrots®, ProPeas? and RediBeets® come under the regulations of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and do not require NPNs.
Joanne Jackson holds a certificate in Nutrition: Studies and Applications and a certificate in Natural Health Fundamentals, and is currently studying for her diploma as a Certified Holistic Nutritionist. Joanne is an advocate of healthy eating and proper nutrition and understands that the choices we make, and choosing them wisely, is the key to wellness and vitality. A Member of The AIM Companies for over twenty-three years, Joanne takes pride in sharing her knowledge of nutrition and the AIM products with others.
Sign up for her informative free e-newsletter by visiting http://www.followthegreen.com/newsletter.html or visit My AIM Store website at http://myaimstore.com/awealthofhealth.