Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hints and Tips on Nature's Medicine, a Look at Vegetables - Part One

There is a great deal of nonsense 'fed' to us on the subject of food; specifically on the topic of exactly what is or is not healthy.

However, it is fairly well-established that we probably do not eat sufficient quantities of fresh fruit and vegetables. Running parallel with this fact is the other involving healthy versus unhealthy fruit and vegetables - in particular those that have been treated with insecticides and other man-made protective sprays. The latest revelation tells us that there is far too much spraying of both fruit and vegetables, thus creating health problems for consumers. So what else is new?

Minimizing, even eliminating the use of agrochemicals would be the obvious answer to the problem, however we should perhaps not rely on others to look after our health. The saying "God helps those who help themselves" has long been a favourite for those who prefer to think (and 'do') for themselves and their loved ones.

So how do we put this adage into practice?


Well, why not grow your own and let vegetables be your medicine? Food provides the building blocks for the body's healthy condition. It repairs, provides the necessary enzymes, amino acids, nutrients and fibre to maintain a healthy overall 'wellness'. What better than to look toward the items that can be so close at hand - fresh vegetables, maybe even grown in your own garden. Nature actually provides in plants all the nutrients we require to sustain a long and healthy lifestyle. Our major task is to identify those that provide the correct nutrients, from which plant and how this knowledge can be applied for our benefit.


· Starting with Popeye's favourite, spinach is very much like lettuce. Although it may not initially inspire you to whoops of joy. It boils down significantly when cooked and is especially beneficial for conditioning the blood. The fresher spinach is, the better - but remember, do not use to excess because of its oxalic acid content (also called ethanedioic acid) which removes calcium from the blood and can affect the kidneys


· Celery is good for the digestive system and aids indigestion, high blood pressure and nerves. Said to improve eyesight it will also remedy stomach disorders for all age groups.


· Carrots have similar properties to an analgesic. Five ounces of pure carrot juice contains 30,000 i.u. of vitamin A. This will tend to alleviate pain. Carrots provide energy, promote normal growth and stimulate appetite. They also help prevent diarrhea and combat anaemia. They are high in potassium, vitamin A, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.

Eat carrots in cases of arthritis, kidney diseases, liver and gall bladder conditions.


· Beets eaten raw and shredded in a salad are not only tasty but beneficial in cases of constipation, kidney and bladder disease, jaundice, anaemia, nerve conditions...even lumbago. Beets contain vitamins A, B1, B3, potassium, calcium and iron sodium

It can be seen that in just these four vegetables there is a high vitamin, mineral and enzyme content. If we check that the vegetables we eat are either organically grown or, at least, where necessary, have been treated with the minimum of sprays, we should begin to notice the improvement in our overall health within a relatively short space of time.

I'm Ian and I've been writing articles on how to acquire a proper golf swing for my site in the past, golf being a passion of mine. Now come and visit my latest website over at [] which helps people with lots of information to find the best commercial coffee grinder [] available on the market.

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