Thursday, February 2, 2012

About Some Medicinal Herbs

Herbs are mainly grown for three reasons. The first reason is to use the herbs for One's culinary and cooking needs. The second reason is the medicinal benefits that these herbs have to offer. The third is for teas. There are herbs which provide all of these benefits while there are herbs which can only be used for cooking or healing purposes. If you want to grow herbs that will offer medicinal benefits, you must know which herbs will provide those benefits. In this article, we will look at some of the herbs which can be grown for medicinal purposes.


Chickweed is a medicinal herb, although like the dandelion, is consider by many as nothing other than a weed. It can be used at your table as a green vegetable and can also be used to make a tea. It is used medicinally to relieve pain and stimulate healing immediately. It can be used internally and externally. Taken internally it purifies the blood and removes toxins. Tea made from chickweed can be added to the bath to relieve sores, rashes, boils, and burns.


Cleavers herb soothes itchy skin due to eczema, psoriasis, and bug bites. It is also used for urinary tract infections. Prepared as a tea it is high in vitamin C which boosts the immune system.

Curled Dock

Curled dock is basically a laxative and is useful in treating problems such as constipation and bowel disorders. It has a high iron content and can help with anemia. It can also be used externally on skin cuts, swelling, rashes, burns, dog bites, and insect bites. It should be harvested during the Fall season and leaves must be dry to get the desired effect.

Couch Grass

Couch grass has many uses, it is useful against bronchitis, colds, coughing, fever, sore throat, and a tendency to infection. It is also used in the treatment of gout, cystitis and rheumatism.


Dandelions are high in vitamins and iron. The young leaves can be used to make a salad and the older ones can be cooked in soups. It will help to reduce water retention and also is beneficial in dissolving gallstones. If you are considering the usage of dandelions against gallstones you should consult your doctor before doing so.


It is helpful in dilating the blood vessels and is generally used for high blood pressure as well as most heart and circulatory disorders. Hawthorne offers the desired effect in the treatment of middle-aged individuals showing the first signs of coronary artery symptoms. The flowers, leaves and berries can be used for the medicinal purposes and they should be used after they are dried.

One should always consult with a physician before using any medicinal herbs.

Jen Armstrong is an Herb Gardening enthusiast. She owns and manages For more information about Medicinal Herbs go to Growing- Medicinal-Herbs

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