Sunday, February 5, 2012

The many uses of dandelions

The warm days of spring are almost upon us. The promise of hot days and renewed Greenbelt is exciting for most of us. However, for those who have finely well maintained lawns or large gardens, spring brings a threat say no step to be ignored: dandelions! This threatening plant invaded a few days, it seems, and is extremely difficult to get rid. Yet, is the dandelion as imposing a threat, as the herbicide businesses would have us believe? Dandelions have been a centre of interest lately both in the culinary world and other areas. There are many, many uses for this small yellow flowers which have been largely neglected despite, or perhaps their prolific nature.

As a food, the dandelion supply more nutrients than most plants typically found in the garden of the way. Dandelion leaves are more nutritious you can believe. They contain more iron and calcium than spinach, beta carotene that more cores and they are rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, E and d in addition, they are also rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. The flowers of dandelion, while also nutritious step, are very tasty. They are a colourful and interesting addition to salads and other dishes.

Used as a herb, dandelion have many purposes uses medicinal as well. They have been used in popular medicine for a long time as a powerful and effective diuretic. Its use as a diuretic said be superior to that of synthetic Diuretics marketed by pharmaceutical companies. Herbalists have used dandelion to treat an array of conditions such as rheumatism, gout and eczema. It is clear that this "weeds" are much more advantageous that most of us have been led to believe!

It is not just the Green and the flowers of dandelions that may be useful, however. Long dandelion roots were collected and roasted to produce a drink that is strikingly similar to your morning coffee. This drink is still available commercially in many health food stores. Other uses of dandelions are just now discovered. One of these uses fall in the industrial category. Recent research has found that dandelion can be a viable alternative to rubber as a source of rubber trees. It would be beneficial in a number of ways. Not only are dandelions grown much more readily than the trees, but they can also be grown in many places more geographically than the tree. Since they are so much more renewable than trees, the culture of dandelion rubber would also have a significantly less impact on the environment as well.

Traditionally, however, there is a use of dandelions that surpassed that of all the others in popularity. This use is as a component of the aroma of wine of the House. Many people around the world, go outside and gather dandelions baskets and baskets each spring. Only the yellow petals flower can be used to do this, even if, as the rest of the plant has a slightly bitter flavour. Therefore, it requires a lot of flowers to make even a single batch of wine. Once completed, finished dandelion wine has however many popular for white wines similar characteristics on the market today. Author Ray Bradbury invented the term "Bottled Sunshine" as a term for this incredible drink in his book of the same name. Once tasted, it is obvious why this is an appropriate description!

Thus, the next time that you get ready to eradicate the threat of spring of your landscapes and gardens, think about picking up a shovel instead. Harvest and find uses beneficial dandelions are much more interesting than the dumping of harsh chemical herbicides in your soil. The benefits to cultivate this plant can address more their invasion in your garden.

Although there are many uses of dandelions, wine is by far the most popular reason to go out and gather their. For more information on transforming these small flowers in wine, please visit the How to make dandelion wine.

Thank you for reading and be blessed!

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