Saturday, December 31, 2011

Alternative Medicine, Home Remedies for Menstruation Relief

Menstruation is the term used for the natural monthly cycle of periods in the female body. Periods are when the unfertilized eggs are ejected out of the reproductive system along with blood and several other tissue cells. This flow happens once a month. The flow is profuse on one particular day of the month. However the discomfort of the periods could generally last for three days.

The female reproductive system is indeed marvelous. Every month the ovaries produce one egg which is deposited in the fallopian tube. The uterine wall known as the endometrium thickens and there is increased blood circulation in the entire reproductive system. This is all in preparation of a pregnancy. However, if the woman does not get pregnant, then all these things need to be expelled from the body. This is known as the period. Once the expulsion is done, the ovaries produce a new egg and the cycle continues for another month.

Women may face several difficulties during their menstrual flow. There is increased moistness in the vaginal area, and there could be infections. Women could have fevers, extreme pain in the groin area, giddiness, nausea and vomiting, etc. In some women the effects are more aggressive than others. And the most worrisome thing is that the symptoms could recur month after month. The biological term for menstrual problems is dysmenorrhea.

In Ayurveda, menses (i.e. the flow of the menstrual period) is considered to be the excess pitta which flows out of the body. It is called as Raja. Hence the menstrual flow is also called as Raja Pravritti. Though menstruation is a typically pitta phenomenon, effects on the vata and the kapha are also seen. Some women have insomnia and mood swings during their periods. This is vata vitiation. Some women gain weight. This is kapha vitiation.

(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Menstruation

b) Asafetida (Ferula fetida)

Asafetida is known to increase the secretion of the female hormone, progesterone. Thus it facilitates menstruation. Using asafetida gum fried in ghee and mixed with goat's milk and a spoonful of honey for a month can reduce the pains during menstruation and also make the flow reduced.

c) Asoka (Saraca indica)

The bark of the asoka tree is given to women who experience extreme blood loss during menstruation due to leucorrhea or uterine fibroids. The plant has a stimulating effect on the uterine wall and the mucus layer in the reproductive tract.

d) Bamboo (Bambusa bambos)

Bamboo acts as an emmenagogue which stimulates menstruation. Its leaves are prescribed for this purpose. Regular consumption of the leaves of the bamboo is prescribed to promote and regulate the menstrual flow.

e) Bloodwort (Achillea millefolium)

The hot infusion of leaves of the bloodwort is taken as an emmenagogue. A decoction of the herb can correct irregular periods. The herb also yields an oil which can be used in the treatment of female reproductive disorders.

f) Chicory (Chichorium intybus)

Seeds of chicory are prepared into a decoction to treat problems of obstructed menstruation.

g) Dill (Anethum sowa)

This fragrant herb is efficient in stimulating menstrual cycles. It helps women who have delayed periods to get their periods on time. Young anemic girls are prone to spasmodic menstruation, which can be quite painful. A decoction of dill is prepared with the leaves of parsley to treat such problems.

h) Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Cold climates can sometimes cause painful and irregular periods. An infusion of ginger sweetened with sugar is taken for correcting such problems.

i) Henna (Lawsonia alba)

Henna is a cooling agent. Suppositories of its leaves are made and placed in the vagina for women who have problems of excessive menstruation.

j) Hermal (Peganum harmala)

The hermal is a little-known herb, but in Ayurveda it is prescribed regularly for menstrual problems such as painful menstruation and irregular periods.

k) Indian Aloe (Aloe vera)

The Indian aloe is a stimulant of the uterus. Hence it is given in cases of painful menstruation.

l) Indian Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi)

The jatamansi is a very popular Indian herb used in the treatment of painful and irregular periods.

m) Lemon Grass (Cymbopogon citratus)

Lemon grass is used in painful and difficult menstruation. It can be taken in the form of a tea.

(2) Dietary Treatments for Menstruation

The following dietary tips are beneficial to women who have painful or irregular periods:-

1 Avoid all constipating foods, especially in the last week of the menstrual cycle. This includes fried foods, sour foods and protein-rich pulses.

2 Fish is a good dietary indication for painful periods. Fish contain omega-3 fatty acids which help to ease the spasms during menstruation. Meat, poultry and dairy products must be avoided.

3 Among vegetables, white pumpkin, papaya, drumstick, snake gourd, bitter gourd and cucumber are good for dysmenorrhea. Potato, yellow pumpkin and eggplant must be avoided.

(3) Ayurvedic Treatments for Menstruation

Kumari is the drug of choice for menstrual problems in Ayurveda. This is nothing but the aloe vera plant. It is taken in the form of Kumarasava in a dose of six teaspoonfuls twice a day. There is a special preparation called as the Raja Pravartani vati, which contains aloe and asafetida as its main ingredients. This medication is taken in the form of pills - two of them twice a day a week before the periods are due.

(4) Home Remedies for Menstruation

1 Fry asafetida in ghee and add a teaspoonful of it to buttermilk. Have this once a day in case of dysmenorrhea.

2 Mix some sesame seeds in a glassful of water. Drink this twice daily when you have menstrual pains.

3 Have salads with boiled beetroot in them, or have beetroot juice.

The following exercises help in reducing the pain of menstruation:-

a) Take a firm chair and stand behind it holding your hands firmly on the chair's back. Lift one heel and then the other. Continue this for about ten minutes. You can also do knee-bends.

b) Lie on your back on a firm bed. Fold your legs and bring the knees up to your chin. Repeat this ten times.

Read more on menstruation home remedies and herbal treatment by ayurveda at
Read more about Ayurveda at World's Largest Portal on Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Remedies: - The Free Ayurvedic Encyclopedia

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Health Benefits Associated With Eating Beets

Beets are so healthy that you may even consider them to be medicinal. While most people eat the root part of the beet, the greens are also edible, delicious, and equally packed with nutrients. In fact, when beets were first grown on the coast of the Mediterranean, only their greens were eaten. Beet greens are rich in vitamins A and C, as well as iron and calcium.

The more commonly consumed beetroots are an excellent source of a wide variety of nutrients, such as manganese, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B6. Plus, they are rich in fiber. Because of their nutritional density, beets can provide a variety of health benefits when they are consumed. One benefit for which beetroots are very well known is their ability to help cleanse and detoxify the liver. The juice of beetroots has been used throughout history to stimulate the liver's detoxification process.

Recent studies have also shown that beetroots can help the body to fight cancer. Betacyanin, the pigment that gives red beetroots their very deep crimson color, has proven to be a powerful and natural cancer fighting agent. This pigment makes beets both unique and valuable, because it is naturally found in only a small number of plant families. Beetroots are also very high in fiber. This betacyanin and fiber combination makes beetroots terrific at fighting colon cancer.

To reap the maximum health benefits of beets, one should try eating them raw. Most people don't know that you can eat beets raw- but you can, skin and all. Just give them a good scrubbing first, since they are roots. Raw beets have a surprisingly sweet taste. If you prefer not to eat them raw, you can juice them and drink the beet juice. Dried beet root powder can also be found in health food shops. However, as with all fruits and vegetables, it is always best to get your nutrients from the whole food. Additionally, if you consume beet juice, is best not to overdo it, because if you consume too much beet juice at once, your body may produce waste more rapidly than the liver can dispose of it.

Whereas raw beets are best, the nutrients in beets are only slightly diminished when they are cooked. Beet green can be steamed or sautéed, and beet roots can be roasted whole then peeled. You can also try preparing a traditional beet root soup called borscht. However you choose to prepare beets, make them a frequent addition to your diet to enjoy their multiple health benefits.

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Appendicitis: Common Surgical Emergency of Abdomen

The appendix or Appendicitis is referred to as the tiny development of tissue that forms in tube shape bag attached to the lower of the large intestine in the body. Soreness of appendix is experienced in chronic ways among people. It is mainly found among the age group of ten to thirty.

Causes of Appendicitis:

Appendicitis normally witnessed in the centre of the abdomen with acute pain. It may get increased by indigestion, diarrhea, constipation and discomfort in the stomach. Slowly and slowly the pain in the abdomen shifts from lower right side of the abdomen accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting.

However, during the chronic stage the patient may become continuous and shift to the right lower abdomen with loss of appetite and constipation. It is generally initiated by the excessive amount of waste material present within the caecum.

Home Remedies for Curing Appendicitis:

When the person experiences the above mentioned pains in the abdomen, it is advised to consult the doctor immediately. The below mentioned home remedies meat for curing appendicitis should be only taken with the doctor's consultation.

Green Gram: For curing appendicitis green gram prove as beneficial home remedy. It is advised that the consumption of one tablespoon of green gram thrice daily may give effective results.

Fenugreek Seeds: To cure appendicitis fenugreek seeds proves as an effective medicine. It is advised that the consumption of tea made by fenugreek seeds daily proves as an effective medicine for preventing the enlargement of appendix in the body.

Vegetables Juices: The juices of vegetables prove as an effective medicine for curing appendix. It is suggested that the consumption of juice prepared by mixing beetroot, cucumber and carrot helps in relieving the appendix pain.

Buttermilk: For curing appendicitis buttermilk is helpful remedy. It is advised that near about one litre of buttermilk should be consumed to get the instant relief from pain.

Whole wheat: Whole wheat made by mixing bran and wheat germ acts as an effective remedy for curing appendix. It is advised to consume near about four chapattis made from this flour every day to have instant relief.

Dietary Recommendations for Curing Appendicitis:

To overcome the chronic causes of appendix like fever, vomiting and sever pain in the abdomen it is advised to be on water fasting for one day. After that shift to fruit juices diet for nearly four days. Later on the patient may switch over to well-balance and nutritious diet comprising fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and grains. Apart from this you may go for hot compresses, enema and sunbath to subside the acute pain and inflammation of appendix. However if all these remedies are not making you to get relieved then you may go for surgical removal appendix with doctor's advice.

Hence, you may cure appendix or appendicitis with natural hone remedies effectively with doctor's consent.

The author has been a professional writer for many years and is proud to work on behalf of Cure Gout [], visit author's website Gout Remedies [] to find more about Gout Remedies.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Beetroot Juice for High Blood Pressure

Hypertension or high blood pressure affects the functioning of the heart causing heart diseases and eventually failure of the heart. One will have to have medication constantly to keep this level within control. Apart from medicines, people having high blood pressure can also have home-made medicines for lowering it.
Beetroot is considered the best natural food that can check increase in blood pressure. These dark colored roots can be had raw, sautéed, boiled, as a juice or stewed. 'Betaine' which is found in beet is the substance which provides many health benefits like fighting against harmful acids in the body which can cause heart diseases, prevents deposition of fat on liver, avoids disorder in blood circulation, lowers high level of blood pressure, treats decrease in level of acids in the stomach and prevents other diseases like anemia, cancer, skin problems, digestive problems, or defects at birth. Betaine gets active by nutrients like folic acid and different vitamins.
Beetroot contains 'nitrate' in plenty. When beet is ingested in forms like juice or raw in salads, this nitrate improves the health of the heart and reduces the chances of getting heart diseases.
Beetroot juice can be extracted by putting washed and peeled beetroot in the blender, straining and consuming it without additives. One glass of this juice measuring up to 250 ml consumed by hypertensive patients will lower blood pressure. One should also bear in mind that a cup of this juice contains almost 100 calories and 25 g of carbohydrates. Hence, the food intake along with beetroot juice should balance the calorie and carbohydrate levels accordingly.

About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in healthcare. He also offers top quality articles like:
Lupus Early Symptoms, Scleroderma Symptoms

Healthy Eating - Beetroot

Beetroot, also referred to as simply Beet, is a root vegetable with the Latin name of Beta vulgaris. It is from the plant family Chenopodiaceae. A common vegetable in salads, the root of the Beetroot is deep red to purple in colour and is extremely high in many nutrients, minerals and antioxidants.

Beetroot contains betaine, which is required by the body for cardiovascular health. Beetroot can therefore can prevent development of heart disease, stroke and vascular disease. Some studies also suggest this may also prevent liver disease such as that caused by an over consumption of alcohol.

There is some research that shows Beetroot juice can lower and maintain blood pressure when as little as 500ml was consumed in a day.

Beetroot is high in Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium and Phosphorous. It is high in B Group Vitamins (B1) Thiamine, (B2) Riboflavin, (B3) Niacin, (B5) Pantothenic acid, (B9) Folate and Vitamin B6. They are rich in Vitamin A and C. Also a rich source of Dietary Fibre.

Historically, the leaves of Beetroot have been used since before any known records were kept. The root of the beet was first recognised for its potential as a food during the 1800's but it was used for medicinal purposes before this time.

Beetroot can be used in many ways.

Boiled and plated with potato, peas, carrots and parsnip. It goes well with all kinds of meat and chicken recipes. The water used for boiling should be kept and used as a base for gravy or used in a stew or casserole.

Beetroot can be baked with other vegetables. It can be flavoured with balsamic vinegar or salad dressings.

Beetroot is most commonly used in salads. It can be grated raw and tossed through a mixed summer salad or cooked and sliced and used in sandwiches, on burgers or on its own.

Beetroot can be juiced and consumed on its own or flavoured with carrot or tomato juice. The juice can also be used as a colouring in food dishes and sauces. It is a common red colouring used in Tomato sauce recipes.

The young leaves of beetroot are used raw in salads or can be steamed or used in stir-fries. The leaves are common in pre-mixed salads found in the fresh food section at supermarkets.

Beetroot is easy to grow. It can be grown in pots and leaves harvested as required for salads. When the root is of edible size it can be boiled, baked or juiced. It is a common grown vegetable in many home gardens around the world.

Eric describes himself as being "Passionate about Organics". Eric is Married and has 2 Children. Eric and his wife Narelle represent Miessence Certified Organic Skin Care, Cosmetics, Home & Nutritional Products. Beetroot is an ingredient in In-Liven Probiotic Superfood

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Remedies For Ovarian Cysts Using the Medicinal Powers of Food

If you have a loved one or even a best friend that has been suffering from the pain of an ovarian cyst, then may be you could point her in the direction of some remedies for ovarian cysts that she may not have tried. No doubt she has had numerous visits to her doctor, who has probably told her to sit back patiently and wait to see what develops. Well this is all fine and good, but in the majority of cases, women that wait often end up having surgery because their cysts have grown larger and become more troublesome.

Recent scientific studies have shown that there are many properties in natural food that can be used medicinally as opposed to relying on chemically produced pills and potions. Because ovarian cysts thrive in toxic conditions, it is vital to detox your body before embarking on any change of diet. The liver works hard to filter out impurities and so the best place to start is with a healthy liver and New Year detox. Below is a delicious salad recipe to kick start your detox

Beetroot and Artichoke Quinoa, With Rocket Salad

1 small beetroot

half a jar of cooked artichoke hearts

2 large handfuls of quinoa

rocket to garnish

Boil the quinoa until soft. Steam the beetroot until soft, then dice into small cubes. Chop artichoke. Mix and garnish with rocket as a side salad.

Medicinal properties

Beetroot contains a deep purple pigment, called "betacyanin". This helps the liver to process toxins such as alcohol. Artichoke and rocket contain active chemicals to carry toxins away from the liver.

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas are not only delicious but they contain some wonderful healing and soothing properties that that make them a very effective remedy for ovarian cysts, as they calm both body and mind and help to break down inflamed areas. Chamomile and mint tea are two types worth trying.

Below I have also listed a very good anti-inflammatory recipe that can also be taken to help with ovarian pain

Pineapple and Ginger Juice

Blend 3.4 a fresh pineapple

2" piece of ginger

2 celery stalks

half a glass of apple juice

Medicinal Properties

Pineapple contains a powerful enzyme called "bromelain" that helps reduce inflammation and also softens swollen tissue. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory and celery contains a powerful natural painkiller.

This is just a taster of the way different properties in our food can help as a remedy to the pain and inflammation caused b y ovarian cysts. There are, however, numerous other natural treatments and remedies that can effectively shrink ovarian cysts and prevent them from recurring.

Life is too short to be spent waiting for a cyst to develop so why not take action yourself to win the battle against ovarian cysts and learn how to help your body fight against the development of cysts.

So many women are led to believe that medication or surgery are the only options, but believe me when I tell you that natural treatments can and do work as a remedy for ovarian cysts. You no longer have to live with the pain, bloated stomach and feeling of nausea that are all symptoms of an ovarian cyst. Instead you can learn the remedies you can implement yourself to successfully shrink the cyst and prevent it from ever coming back simply by visiting

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Triathletes Benefit From Drinking Both Beetroot Juice and Coconut Water

Coconut water is the liquid that is taken from unripe coconuts and has multiple health benefits. It's a natural isotonic beverage, with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. It's a perfect sports drink, full of pure sugars, salts and vitamins, making it a great re-hydration drink to replace lost fluids and minerals after working out.

Coconut water is the purest liquid second only to water itself. It has Ayurvedic qualities to help with digestion and it can reduce urinary problems. It is full of electrolytes, calcium, potassium, and magnesium, helping with the recovery time for triathletes.

Beetroot juice is a natural energy drink that should also be part of an triathletes diet. Recent studies have indicated that beet juice boosts athletes stamina by making muscles more fuel-efficient. It was previously known that beetroot juice had medicinal qualities in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system, by helping reduce blood pressure. New findings have enhanced the current benefits making it a popular drink for sports professionals.

A group of scientists from the University of Exeter whose findings are published in the Journal of Applied Physiology, recently studied a group of men aged between 19 to 38. They discovered that drinking beetroot juice (half a litre a day) for a week enabled the test subjects to cycle on exercise bikes for 16 per cent longer than their counterparts taking a placebo. The juice doubled the amount of nitrate in the volunteers' blood and cut the rate at which their muscles used up energy and oxygen. The overall effect meant increased stamina at a reduced energy cost.

My advice to triathletes is to have beetroot juice in the morning to help improve performance and then coconut water after exercise to help the body recovery.

Mike Kirkman,
Helping you start your first Triathlon

Natural Cure For Ailments

A lot of people are not aware, but health juices have amazing healing powers and offers a lot of health benefits. In fact, these juices are a natural cure for many illnesses.

We may be fortunate to have medicines for tuberculosis and malaria, but when we are afflicted with diabetes, heart disease or any dreaded diseases, I think one needs to take notice and heed the positive effects of discovering new medicines and alternatives. And this is where health juices comes in.

Medical studies have shown the protective health remedies that certain juices offer. Likewise, its rejuvenation and detoxification effects. They help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, cardiovascular disease and even cancer. But of course drinking lots of juices does not mean it will make one healthier. Rather, having too much of anything is disastrous. Moderation is in order.

Here are some helpful tips and health juice recipes.

• System Cleansing = Carrot + Ginger + Apple

• Cholesterol, cancer, headache = Apple + Cucumber + Celery

• Skin complexion, bad breathe = Tomato + Carrot + Apple

• Kidney & bladder, dispel excess salts from body = Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon

• Regular sugar content = Pear + Banana

• Counteracts toxicity = Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango

• Strengthens body immunity = Honeydew + Milk + Watermelon + Grape

• Constipation = Banana + Pineapple + Milk

• General health = Banana + Orange + Strawberries + Mint Leaves + Milk

• For Relaxation = Apple + Pineapple + Mind + Lime

• For Stress Reduction = Tomato + Carrot + Coriander + Broccoli + Celery

• Improve Digestion = Apple + Beetroot + Ginger + Carrot

• Anti Flu, Anti Cold = Apple + Carrot + Lemon + Ginger + Garlic

• Detoxing Body = Apple + Grape fruit + Watermelon + Ginger

• Cleansing Liver = Pineapple + Carrot + Beetroot + Lime

• As a Skin Tonic = Carrot + Capsicum + Spinach

• Arthritis = Celery + Parsley juice

• Asthma = Celery + Papaya + Endive + Carrot

• High Blood Pressure = Carrot + Parsley + Celery + Lime + Whey Powder + Grape + Carrot

• Common Cold = Watercress + Apple juice with one fourth pure cream of tartar

• Cholesterol Reduction = Carrot + Apple + Ginger + Orange + Strawberry + Spinach

• Diarrhea = Carrot + Blackberry juice

• Fever = Celery + Parsley

• Gallstones = Beetroot + Radish + Green vegetable juices

• Kidneys = Celery + Parsley + Asparagus + Carrot

• Obesity, Overweight = Beet greens + Parsley + Celery

• Improve Memory = Celery + Carrot + Prune juice + Rice Polishing

• Gout = Celery + Parsley

• Impotence = Celery + Wheat germ

• Indigestion = Coconut milk +Fig juice + Parsley + Carrot

• Infections = Carrot + Blackberry

• Sore Throat = Watercress + Apple with one fourth pure cream of tartar

• Rejuvenation = Cucumber + Radish + Pepper Concord + Grape + Pineapple

It is recommended that organic produce be used. Also ensure that you thoroughly wash the fruits and vegetables before juicing. Carrot stems and apple seeds are toxic, so better remove them. For better taste, you can use as garnish lemon juice. black pepper, salt or cinnamon.

You may ask, "Why not just eat fruits and vegetables instead?". The answer is simple; it may take 2 to 3 hours for solid foods to pass through the digestive tract of the body that requires a healthy digestive system. This is in contrast to drinking juices. The nutrients are quickly absorbed into the blood stream and immediately nourishes the body cells. In fact, freshly squeezed juices contain the highest concentration of beneficial properties since the skins of the fruits and vegetables are also included. Besides, it is often easier to drink a glass of juice when you are in a rush, than, say, start peeling an orange on your way out the door.

Most of these health juices are only within our reach, surprisingly, in our kitchen. One needs to understand only its natural wonders. After all, these juices are a natural cure for ailments. Happy drinking.

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Let Your Juice Be Your Medicine

That's right, humble vegetables and fruits when juiced and taken on empty stomach can be very powerful in combat with simple and not so simple viruses and bacteria overgrowth. How does it work? Fruit, vegetable and herb juices are packed with nutrients in an easy to absorb form for your body boosting your immune system that in its turn when balanced will easily cope with any intruders.

For the best therapeutic result take your juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Start with just a glass of it, if it is too strong for you, dilute it with water by 30%. Further into your juicing adventure, you may want to introduce another glass of fresh juice an hour prior to your dinner, again on an empty stomach. Never take your juices while having a meal as they may create wind and bloating. Juices should be taken on an empty stomach, an hour away from any other meals.

Fruit juices are best cleansers. High in Vitamin C, Calcium and Cilica this living food is excellent for quickly getting you back on track if you detected first cold and flue symptoms. They are also very high in sugar so should be taken in moderation.

Watermelon and melon juices are great for kidney and liver cleansing but should be taken separately, they are not good in combination with any other fruits or vegetables. Whereas apples A, B and C vitamins are good all rounders, perfect in a juice on their own or in any extravagant fruit or veg juice mix. An apple juice a day keeps a doctor away.

Herbs (parsley, dill, etc) and green leafy vegetables like kale, dandelion, beetroot and carrot tops, wheat and barley grass, etc when juiced will also provide in abundance very strong natural antibiotics helping you to prevent any fungal overgrowth. To begin with add only 3 table spoons of this emerald elixir into your vegetable juice, increasing its content gradually, listening to your body carefully.

Full of chlorophyll, green juices are known to be most powerful blood cleansers. That´s why you have to be very careful when you start juicing these green wonders. Under no circumstance you should start with them at the very beginning of your juicing journey. They are major detoxifiers and you need to ease your body into this not so simple process. Gently and slowly. You must be patient and your body will reward you beyond any expectations.

Vegetable juices are the best to start with. Their action is mild and it will prepare your body for deeper cleansing with herb and green leaf juices. Also vegetable juices are well-known strength builders supporting your organs and nourishing all body tissues.

At the very beginning excellent ones to juice are mild celery, carrot and cucumber that can form the base for all your vegetable juices. Carrot juice should only be a quarter of the volume as it is very high in sugar. Always listen to your body and it will tell you which vegetables it likes and which it doesn't. That´s why you should always introduce one new ingredient at a time into your base juice and see how your body responds to it.

Beetroot juice is second to none in iron content and an excellent blood pressure regulator. If you have chosen a vegetarian lifestyle, it is simply a must for you. Excellent for liver and gall bladder! Remember though that it should never be taken on its own, only as an addition to your base veg juice and only as a quarter of the total volume. Great in colour and texture this juice will pleasantly surprise your taste buds, best had in combination with apple, celery and carrot juices.

All this mouthwatering information will surely be enough to get you started on this sweet and sour juice ride. Here are three recipes we recommend for optimum health.

Each recipe makes approx. one 230ml glass of juice. Adults can drink up to three glasses daily, but do vary the juice combinations for maximum benefit.

Juice Recipe for Alertness

1½ large carrots
7 large spinach leaves
2 stalks celery

Juice Recipe for Super Skin

75g cranberries
1 ½ apples

Juice Recipe for Extra Energy

½ punnet strawberries
10 rasberries
3 apricots
115ml milk/yogurt

Juice each ingredient, then blend using a spoon. Dilute with water if you prefer. Juice on!

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Beetroot Nutritional Benefits

Beetroot Nutritional Benefits
Beetroot and Swiss Chard belong to the same family. Beets have a lovely rich red color from pigments called anthocyanins. It is water soluble and cannot be destroyed by heat. Since ancient times, this vegetable has been used for medicinal purposes that contain many healing properties. The beetroot nutritional benefits range from aiding anemia by building red blood cells to aiding digestion and helping the gall bladder and liver function. When beet juice is mixed with carrot juice, this combination provides the body with enough minerals to encourage the healing process.
Beetroot Nutritional Benefits

Beetroots are a great anti-oxidant
Rich in fibre and micro nutrients
Rich in Iron and Calcium
Contain Vitamin A, Vitamin B-complex and Vitamin C, Iron and Magnesium
Regulates blood pressure
Keep bowel movements regular
Helps to detoxify the body
Clears the gall bladder, liver and kidneys
Beet greens are best used for juicing

Tips on harvesting and cooking Beetroot

Harvest when the root is firm and swollen. It will usually be sticking out of the ground.
The bulbs should be scrubbed well till all the soil is removed.
The beetroot leaves can be used either when they are young or mature.
The leaves must be washed thoroughly and chopped then cooked.
The bulbs can be cut into fries, steamed or used fresh.
Beetroot juice is a very healthy and cleansing drink.
When juicing beetroots, be sure not to overdose.
Start by using half a juiced beetroot per week. Build up your consumption to one per week.
Recipe using Beetroot
Beetroot Salad

Beetroot (2-3 large ones)
4 large Carrots
1 Pineapple peeled and diced

Grate the beetroot and carrots; add the pineapple and you have a tasty salad.
Simple and nutritious - serve with fresh bread.
How to Grow Beetroot

The seeds, much like Swiss Chard are best planted directly in the place you want them to grow.
It is important to keep the soil moist around the seedlings.
In five to eight days after planting them, you will see the little leaves of the beetroot appear from beneath the soil.
They will shoot upwards and after about two and a half months, you should see the bulb beginning to form.
You can push the soil up around the beetroot bulb, as this will allow it to become larger. This is called ridging.
Be sure to give maturing roots space in which to grow without crowding them.

Companions of beetroot
They have many companions and these include: Beans, Lettuce, Garlic, Onions, Kohlrabi and Cabbage.
However, Beetroot is not fond of growing near Mustard.
This vegetable is extremely simple to integrate into your diet; its so easily available in stores or just easy to grow. But the best reason to eat beetroot is for the beetroot nutritional benefits that assist in good health.

"Have you ever tried to encapsulate yourself in a few words...I will do my best and hope you don't come out as dizzy as me. I am mother, artist [], writer, organic gardener, permaculture consultant, yoga teacher, freelance journalist and editor... a student of the universe. As a rampaging farmer and mother during the 90's, I got involved with environmental and permaculture projects in South Africa, I learned about rural life... spiders, cows, snakes and all. My 21st century focus is on communicating knowledge and sharing my art. Take a look at my book, Family Organic Garden, an easy and simple way to eating organic food straight from your own garden. "

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Culinary Herbs and Cancer

Culinary herbs are generally included in diets of most people today. Until comparatively recently there have been only a few herbs traditionally used in Australian kitchens and these offer nutritional benefits as well as palatability. However, they are also included amongst remedial or medicinal herbs and have been for centuries used in the treatment of disease.

Cancer being such a complex disease that has grown to epidemic proportions in the western world cannot be cured by a single medicine or herb so we must allow that it is mainly in the preventative aspect that we can be confident that the introduction of a variety of herbs is a sure long term help in improving our diet.

Of course if our modern 'fast foods' popular diet is maintained along with continued drinking of carbonated drinks and artificially flavoured juices, excessive alcohol, fried animal fats, and denatured products, herbs can offer no miracle. The incentive to change our ways could be offered if we consider that he increased popularity of commercially produced negative food quality, coca cola and associated artificial drinks, chocolate and white bread products may just be the cause or one of the causes of increased incidence of cancer, we would be better off without these items in our food.

So to increase our use of the following herbs makes a positive move towards taking the opportunity nature offers to add trace elements, minerals and vitamins to complement our nutrition. We can use them in abundance once we enjoy their flavours. Many of them have been thoroughly researched in China and Russia in particular, where simple herbs and foods are not scorned regarding their prime importance in both building health and in curing disease.

Angelica - generally only available in crystallized form but if the extract is available from a herbalist, or you can make your own garden plant befriended as a tonic, it is showing great results as a cure for cancer.

Beetroot tops and Beetroot Juice - this is an important success in cancer treatments in Europe. The fresh root can be grated and eaten raw in combination with cottage cheese, or as a salad dish with squeeze of lemon. The juice provides the concentrated medicine for cancer as it directly helps the quality of the blood.

Black Cumin seeds - a remedy now being confirmed for positive value in cancer

Burdock root - this was once a common vegetable in past centuries, only now becoming integrated into modern health foods.

Carrot Juice has been used in western medicine for a considerable time for many health reasons including a cure for cancer. It is a delicious and easily procured remedy. The juice however is very concentrated and should be used in moderation.

Celery Tops - these provide elements missing in the celery stalks and should be used when possible to add to salads and soups. They have a direct affect upon the kidneys as do the seeds that can be made into tea, or also added to soups.

Comfrey - the leaves when young are commonly eaten in salads. The root is also used in cancer therapy but usually only available in tablet form.

Dandelion- root - this is popular as an alternative to coffee but both leaves and root are used in Chinese medicine. Leaves are eaten fresh, and when young are not bitter tasting.

And as a tea. As a herb tonic parsley helps to eliminate toxins through the kidneys.

Galangal - Claimed by many S E Asians to be an effective cancer cure

Garlic- the fresh clove is invaluable as a health food and natural antibiotic. Much of its value is destroyed with cooking. It is advised for inclusion in all diets but is particularly important inclusion if seeking natural treatment for cancer,

Ginger - a little fresh ginger makes a wonderfully tasty addition to many foods, salads, and cooked dishes but as a cancer remedy should be taken fresh or as a tea.

Ginseng - a traditional Asian tonic for just about everything, including some of the many forms of cancer.

Goji Berries - now readily available in health stores as a snack food

Grape Cure - as the term implies, is the concentrated use of grapes, usually as a exclusive food for a period of time, to eliminate cancer. It is hailed as the Brandt Grape Cure to drink only water and the juice and avoid solid food .

Green Tea - is a well known tonic to prevent cancer and deal with the free radical problem so reducing likelihood of cancer

Kelp - granulated seaweed can be added to savoury foods, soups and cooked dishes. It is high in mineral content and trace elements missing from many of our earth cultivated foods.

Liquorice - an enjoyable sweet tonic when eaten together with the sugary confection but in itself, the extract from the root is one of the finest cancer remedies in the world.

Reishi mushrooms - many direct claims of cures involve this famous variety of mushroom now generally available in supermarkets to add to your diet.

Rosemary - used in a lot of meat dishes, potato dishes, in curries, soups, and as a tea to strengthen brain and nervous system and found in medical treatment of cancer and chemotherapy to be advantageous. It is thought to stall Alzheimer's symptoms.

Tomatoes - many are now confident of the efficacy of tomatoes to help with problems that can lead to cancer - so they are one of the best known common vegetable tonics

Tumeric - many in Asia claim this root as the reason for curing cancer. It can be used to replace the extraordinarily expensive saffron.

Violet leaves - a few leaves in salads count as a preventative. The extract from this lovely little plant is one of the ingredients in many cancer herbal remedies.

All foods and herbs should be taken fresh if possible as cooking destroys over 90% of the enzymes needed to aid digestion.

Sally Wilson, professional herbalist and naturopath has wide experience in herbal remedies and is renowned for research in a range of specializations. Most dominant is the application of medicinal healing herbs. Another interest has been to identify garden plants that cause infant and animal poisoning. In addition to the range of well known pasture poisons that affect stock, there are common plants that are toxic to our pets, as detailed in her book Some Plants are Poisonous published by Reed Books, Australia 1997.
Traditional herbalism is based on its principle is to retain the whole plant chemistry as nature has created it. It is this essential that makes herbal remedies unique and so safe to use.
Many plants that otherwise have a potential for toxicity are judiciously used in medicine today.
However, we all have easy access to kitchen herbs that can help treat cancer and proving a popular alternative to other forms of treatment including chemotherapy.

Cream Eczema - Cream Versus Medicine Foods

Most doctors prescribe creams and ointments when confronted with skin rash and eczema patients.

These creams and ointments have their uses but it would be far more effective if these same doctors suggested a little change in the average diet of an eczema sufferer.

The reason is that so many foods act as medicines in the body and they are safe and have no side effects.

Certain foods work very well at cleansing the body. By cleansing your body you can eliminate most of today's illnesses and disease.

The issue is that we eat so many foods that are full of toxins or create toxin or have little or no nutrient content whatsoever.

Whereas fruits, vegetables and superfoods are full of nutrients, work as medicine in your body and help you to feel more energetic, healthier and cleansed.

Here is just a sample list of certain foods and the effect they have on your body. Most of them have a cleansing effect.

If you focus on foods that cleanse your body, within a short period of time you will begin to see a difference in your skin. It will start to heal faster and will itch less and less.

Focus on creating a diet that contains 50% raw, waterbase foods and you will see a difference in a short period of time.

#1 - BEETROOT: Excellent as an intestinal cleanser, beetroot is a good blood builder. It detoxifies the liver and gall bladder.

#2 - BROCCOLI: These have anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. Excellent source of fibre, antibiotic, antiviral and stimulant for the liver.

#3 - CAULIFLOWER: These help purify the blood. Good for kidney, bladder disorders and bleeding gums. If you are suffering with high blood pressure or constipation include a daily helping of cauliflower in your diet. Cauliflower has anti-cancer and antioxidant properties.

#4 - ONION: These are antiseptic, anti-spasmodic and antibiotic. Onions reduce spasms in asthma and remove heavy metals and parasites.

If you want to learn more about curing your Eczema fast go to:

Discover the 8 steps to transform your skin with raw foods at:

Friday, December 23, 2011

Herbs for Skin Cancer and Other Cancers

If you are looking for natural skin cancer treatments then first and foremost you must think holistically. Skin cancer is more than skin deep. Natural remedies, natural treatments and natural practitioners always support the body as a whole.

This article outlines natural treatments for skin cancer, specifically medicinal herbs and their vast range of anti-cancer actions. This includes is a compilation of herbs that are beneficial for many types of cancer including, but not limited to, skin cancer.

Skin cancer, or indeed, any kind of cancer needs a holistic approach to support the body no matter what method of treatment is used.

Herbs can play a huge role in not only nourishing and supporting the body and affected tissues but for the treatment of the actual cancer itself, for example topical applications for skin cancer.

Herbs used in the treatment of cancer may be chosen for their nutritive, alterative, tonic, anti-inflammatory, alkalizing, adaptogenic, stress/nervine support, pain relief and tissue protection.

There are herbs with specific actions that protect cells from DNA and chemical damage.


Anti-neoplastic herbs help reduce abnormal cellular growth. They stop cancer cells from growing.

Tumour apoptotic herbs disable cancer cells and bring about apoptosis (cell death) without doing serious harm to healthy body cells and without destroying the body's overall health:

Bloodroot (Sanguinaria Canadensis), is a prime example of a herb that promotes apoptosis. Bloodroot, used internally and externally acts in the mitochondria of the cancer cell, disabling it so it can no longer produce energy, triggering apoptosis. It does not have this effect on healthy body cells.

Bloodroot is highly effective in the treatment of skin cancer such as BCC, SCC and Melanoma.

Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) is anti-neoplastic. It enables the immune system to help in the prevention of cancerous growth. Astragalus also helps the immune cells to actually recognize cancer cells. It is very effective used concurrently with chemotherapy or radiotherapy to minimize the detrimental side effects without interfering with the treatment.

Red clover (Trifolium pratense) is alterative, meaning it encourages the body's natural channels of elimination. Red clover is used in cancer prevention for its phytoestrogenic effect, particularly with breast or prostate cancers. Phytoestrogens are natural plant estrogens that do not stimulate excessive cell growth like other harmful estrogens do.

Garlic (Allium sativum) has been shown to increase and stimulate the natural killer cells of the immune system, helping to protect the body from cell damage caused by inflammation or infecting organisms.

Green Tea (Camellia sinensis ) is another herb with antioxidant properties that inhibits tissue damage by free radicals. The catechins (polyphenols) in green tea have proven anticancer properties and inhibit angiogenesis (blood vessel growth to a cancer tumor).

Beetroot (Beta vulgaris cicla) increases the respiration rate of cancer cells by up to 350%. Increased respiration leads to decreased malignancy and shorter life of the cancer cell. Beetroot contains the antioxidant anthocyan in the pigment. This may be included in the diet or taken as herbal medicine in specified doses of dried powdered root. Scientific research shows beetroot prevents lung, liver and skin cancers. Breetroot has been proven to induce Phase II detoxification in the liver.

Chapparal (Larrea tridentata) discourages DNA mutation. The active principle nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), a polyphenolic compound, is particularly useful in inhibiting promotion of skin cancer. It inhibits an enzyme and other signalling pathways involved in inducing genetic changes (DNA transcription) in the skin cells.

Apricot kernel extract (amygdalin) - contains toxic organic cyanide which destroys cancer cells. An enzyme that is present in normal body cells breaks down the cyanide leaving the non-cancerous cells undamaged. This protective enzyme is not present in cancer cells.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa)- gives liver support for ridding toxins and metabolic wastes. Turmeric inhibits angiogenesis (growth of blood vessels that feed cancer cells) and reduces inflammation which may lead to tissue irritation and cell changes.

Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) - Immunostimulant and anti-tumour for many types of cancer.

Violet (Viola odorata) The leaves are antineoplastic for breast cancer and used for any breast lumps. Very useful for skin cancer treatment also.

In combination with dietary and lifestyle changes, herbal treatment is likely to begin by aiding the body's channels of elimination with alterative herbs. At the same time, there will be focus on nourishing and supporting with nutritive herbs and digestive tonics to encourage healthy tissue, immune function and cancer prevention.

Nutritive herbs: Oats (Avena sativa), nettle (Urtica dioica), red clover (Trifolium pratense), chickweed (Stellaria media), Raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus),Barley grass (Hordeum vulgare), wheat grass (Triticum sp) and kelp (Fucus vesiculosus or Macrocystis pyrifera) provide bioavailable minerals and vitamins. They can be taken as well as carefully chosen dietary supplements because cancer can partly be seen as a 'deficiency disease'. The body may require the substances sufficient for rebuilding healthy cells or for supporting an immune system capable of recognizing and destroying cancerous cells. Some supplements will be needed to supply nutrients such as selenium, iodine and many other minerals that are deficient in soils globally.

Anti-scorbutic herbs (for vitamin C): Rose hips, chickweed, nettle, parsley, dandelion, yellow dock, raspberry leaf and violet. These herbs provide vitamin C or aid in its absorption. In relation to cancer vitamin C aids the absorption of other nutrients including iron; assists the immune system; assists the elimination of toxic metals and poisons; is antioxidant, protecting cells from free radical damage; assists the formation of body and blood cells; helps in the healing of damaged tissue, bones and wounds; inhibits metastasis and inhibits tumor growth. In addition, therapeutic doses of supplemental vitamin C are advisable.

DIGESTIVE TONICS and BITTER DIGESTIVE STIMULANTS aid digestion and improve the absorption and assimilation of nutrients.

Digestive tonics: Aloe vera juice, slippery elm bark (Ulmus rubra), comfrey (Symphytum officinale), marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis), licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra). These are soothing, healing demulcent herbs particularly useful in any cancer of the digestive tract.

Bitter digestive stimulants are also tonic to the digestive tract tissue by stimulating digestive secretions from the stomach, liver and gall bladder: Milk thistle (Silybum marianum), globe artichoke (Cynara scolymus), schisandra (Schisandra chinensis), dandelion (Taraxacum officinale), Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata), picrorrhiza (Picrorrhiza kurroa), hops (Humulus lupulus), bupleurum (Bupleurum falcatum), gentian (Gentiana lutea), barberry (Berberis vulgaris), wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), yellow dock (Rumex crispus), angelica (Angelica archangelica), peppermint (Mentha piperita), chamomile (Matricaria recutita), wood betony (Stachys betonica), greater celandine (Chelidonium majus). These herbs greatly assist the digestion of food, enabling better uptake of nutrients by the body.

Circulatory stimulants aid the absorption and assimilation of nutrients and other beneficial substances. They also aid the processes of elimination by improving blood flow from the tissues to the organs of elimination: Prickly ash (Zanthoxylum americanum), ginger (Zingiber officinale), chilli (Capsicum annuum), turmeric (Curcuma longa), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba),rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), yarrow (Achillea millefolium).

Alterative herbs specifically aid the channels and organs of elimination. They are important for helping the body to rid itself of harmful or useless substances and allow other energy to be spent on supportive processes improving vitality - red clover (Trifolium pratense), burdock (Arctium lappa), Poke root (Phytolacca Americana), Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea), cleavers (Gallium aparine), garlic (Allium sativum), yellow dock (Rumex cripus), violet (Viola odorata), gotu kola (Centella asiatica), nettle (Urtica dioica), figwort (Scrophularia nodosa), sarsaparilla (Smilax spp.)

Herbs for the liver enhance the elimination of toxins in radiation treatment and especially in chemo, particularly schisandra, Schisandra chinensis and milk thistle, Silybum marianum. They protect the liver. Other herbs to help the liver and cancer are Bupleurum falcatum, Andrographis paniculata and Astragalus.

Antioxidant herbs reduce damage caused by free radicals that can lead to tissue damage and cancer. (Antioxidants are anti-mutagenic). Interestingly, most herbs have antioxidant properties. Here are a just a few: turmeric (Curcuma longa), rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), self heal (Prunella vulgaris), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), sage (Salvia officinalis), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), chilli (Capsicum annuum), Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), milk thistle (Silybum marianum), nettle, ginger and parsley.

Allium sativum and Allium cepa contain selenium and sulphur compounds that stimulate enzymes that prevent the conversion of free-radicals to carcinogens. They must be grown in soil containing selenium.

Other cancer preventing substances found in herbal medicine:

- Carotenoids found in barley grass, spirulina, kelp, seaweeds, (most herbs, but high in the yellow/orange vegetables such as pumpkin and carrot).

-Dithiolthiones, diindoles and glucosinolates found in the Brassica, or cabbage family of vegetables. That's cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and kale.

- Phyto-estrogens:

1. Phytosterols and steroidal saponins found in wild yam (Dioscorea villosa), Panax ginseng, black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa), false unicorn root (ChamHelonias, Tribulus terrestris, licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

2. Lignans that reduce hormone sensitive cancers, found in flaxseed, seaweeds.

3.Polyphenols - isoflavonoids and flavones in Soy, red clover (Trifolium pratense) green beans, legumes and peas.

These above three categories are plant estrogens that act weakly on cell receptor sites, inhibiting the excessive action of more aggressively acting natural and environmental estrogens.

- Polysaccharides - Mushrooms - Shitake, Reishi; Astragalus, Siberian ginseng, Korean ginseng, Echinacea and Aloe vera. Polysaccharides are complex sugars that improve the immune response against tumor cells.

Immunostimulant - The immune system needs support in order to combat cancerous growth as well as to keep the body strong if the person is undergoing surgery, chemo or radiation in the treatment of cancer. Tumour cells can produce cytokines that suppress the immune system.

In addition to the polysaccharide-containing herbs above, use Andrographis paniculata, Picrorrhiza kurroa, Phytolacca americana, Allium sativa (garlic), Echinacea, Olive leaf, Shitake and Reishi mushrooms.

Alkalizing- The modern diet and lifestyle tends towards acidifying the system. Too much easily available meat and refined grains, coupled with stressful lifestyles help create a pH imbalance within the body. With increased acidity there is increased inflammation which may lead to tissue damage and possible cancer development. Some alkalizing herbs are Aloe vera juice, wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa (Medicago sativa), cleavers(Gallium aparine), nettle (Urtica dioica).

Antiparasitic - Parasites excrete toxins that set up carcinogenic processes. Antiparasitic herbs are black walnut (Juglans nigra), cloves (Sysygium aromaticum), wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), chillies (Capsicum annuum) and goldenseal (Hydrastis Canadensis).


Cancer is both an emotional and a physical stress on the body. The nervous system can be supported with nervines and adaptogens to help the person to cope.

Nervine tonic - St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), wood betony (Stachys betonica), oats and oatstraw (Avena sativa), vervain (Verbena officinalis), skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis), chamomile (Matricaria recutita), Withania somnifera, Lavender(Lavandula), damiana (Turnera diffusa), passionflower (Passiflora incarnate), gotu kola (Centella asiatica), Ginkgo biloba, Brahmi (Bacopa monniera).

Adaptogenic - These herbs work at the cellular level. They increase the capacity of the cells to manufacture and use cell fuel more efficiently. They aid in the assimilation, circulation and integration of other beneficial herbs and substances. This helps normalize the body's various functions and stimulate recovery processes. Cumulative stress and the body's subsequent inability to perform its key functions efficiently have been linked with most illnesses. Adaptogenic herbs help the body to adapt to stressors. Schisandra chinensis, Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng), Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus senticosus), Astragalus, Withania, Rehmannia and Maca (Lepidium peruvianum). Bacopa and Andrographis are also possibly adaptogenic.

Specific herbs that minimize the harmful effects of radiation and chemo treatment are the ginsengs (Panax, Eleutherococcus, Lepidium) which are also adaptogenic and immune stimulant. Along with an organic, juicing diet these herbs lessen the detrimental side effects of allopathic treatments. Lepidium peruvianum or meyenii from the Brassica family contains glucosinolates found in other members of the same plant family such as broccoli and cabbage. Glucosinolates help clear toxins, protect DNA and block the initiation of tumors.

Kelp and seaweeds also protect against radiation and provide high amounts of bioavailable minerals, particularly iodine. Withania is helpful in chemotherapy.

I have met people who have decided to take chemo alongside an anticancer diet and herbal regimen. They have not lost their hair or energy and have no nausea. The doctors tell them, "you should have been sick and bald by now!"

Nausea: Other herbs to aid digestion and reduce nausea may be needed especially when the specialist's treatment causes loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Herbs form the Apiaceae family are indicated - angelica (Angelica archangelica), Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Dill (Anethum graveolens) and aniseed (Pimpinella anisum). Also very effective are peppermint, ginger and chamomile.

Pain management

1. Circulatory stimulants may be used for pain associated with cancer where blocked blood vessels cause poor circulation and ischaemia.

2. Nervine tonics - when a tumour is exerting pressure on nerves. This is the cause of most of the severe cancer pain.

3. Anti-inflammatory herbs can be used as in any condition where inflammation is a factor in pain including cancer.

Reducing inflammation is also important in maintaining health and reducing the risk and/or growth of cancer. Increased levels of pro-inflammatory markers are associated with the growth and survival of malignant cells. Moderating inflammatory mediators such as Cox 2 and leukotrienes can help decrease cancer spread. Turmeric and Bupleurum will contribute well here. Turmeric is one of nature's best anti-inflammatory agents. It reduces mast cell release of histamine.

Anticoagulant herbs are valid in the herbal treatment of cancer because abnormal blood coagulation is associated with cancer: Ginkgo, turmeric, garlic as well as quercetin, omega 3 essential fatty acids and vitamin E.

Cell proliferant, but in a healthy way, not uncontrolled and progressive as with cancer...Aloe vera, comfrEy (Symphytum officinale) and gotu kola (Centella asiatica) stimulate the healthy formation and growth of normal body cells.

Vulnerary (healing) - needed after surgery. Vulnerary herbs are also used to minimise scarring after herbal removal of skin cancers such as melanoma, basal and squamous cell carcinomas. Again, Aloe gel, comfrey and gotu kola are very successful in creating flat new tissue growth and reducing raised kelloid scars.

Herbs that inhibit angiogenesis (blood vessel formation) - because the development of a blood supply is important to the survival and growth of a tumor:

curcuminoids in turmeric catechins in Green Tea (bovine and shark cartilage, although not herbal treatment, also inhibit angiogenesis)

Thus, there is a huge number of herbs that may be used in the treatment of cancer. Commonsense can tell us to nourish the body with essential nutrients. It tells us to nurture the spirit and emotions and to utilize herbs that have been proven over the millennia, or through modern science, to provide healing properties and fight against cancer.

You can support your body to a natural solution to fighting skin cancer and other cancers with the immense natural chemicals found in plants. They act upon and within the tissues of your body, providing amazing tools for healing that your body needs.

by Moira Elliott, Medical Herbalist

I am a qualified medical herbalist and have studied the use of herbs for the treatment of skin cancer in depth.

My e-book "How to Treat Skin Cancer Naturally" gives you the specific herbs to use for skin cancer.

What you get in this book:

- descriptions of the main skin cancers,
- in depth discussion on biopsy,
- fully referenced and supported by scientific studies
- in depth case studies, including my own personal experience with a family member
- and I outline exactly how some important herbs work to kill skin cancer.
Get my e-book online at

Copyright Moira Elliott 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Benefits of Beets

Growing beetroot in the backyard garden is a must for people who take their health seriously.

It is a rich source of carbohydrates, has no fat, it is a great source of fibre and has built up a reputation throughout Europe that it has anti-carcinogenic properties in the red colouring matter.

It's not common knowledge that the leaves, which are also edible, are a great source of iron and foliate, along with beta-carotene. Studies are being undertaken to substantiate the claims that beetroot increases the uptake of oxygen by as much as 400 per cent. Beetroot is one of the many vegetables with a range of antioxidants which help to fight various diseases.

It can be eaten in a variety of ways either raw, steamed, boiled or baked.

The leaves when freshly picked should be crisp and fresh looking. They make a great addition to salads or you can cook mature leaves and use as one of the five recommended daily serve of fruit and vegetables. Try them in stir fry or cook in a small amount of water for a short time only.

If you are looking to add folic acid or fibre to your diet then this can be found in the roots of beetroot.

Beetroot can be preserved in a variety of ways for later use such as canned, pickled, frozen or stored in a cool dry environment. Alternatively you can keep them stored in a refrigerator for a couple of months by removing all but a couple of inches off the tops and placing them in an unsealed bag.

To preserve beetroot, gently wash off any soil, leaving the skin and roots in place till your ready to prepare for eating. If you intend cooking, leave the skin on along with some of the stalk to prevent the beetroot losing its colour and nutrients.

You can also juice the beetroot and drink it. Beetroot juice is harmless and at the same time, beneficial, because it is high in nitrate content. Use raw beetroot in a juicer; you'll find that the liquid is a stimulating drink and is also benefical to the digestive system.

A further benefit of drinking beetroot juice, according to research done in the UK at the William Harvey Research Institute at Barts and the London School of Medicine, is that drinking 500ml a day can possibly lower blood pressure. This might be a simple way to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, and might also be an additional approach that one could take in the modern day battle against rising blood pressure. It is important that you check with your doctor and take his advice. If you are already being treated for hypertension do not change the course of treatment without consultation with your physician.

Colin Price has been producing fruit, vegetables and flowers in his garden for several years. Find out how you too can be successful by using the information he shares on his website at =>

Beetroot Benefits Stamina and Endurance

Here's some news that's going to set the exercise world back on its ear. The news that the vegetable beetroot benefits a athletes endurance and stamina.

A University of Exeter team has discovered that the nitrates in beetroot juice lead to a reduction in oxygen uptake, this in turn makes working out less tiring so you can exercise longer.

And, the researchers say, the effect is greater than what you get from any other known means, including regular training.

Athletes who need endurance for their sport will be thrilled, but the findings are also welcome news for elderly patients or those dealing with cardiovascular, respiratory or metabolic diseases.

The intriguing research focused on eight male subjects, ranging in age from 19-38, who were given 500 ml of organic beetroot juice a day for 6 days in a row.

They then had to complete a series of tests that involved cycling on an exercise bike. As a control, the subjects were given a placebo of blackcurrant cordial for an additional six consecutive days before having to do the same cycling tests.

When they drank the beetroot juice, subjects could cycle an average of 11.25 minutes. This was 92 seconds longer than when they drank the placebo juice.

This works out to about a 2% reduction in the time it takes to cover a set distance, or being able to add about ten minutes to your regular workout.

When asked to cycle at an easy pace, the subjects were found to use less oxygen after drinking the beetroot juice than with the placebo juice, which means the muscles of the body were able to do the same amount of work, but expend less energy.

The juice might actually help you exercise for as much as 16% longer.

Fitness experts know that you surely improve your fitness level with exercise and have always believed the oxygen uptake of the body remains fixed, meaning that a conditioned athlete and the man on the street would have identical oxygen uptakes at the same intensity of physical activity.

Yet the Exeter team found differing oxygen uptake readings in subjects who drank beetroot juice before exercise.

No one knows how the nitrate in the juice boosts stamina, but the researchers suspect it could be that the nitrate (especially concentrated in juice form) in the juice turns into nitric oxide in the body.

This causes peripheral blood vessels to dilate which improves the oxygen supply to the muscles and impacts how much oxygen is burned up while the body is exercising.

The nitrates can also improve the efficiency of muscle contraction during an exercise session.

What's more, beetroot juice has been shown to lower blood pressure, and when the subjects in this latest study drank the juice they also had lower resting blood pressure readings.

This data supports research from the London School of Medicine and the Peninsula Medical School, appearing in the February 2008 issue of the journal Hypertension that found beetroot juice brought down high blood pressure.

The research is published in the Journal of Applied Physiology. While more work is needed, it's hard to deny the good-for-you benefits of nitrate rich fruits and veggies; these foods might just be the way to a healthy cardiovascular system. Beetroot juice carries nitrates just like some green, leafy veggies you may know like lettuce and spinach, though the juice form is considered especially beneficial to the body.

While beetroot juice isn't something you're likely to see at your local supermarket, you can find it in some health food shops or online sources.

Understand too that the amounts used in the research, 500-ml or just under a pint a day, are quite high, and the "earthy tang" of this nutrient rich juice isn't for everyone.

You might want to start with a small amount, diluted 4:1 with water or try some of the many recipes for combination juices to see what you prefer, and how these beetroot benefits can impacts your workout.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from Daily Health Bulletin and click the link now to discover how beetroot benefits stamina and other nutritional secrets.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Home Remedies for Sinus Relief

Sinus is a common problem these days with many people that leads to various degrees of discomfort that are generally high. The membrane that lines nose and throat, when secrets more mucous than usual, leads to the problem of sinus. Patients of sinus suffer from many intolerable problems that seem almost inevitable. These problems include blockage of nose, sneezing, slight or sometimes high fever, headaches, ache around eyes and cheek bone and running nose. These symptoms can be very irritating and discomforting most of the times.
Taking medicines all the time is not a good habit. It brings momentary relief to the problems but the chemicals contained in it harm the body in the long run. It is always better to trust home made natural methods for bringing relief to this problem. They are instant healers and bring relief for a longer period of time. By following them you could also avoid regular consumption of pain killers and other allopathic medicines.
These are some home remedies to get relief in a short period of time from problems caused by sinus.

Raw vegetable juice works wonderfully for treating sinus. Consuming their juice regularly would bring a great deal of relief. Carrots, cucumbers, beetroot and spinach would be great options.
Vitamin A is considered to be anti-sinus agent. Foods rich in Vitamin A such as, papaya, pumpkin, mango, tomatoes, carrots, curd, egg yolk, leafy vegetables and whole milk must be consumed more often.
Prepare a mixture of 200 grams of ghee and 100 grams of cumin seeds. Consume it regularly for best results.
Boil half a glass of water containing one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds. Consume it regularly about 3-4 cups in a day and be relieved off sinus.
Taking steam regularly does wonders to blockages in nasal passage thus bringing great relief to sinus.
Very cold or oily foods must be avoided at all costs to prevent sinus related discomforts. They tend to trigger those terrible sinus problems.
Inhaling garlic and onion smells bring great relief to sinus patients.
Similarly smelling black cumin seeds by tying it in a small cloth tightly could bring great relief too. Its smell is warm leading to healing of many discomforts of sinus.
Consume steaming hot ginger and cinnamon added tea and ward off discomforts of sinus easily.
Take a glass of lukewarm water. Add a pinch of salt and gargle. Repeat many times to get complete relief.
Consuming foods and especially beverages that are on the hotter side bring a great deal of relief to the sinus patient.

You can read more articles on sinus allergy relief from our site

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Eczema and Diet - A Medicine Magic Diet

I challenge you to eat a medicine magic eczema diet for one month.

A medicine magic eczema diet is one where everything you eat will work on eliminating and curing your eczema. Every foods has a medicinal property.

It's a diet full of foods that will cleanse your body. It's a diet that will work on rebuilding and strengthening your immune system.

It's a diet that will rehydrate your skin so that it looks smooth, rejuvenated and heals super fast.

And finally, it a diet that will leave you feeling energetic, positive and look years younger.

The basis of this diet is that you consume at least three vegetable juices every single day for four weeks.

You also must eat one meal per day that contains only fruits. Eat as many apple, oranges or whatever fruits you like.

Finally you must eat one meal that contains a large helping of raw vegetables, bean sprouts and salad.

Do this for four weeks and you are more likely to experience a dramatic improvement in your health. Your eczema will be transformed and more than likely healed and you will feel amazing.

Ensure all of the following foods are consumed in your eczema diet:

Eczema and Diet - A Medicine Magic Diet

#1 - CARROTS: Use these in your juices and salads. Carrots are super detoxifiers and are excellent for your health. They help cleanse the liver and digestive tract. Carrots help kidney function and kill bacteria and viruses. I found it wonderful for my skin.

#2 - BEAN SPROUTS: Sprouts contain an amazing array of enzymes. They have the propensity to transform your health from so-so to amazing. You must include bean sprouts during your four week challenge.

#3 - BEETROOT: This is an excellent intestinal cleanser. Beetroot is a good blood builder and will detoxify your liver and gall bladder.

#4 - CORN: Use in your salads. Corn is good for eczema. It is an anti-cancer agent and a good food for the brain and nervous system.

Learn more about foods that work like medicines:

If you want to learn more about curing your Eczema fast go to:

Discover the 8 steps to transform your skin with raw foods at:

Carrot Seed Oil and Its Benefits for Skin Care

Carrots have been around the Middle East and throughout Europe for centuries. The Greeks and the Romans were well aware of the medicinal properties of the oil from carrots. Vitamin A and carotene were identified by early alchemists who used a mixture of carrot seed oil, bergamot, and lemon oil to treat a variety of skin and stomach disorders. The oil is harvested from wild carrot seeds using steam distillation. The plant is also the source for carrot oil.

The familiar edible root, which is unmistakably orange, was actually developed by the Dutch during the 17th century. The wild flower that Western's call Queen Anne's lace, which decorates bouquets and fills fields with specs of tiny white flowers, was brought to America by English settlers. The leaves are finely detailed and the flowers appear in tiny cluster with a purple floret in the center.

Carrot seed oil may be the most underrated essential oil in aromatherapy, but there's nothing but wellness surrounding this powerful detoxifier and skin rejuvenator. The soft earthy smell initiates the stress relieving characteristics in the oil, and when the oil is applied to the skin epidermal cells are stimulated, which keeps wrinkles in check. The oil is known for its ability to alleviate skin problems like acne, eczema, psoriasis, ulcers, weeping sores, and boils.

The therapeutic properties of this essential oil are antiseptic, diuretic, carminative, depurative, hepatic, stimulant, vermifuge, and tonic. The oil has a detoxifying effect on the liver so it fights jaundice while cleaning the digestive system as well as all other essential systems in the body.

Carrot seed oil strengthens the mucous membranes, and can help alleviate arthritis, gout, rheumatism, and edema symptoms. This essential oil is well known for revitalizing the skin. Rashes, eczema, and dermatitis are treated with carrot seed oil and the results are well documented.

The oil is an essential ingredient in vapor therapy, which boosts the respiratory system. When the oil is massaged into the skin or diluted in a bath it relieves muscle pain and increases the production of red blood cells. When carrot seed oil is blended with bergamot, juniper, lavender, lemon, lime, cedarwood, geranium, and other citrus and spicy oils the results range from complete body detoxification to relieving fluid retention, which helps anorexia sufferers.

Essential carrot oil is non-toxic, but should be avoided during pregnancy. It's a natural skin toner and tanning agent so it is the perfect anti-aging oil as well as an anti-wrinkle agent. Even though it is not promoted as a "Fountain of Youth," the Romans and Greeks thought it was, and that thought is still in the minds of people around the world.

Michael D. Thompson, an organic perfumer and accredited Master Herbalist, is the founder and director of Florapathics, LLC which manufactures all-natural, organically-derived personal care products that are infused with pure essential oils for aromatherapy.

Visit our aromatherapy blog to read about the benefits and uses of carrot seed oil and many other oils.

Florapathics line of over 90 essential oils is used by professionals and enthusiasts alike. Florapathics gives FREE shipping in the US for all orders. Visit and view our selection over 400 products including artisan-made luxury soy candles, body care, hair care, facial care, and aromatherapy supplies.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Hints and Tips on Nature's Medicine, Vegetables As Medicine - Part Two

In part one we looked at spinach, celery, carrots and beets as vegetables with highly beneficial, almost medicinal, qualities. Here is another four to help you stay healthy.


· Not sure if the highly prized avocado is a vegetable or a fruit? In the final event, does it really matter when the benefits certainly outweigh any doubt as to how they are actually designated?

Excellent for bodybuilding and a weak stomach, avocados are high in vitamin A and B1, potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium and calcium. Said to be helpful in conditions of impotency avocados also assist in cases of malnutrition, constipation, haemorroids, stomach ulcers and insomnia. Israeli mothers wean their babies from the breast by feeding them mashed up avocados.


· Very useful for weak eyes, tuberculosis, gout, obesity, constipation, diabetes, lumbago and skin outbreaks, cabbage covers a multitude of human conditions. A half cup of cabbage finely grated and mixed with a quarter cup of chopped almonds, four tablespoons of sour cream and a tablespoon of vinegar or lemon is a good protection for the body if taken on a regular basis. Cabbage is one of the best protective vegetables due to its high vitamin C content. It also contains vitamin A, potassium, iron, calcium and magnesium.


· Also high in vitamin A as well as C, B1 and B2 asparagus assists in balancing the body's normal water system and is found to be helpful for those suffering from dropsy (an old term for the swelling of soft tissues due to the accumulation of excess water). The active therapeutic principle in asparagus is asparagine, which is also found in the herb Marshmallow and believed to be responsible for correcting temporary kidney malfunctions.


· The lowly pumpkin, thought by some only as a gourd to hollow out for Halloween is, in reality, a vegetable to be revered; it possesses all manner of benefits to human health. The vegetable is rich in minerals and is excellent for the blood where anaemia is present. Pumpkin seeds are a cure for tapeworm and the crushed leaves repel flies (Aussies please note!). In hot countries the seeds are used with acetone to kill the mosquito larvae. Pumpkin is a good body builder and heals delicate stomachs and so is ideal for convalescing invalids. Slices of roast pumpkin make a superb poultice for skin outbreaks such as boils or abscesses. And, if you have never tried pumpkin soup, you are missing a veritable treat!


· Chicory is not as well known or used as the more common vegetables but this does not mean that it may be ignored in the 'vegetables as medicine' stakes - far from it! To begin with the chicory's leaves and flowers are said to be beneficial in cases of infertility. A good remedy also for disorders of the liver and jaundice. Also an excellent tonic where nervous problems and loss of appetite occur. The chicory roots can be boiled, as can the older leaves, whilst the fresh leaves and flowers can be eaten raw.

Just four more of our common-or-garden vegetables that may be considered natural medicine from Nature.

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Benefits of Medicinal Herbal Remedies

Centuries ago different kinds of natural herbs are recognize for having amazing medicinal properties. The reason behind that is that herbal remedies are considered centuries old form of healthcare, but today they are gaining popularity as most effective and safe way to curing modern diseases.

A lot of herbs are proven to cure certain illnesses and are often prepared to become herbal medicines in the form of extracts, teas, oils, ointments and tablets. The advantage of these natural herbal remedies is that they have little or no side effects, therefore are safe for use by almost anyone. Natural herbal remedies has plenty of medicinal benefits which includes the following:

- Controlling blood sugar levels: Garlic, blueberry leaves, Indian Kino, onions, ginkgo biloba, bitter melon and goat's rue are some of the natural herbs that are amazing for their effective control of our blood sugar levels. These natural herbal supplements have the power to increase insulin discharge that will help manage blood sugar levels in the body.

- Allergies: It is possible that the allergy you suffer is as result of dust mites and pollens, and the best way to stop it is with herbs like astralagus, butterbur, or even nettle ephedra. These are natural anti-histamines and already have anti-inflammatory properties and are good sources of anti-oxidants.

- Natural Detoxification: There are herbal medicines that are great in naturally detoxifying the body. These medicines usually contain one of these herbs: Carrot concentrate, Plantgo Psyllium seed, Garlic and Aloe Vera. As a result of these natural herbal remedies, the dirty colon is properly cleansed, which helps digestion and healthy immune systems that functions properly. Digestive disorders like peptic ulcers, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome can be cured by these herbs.

- Blood Circulation Problems: Herbs like garlic, ginger, ginkgo biloba, hawthorn and capsicum are effective treatments to blood pressure, varicose ulcers, angina and varicose veins. Hawthorn can lower the blood pressure and improves the strength of the heart while garlic can reduce cholesterol levels.

- Obesity and Other Weight Problems: Herbal remedies are also used to treat obesity through weight loss. Natural herbs that are good in weight loss comes in many different classes, like appetite suppressants, diuretic, cathartics and stimulants. Some of the other herbs used are senna, hawthorn, flax seed and burdock root. Losing weight is often the key to improving one's health.

Unlike herbal medicine, prescription and over the counter drugs have side effects that the doctor sometimes may fail to inform the patient about. As a matter of fact, studies have shown that hundreds of thousands of patients die each year because of the side effects associated with some of the Rx medicines. A lot of pharmaceutical medicines have adverse effect that can be dangerous to our body because they are full of toxic properties and unwanted chemicals. This is one of many examples why many physicians are prescribing alternative cure like natural herbal remedies and medications.

Ben Paul is natural herbs enthusiast who have written extensively about healthy vitamins and herbal supplements. If you want to know more about the affects of good vitamins and herbal supplements that most people can't get enough of, => click here to learn more:

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Beet Root Juice As Alternative Health Medicine

There has been a search for alternative health medicine and there has revealed many amazing findings.   Beet root juice is now one of the alternative health medicine. 

A study has found that by consuming or drinking the juice, it is becoming a way to maintain a healthy cardio system and has also become one of the ways that we could use as a fight against high blood pressure. 


It is a plant in the beet root family and is also known for its healing properties.  It is rich in carbohydrates, high in iron, calcium, phosphorous and potassium.  It does not contains fat, has very few calories and a good source of fibre. 


In addition, it is also known for its herbal medicinal power, which is why it is now used as an alternative health medicine.   It is high in vitamin B which is good for anemia patients.  It is also good natural alternative natural cure for cancer.  Making it s a juice, it has also many health benefits as it contains a good source of soluble and insoluble fibre that will help to keep the intestinal track running smoothly and keep our sugar level and cholesterol level in control.   It contains high potassium which is good  in regulating our heartbeat and keeping blood pressure at normal rate. 


A study reveals that the beet root also contains dietary nitrate that has been found in green and leafy vegetables which effectively help reduce blood pressure.   It also act as an antioxidant due to its vitamin content.  A healthy person who consume beet root juice is able to reduce the blood pressure within 1 hour of taking the drink. 


This wonder plant  has one of the highest sugar content of any vegetable  makes it one of the most delicious juices with a vibrant red and gives a rich refreshing taste.  Even though it has a firm texture, the beet root can be juiced raw and goes well with citrus fruits.  You can also blend with other vegetables like carrot or celery to make for another great alternative health medicine as beet root juice. 

Laura Lin offers informative knowledge on healing in the natural and healthy way to help to fight our journey against cancer. Visit Laura's website Miracle Cancer Treatment [] for useful tips and knowledge on your cure for cancer. Click Here []

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why Are Holistic Medicines Not Approved By The Food And Drug Administration

Basically, we need to understand what the difficulties are of getting non conventional therapies of any sort approved by the FDA in the United States. Below I have given some explanations why I believe this is the case.

The entire medical establishment alongside government agencies believe that only pharmaceutical drugs can cure a disease. Any form of alternative cure or therapy is as a result treated with disdain. Therefore, it is difficult for Holistic medical practitioners to overcome these prejudicial hurdles in order to prove their effectiveness as a healing method.

Drug companies, which fund many of the studies for new drugs, have little or no interest in pursuing alternative treatments and cures. Since they are generally are inexpensive and cannot be PATENTED. Drug companies are in the business of making money with a drug that can be patented. You can not patent anything that exists in nature. You cannot for instance patent carrot or wheatgrass juice. There is no money to be made from spending millions of dollars on research to show that vitamin C helps to fight cancer, since anyone can buy the substance at the local drugstore.

The main criticism that the medical establishment has of holistic medical treatments is a lack of traditional scientific testing and documentation. One reason for the absence of mainstream research on alternative treatments is that the funding institutions that provide the money for cancer research for instance do not support research into alternative cancer therapies.

This situation creates a double bind for Holistic medical therapies: they are criticized for not having adequate research to document their effectiveness, yet funding is not made available for such studies.

The conventional medicine experimental approach calls for checking one substance at a time, and this approach leads to a search for a "magic bullet" that would be the cure for a particular disease. However, the very nature of this traditional research methodology ignores the multidimensional nature of the disease. What is needed is new ways to evaluate the effectiveness of Holistic medicines.

Diseases such as cancer and high blood pressure are multidimensional by nature. It is nearly impossible to study the effects of diet, therapeutic agents, and other influences in the conventional research framework. Investigating several variables calls for dozens of experiments and would require impossible amounts of research funding.

Another reason why there is lack of research into Holistic medical therapies for example is that many of those therapies are offered as part of an integrated program. For example, the National Cancer Institute's laetrile (Vitamin B-17) study produced negative results. However, proponents of laetrile point out that the NCI study ignored diet, nutritional supplements, water and other substances that are synergistically involved in producing laetrile's beneficial effects.

It is almost impossible to design a double-blind study to find out whether combinations of those different elements: colon cleanse, kidney cleanse, liver/gallbladder cleanse, dietary supplements, exercise, meditation, exercise, massage, acupuncture, oxygen therapy, juicing, love, support, etc, really cures cancer because double-blind studies are designed only to determine whether one or few therapies work. The lack of concise science in the approach of holistic medicines and the multidimensional characteristics of the diseases and the therapies at work makes it difficult to be clear which therapies are effective.

In a world where logic reigns supreme it is difficult to explain a therapy or treatment that has no logical explanation. For example antibiotics are designed to kill bacteria both good and bad in the body. Garlic kills bad bacteria but allows good bacteria to flourish! How do you explain that. Many alternative therapies cannot be easily explained with logic, they however do have intuitive appeal.

The one size fits all approach of conventional medicine is designed to provide a solution to a particular symptom regardless of the underlying causes. Holistic medicines however, are often individually suited for every single patient. The many patients you have, that's how many therapies you are going to get. What caused the symptoms of one person may be entirely different to what caused it for another. Just like the cancer diet. You have as many individual diets as you have individuals. They can not be evaluated as one single therapy.

Holistic therapies take a WHOLISTIC APPROACH. It takes the workings of the mind, body, and spirit together. We still do not have a science to evaluate this. In other words, most natural programs for curing cancer can not be proven effective by the same means as conventional therapies. Breaking programs in separate pieces and evaluating every single piece individually rarely yields positive results.

Normally, it takes the FDA about 10 years and cost up to $250 million for a new cancer drug takes to be approved. Many drugs are well researched and marketed in other countries, but remain unapproved by the FDA in the U.S. This sadly is also true for a number of the alternative natural therapies.

Bolaji Alli is the founder and CEO of Holistic Miracles, an international organisation committed to empowering the physical well being of humanity. He has spent the last twenty years researching into various areas of alternative healing methods such as herbalism, nutrition, acupuncture etc. He is also a distributor for Nature Sunshine products.

His website and be contacted at